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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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Round 14 (Final) - Saturday June 13

Race 4 - Rosehill R4

1st - 1 Wu Gok W-$3.80  

2nd - 3 Carzoff Q-$11.00  

Scr: 8


0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 289.20 

4 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 532.60

Blind Squirrel claims Howie !

70.00 Zac 

176.00 Jack

32.00 Rex

102.00 Steve P

38.00 Craig

92.00 Pete

56.60 Ashoka

56.60 Hesi

92.60 Howie

106.00 Blind Squirrel


2 MAXIMILLIONS* (1st) 200.60 

2 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (7th) 142.00

Max pulls ahead of Pam.

38.00 Max 

0.00 Pam

70.00 Heather

72.00 Gordy

0.00 Rob

0.00 Jen

92.60 Graeme 

0.00 Gee

0.00 Georgy Boy

70.00 Roland


0 HALL OF FAME (6th) 280.00 

5 FIVE-OH (2nd) 764.80

32.00 Ian

225.40 John

38.00 Midnight C

151.40 Virgil

32.00 Stevie N

119.40 Moose

32.00 Robert

92.60 Punter Pete

32.00 Jamison

100.00 The Crucible


2 THE TIGERS (8th) 310.00

3 COVID-Y (5th) 498.00
Maurice passes Gary.

70.00 Tom 

38.00 Ziggy

0.00 Jill

119.40 Rocky

108.00 Maurice 

106.00 Gary

100.00 Sharne

178.00 Porky

32.00 PJ

56.60 Ray

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Round 14 (Final) - Saturday June 13

Race 5 - Eagle Farm R4

1st - 7 Smart 'n' Sexy W-$5.60  

2nd - 10 One Shy Ruby Q-$26.20  

Scr: nil


0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 457.20 

4 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 924.60

Zac, Craig and Ashoka for MTF as all 5 of The James Gang reply with BBs for Blind Squirrel and Pete. No change overall. Jack is 5-for-5.

126.00 Zac 

232.00 Jack

32.00 Rex

158.00 Steve P

94.00 Craig

204.00 Pete

112.60 Ashoka

112.60 Hesi

92.60 Howie

218.00 Blind Squirrel


3 MAXIMILLIONS* (1st) 256.60 

1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (7th) 198.00

Quiet match sees Roland grab another winner for his side while Heather goes back-to-back and nails Gordy to put Maximillions back ahead.

38.00 Max 

0.00 Pam

126.00 Heather

72.00 Gordy

0.00 Rob

0.00 Jen

92.60 Graeme 

0.00 Gee

0.00 Georgy Boy

126.00 Roland


0 HALL OF FAME (6th) 560.00 

5 FIVE-OH (2nd) 932.80

All bar Jamison and Five-Oh duo John and Punter Pete on the Fradd winner with Ian bagging a BB. No change overall.

182.00 Ian

225.40 John

94.00 Midnight C

207.40 Virgil

126.00 Stevie N

175.40 Moose

88.00 Robert

168.60 Punter Pete

70.00 Jamison

156.00 The Crucible


2 THE TIGERS (8th) 423.00

3 COVID-Y (5th) 648.00
Jill and Maurice on target for The Tigers as Rocky and Ray reply for Covid-Y. No change overall.

70.00 Tom 

38.00 Ziggy

56.00 Jill

175.40 Rocky

164.00 Maurice 

106.00 Gary

100.00 Sharne

178.00 Porky

32.00 PJ

112.60 Ray

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Maximillions can increase their lead with Another Dollar and are helped by Brimham Rocks & Savacool

Roland's Roughnecks can pull one back with Fighting Teo and draw level with Le Juge or Black On Gold and take the lead with A Man To Match or Red Stina

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Round 14 (Final) - Saturday June 13

Race 6 - Eagle Farm R5

1st - 4 Brimham Rocks W-$4.90  

2nd - 11 Savacool Q-$13.60  

Scr: 2,9


0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 555.20 

5 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 1147.80

Craig with a BB on his own for MTF as all The James Gang bar Jack reply with Hesi adding the quinella to finally pull clear of Ashoka and extend his side's lead to 5-zip. A Finals berth beckons !

126.00 Zac 

232.00 Jack

32.00 Rex

207.00 Steve P

192.00 Craig

253.00 Pete

112.60 Ashoka

188.80 Hesi

92.60 Howie

267.00 Blind Squirrel


3 MAXIMILLIONS* (1st) 452.60 

1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (7th) 247.00

Roland goes back-to-back for The Roughnecks as Graeme (with a BB), Max and Georgy add to the Maximillions' aggregate. No change.

87.00 Max 

0.00 Pam

126.00 Heather

72.00 Gordy

0.00 Rob

0.00 Jen

190.60 Graeme 

0.00 Gee

49.00 Georgy Boy

175.00 Roland


0 HALL OF FAME (6th) 658.00 

5 FIVE-OH (2nd) 1079.80

Stevie and Leroy on the Waller winner for HOF as John, Virgil & Moose reply for Five-Oh. No change overall.

