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New Lockdown

Blind Squirrel

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Maybe a Government of National Unity then, if this goes on a lot longer and elections cannot be held.  Happened during the 2 WW's and the Depression I think

In case you hadn't noticed most of the business experience has left the Nats, and talking about grandpa's and grandma's, the Nats are led by them, so they should be thanking her then

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46 minutes ago, Hesi said:

Maybe a Government of National Unity then, if this goes on a lot longer and elections cannot be held.  Happened during the 2 WW's and the Depression I think

In case you hadn't noticed most of the business experience has left the Nats, and talking about grandpa's and grandma's, the Nats are led by them, so they should be thanking her then

Even with the supposed loss of business experience they still have more than this Government.

When you have a complete cretin like Phil Twyford in important roles you know the talent pool is as shallow as a puddle in a supermarket carpark on a summer's day.

And don't get me started on the Tourism Minister.

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58 minutes ago, barryb said:


OMFG really, probably an element of truth to it though when one of the original infected group was away from work for 9 days before undertaking a test, either they are thick or the employer is shit as well. If you were an employer wouldn't you be insisting on a test long before 9 days?.

Auckland-based Cook Islands GP tested positive, who has many patients in the Cook Islands community. One News reported his practice was close to the Americold cool store at the centre of the outbreak, and the Herald says one other worker at the GP practice is also believed to have tested positive.

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I think the main point here is how do you stop the Virus getting here in the first place. Answer. You cant. So when these dunderheads realise this we may see a long term plan by them , or a revolt by the general populace.  The borders can be shut down to travellers but not  freight ,and lock down after lock down is a temp measure and will screw NZ in the long run.  Covid or whatever it is is here to stay.

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Peters may have been right.

NEWS FLASH - It seems our government isn’t being overly truthful with us.
We can report that the outbreak in Auckland is being investigated by both the Police and the Department of Corrections.
We have been informed that the 20 something daughter of the South Auckland family concerned, allegedly visited her boyfriend (or associate) who was in quarantine having recently been deported from Australia for criminal behavior. The boyfriend has Covid-19 and has passed this onto the daughter via their meeting which is believed to have taken place at an Auckland quarantine site.
The daughter, who is currently unemployed and well known to Police, was given a substantial amount of cash by this person. It is this cash that funded their travels around the North Island, particularly Rotorua with her young child. The pair stayed at the expensive Wai Ora Lake Resort and splurged cash on many other luxuries normally outside of the means of the family.
This is the quarantine breach that Winston Peters reported to Australian press.
Police are currently working with the Department of Corrections to try and map the daughters movements. She is apparently well known to both government agencies and is not necessarily cooperating with investigations.
The media is aware of the story

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1 hour ago, barryb said:

That story is bullshit isnt it?  its been circulating for a while now.

No one has published it have they?.

Could be. If it were true, I magine it would have been addressed at the media conferences yesterday or certainly today. Fake news?

Good story though.



Edited by curious
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1 hour ago, LookingForValue said:

Got this from a reliable source "Genome sequencing has indicated the resurgence has come from a new variant of the virus unseen in NZ before"

That was stated at yesterday's media briefing though some samples can't be tested because they contain no DNA material.


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44 minutes ago, Hesi said:

I like it Barry.  

Bad luck with your horse yesterday.  Reading what Pam had to say, looks like you are going to have to place the horse well to get more wins

Get rid of that f***ing icon. Don't we see enough of her every day?

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10 hours ago, barryb said:

Yes she needs mud to be competitive against that type of field.

I did think Tina rode below her usual standard across all her rides yesterday.

Tina started $3.80 Fav. In the Top Jock comp. and looked to have a good book.I personally gave away this bet a while back as I never got it right.

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On 8/16/2020 at 8:05 AM, mardigras said:

Stop it Jacinda!

Stop It Jacinda

Just to add a bit of balance to the cacophony of cries and laments, that even the younger brigade are being turned off by, and shutting down social media accounts
Managing Covid, is a huge logistical undertaking, with the book having to be written as we go along, so much is unknown about the virus
Many mistakes have been made and lots of things could have been done better.  One I heard today, they should have made the southern border at the top of the Bombay Hills, so all the market gardens around Pukekohe had free access to Auckland markets....good thought
But by comparison to almost everywhere else in the world, and many of those are advanced countries with far greater resources than us, we have done pretty well.  Look at how badly, that bastion of western democracy and technology, the USA, has cocked it up
And all this in a climate of social media bile, fake news, conspiracy theorists, manufactured rumours, people with their own agendas that claim Covid is a myth, even the anti vac brigade are having a go, intense scrutiny of every move by 'experts', who quite frankly wouldn't have a clue, and the magnum opus, a buffoon who charades as President of the USA.
All in the name of free speech
Add to this potential legal challenges, about the legitmacy of any move
And the crackpots, that unlike Covid is doing in NZ, seem to increase exponentially every day

Every mistake, no matter how small being pounced upon by some journo trying to make a name for themselves
How many people would have just said stick it, yet in general, all those handling it, have remain calm and reasoned

And finally a sense of reason, and in terms of 'business', you don't get much bigger than this guy

Cabinet's review comes as one of the big guns called in to review and fix the border patrol response, Sir Brian Roche, said he felt New Zealanders may have lost a sense of perspective on how well the country had responded to Covid over the past months.

"We are the envy of the world. We seem to want to beat ourselves up for every infringement, and as a citizen I find that surprising," Roche told Newstalk ZB's Mike Hosking.

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53 minutes ago, Hesi said:

I think this was the one that pissed me off the most.  People attacking the strategy, claiming the suicide rate would go up.

NZ'ers are a lot more resilient than that.


Indeed. Not that our suicide stats are great but that's near a 7% year on year drop.


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