182.00 Ian

274.40 John

143.00 Midnight C

256.40 Virgil

175.00 Stevie N

224.40 Moose

88.00 Robert

168.60 Punter Pete

70.00 Jamison

156.00 The Crucible


2 THE TIGERS (8th) 521.00

3 COVID-Y (5th) 697.00
Jill and PJ on target for The Tigers as Ray replies on his own for Covid-Y. No change overall.

70.00 Tom 

38.00 Ziggy

105.00 Jill

175.40 Rocky

164.00 Maurice 

106.00 Gary

100.00 Sharne

178.00 Porky

81.00 PJ

161.60 Ray

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The Tigers can take the lead with Brave Song, Scallopini, Chapter and Verse (must pay $7.10+ or Scallopini complete the Q) while Tarzan helps

Covid-Y can go further ahead with Grey Shadow, Emerald Kingdom or Boomtown Lass (must pay $5.90+ or Brave Song complete the Q)

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Hall of Fame can pull one back with Brave Song (must pay $5.00+ or Grey Shadow complete the Q) or Scallopini (must pay $5.70+ or Chapter and Verse complete the Q), Chapter and Verse while Grey Shadow helps

Five-Oh helped by Right Or Wrong, Boomtown Lass or Emerald Kingdom

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Much Too Fast pull one back with Chapter and Verse or Grey Shadow (must pay $6.20+ or Brave Song complete the Q) while Scallopini or Boomtown Lass help

The James Gang helped by Brave Song, Right Or Wrong, Emerald Kingdom or Tarzan 

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Maximillions go further ahead with Bandipur while Scallopini, Boomtown Lass or Right or Wrong help

Roland's Roughnecks can pull (at least) one back with Tarzan, Emerald Kingdom or Grey Shadow while Chapter And Verse helps

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Round 14 (Final) - Saturday June 13

Race 7 - Eagle Farm R6

1st - 11 In Good Time W-$59.00 (no one tipped this)  

2nd - 3 Bandipur Q-$13.60  

Scr: 6


0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 555.20 

5 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 1147.80


126.00 Zac 

232.00 Jack

32.00 Rex

207.00 Steve P

192.00 Craig

253.00 Pete

112.60 Ashoka

188.80 Hesi

92.60 Howie

267.00 Blind Squirrel


3 MAXIMILLIONS* (1st) 452.60 

1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (7th) 247.00

87.00 Max 

0.00 Pam

126.00 Heather

72.00 Gordy

0.00 Rob

0.00 Jen

190.60 Graeme 

0.00 Gee

49.00 Georgy Boy

175.00 Roland


0 HALL OF FAME (6th) 658.00 

5 FIVE-OH (2nd) 1079.80

182.00 Ian

274.40 John

143.00 Midnight C

256.40 Virgil

175.00 Stevie N

224.40 Moose

88.00 Robert

168.60 Punter Pete

70.00 Jamison

156.00 The Crucible


2 THE TIGERS (8th) 521.00

3 COVID-Y (5th) 697.00
70.00 Tom 

38.00 Ziggy

105.00 Jill

175.40 Rocky

164.00 Maurice 

106.00 Gary

100.00 Sharne

178.00 Porky

81.00 PJ

161.60 Ray

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Much Too Fast can pull one back with Cellarmaid, Dee Day Diva, California Salto or Florent (must pay $10.70 or Vanna Girl complete the Q) while Vanna Girl or Celestial Falls help

The James Gang (smiling)

  • Haha 3
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Maximillions can extend their lead with Shuhood while Vanna Girl or Miss Penfold help

Roland's Roughnecks draw level with Miss Cavallo or Sky Horse (must pay $5.50+ or Miss Cavallo complete the Q) and take the lead with California Salto while Florent or Celestial Falls help

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Round 14 (Final) - Saturday June 13

Race 8 - Eagle Farm R7

1st - 2 Vanna Girl W-$2.10  

2nd - 5 Cellarmaid Q-$28.40  

Scr: 15


0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 639.20 

5 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 1210.80

Howie (with a BB), Craig and Zac for MTF while Pete, Hesi and Jack reply for The Gang. No change overall.

147.00 Zac 

253.00 Jack

32.00 Rex

207.00 Steve P

213.00 Craig

274.00 Pete

112.60 Ashoka

209.80 Hesi

134.60 Howie

267.00 Blind Squirrel


3 MAXIMILLIONS* (1st) 494.60 

1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (7th) 247.00

Roland's Roughnecks all miss as Heather and Georgy add to the Maxis' aggregate.

87.00 Max 

0.00 Pam

147.00 Heather

72.00 Gordy

0.00 Rob

0.00 Jen

190.60 Graeme 

0.00 Gee

70.00 Georgy Boy

175.00 Roland


0 HALL OF FAME (6th) 763.00 

5 FIVE-OH (2nd) 1121.80

Virgil and John on the winning fave for Five-Oh while all 5 HOFers reply. No change.

203.00 Ian

295.40 John

164.00 Midnight C

277.40 Virgil

196.00 Stevie N

224.40 Moose

109.00 Robert

168.60 Punter Pete

91.00 Jamison

156.00 The Crucible


2 THE TIGERS (8th) 584.00

3 COVID-Y (5th) 802.00
Sharne, Maurice and PJ on the Edmonds winner for The Tigers while Rocky and Ray bag BBs for Covid-Y for whom Gary also scored. No change overall.

70.00 Tom 

38.00 Ziggy

105.00 Jill

217.40 Rocky

185.00 Maurice 

127.00 Gary

121.00 Sharne

178.00 Porky

102.00 PJ

203.60 Ray

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Much Too Fast can pull one back with Best of Days (must pay $9.80+ or Delectation Girl complete the Q), Silvera, Victory Eight, La Pulga, Delectation Girl or Gaulois

The James Gang helped by Military Zone

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