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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 3 - Eagle Farm R3

1st - 5 Plenty W-$8.20  

2nd - 7 Totally Charmed Q-$15.50  

Scr: 6,10,12,13,15,17


2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 380.00 

1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 252.60

The runner-up would have drawn Five-Oh level via TC but everyone missed the Bayliss bolter.

0.00 Zac

157.60 Virgil

190.00 Howie 

0.00 Punter Pete

95.00 Ashoka

95.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

0.00 Moose

95.00 Rex

0.00 John


2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 518.00

3 HALL OF FAME (5th) 285.00

Hall of Fame draw a blank as all the Maxis bar Graeme nail the Sunshine Coast visitor but no change overall. 

0.00 Graeme 

95.00 Ian

177.00 Heather

0.00 Jamison

177.00 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

82.00 Georgy Boy

95.00 Stevie N

82.00 Max

95.00 Midnight C


2 COVID-Y (6th) 322.00

1 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 385.00

Covid-Y all miss as Blind Squirrel (with the quinella) and Jack on target for The James Gang. No change overall.

0.00 Gary

0.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

0.00 Pete

66.00 Rocky

208.00 Blind Squirrel

95.00 Porky 

95.00 Steve P

95.00 Ray

82.00 Jack


2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 161.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 602.00
The Tigers all miss as Gordy builds a big lead over Jill. No change.

95.00 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

0.00 PJ 

161.00 Jen

0.00 Jill 

309.00 Gordy

66.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

0.00 Sharne 

132.00 Gee

* Joker play

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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 4 - Randwick R4

1st - 10 Terwilliker W-$12.50  

2nd - 6 Elaborate Q-$54.30  

Scr: 1,4,9


2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 505.00 

1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 377.60

Zac for Much Too Fast and Punter Pete for Five-Oh on the Berry bolter as they begin their respective chases after Virgil and Howie. No change overall.

125.00 Zac

157.60 Virgil

190.00 Howie 

125.00 Punter Pete

95.00 Ashoka

95.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

0.00 Moose

95.00 Rex

0.00 John


3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 643.00

2 HALL OF FAME (5th) 285.00

Hall of Fame draw a blank again as Max nails Leroy with the Cummings winner to put the Maxis ahead. 

0.00 Graeme 

95.00 Ian

177.00 Heather

0.00 Jamison

177.00 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

82.00 Georgy Boy

95.00 Stevie N

207.00 Max

95.00 Midnight C


2 COVID-Y (6th) 322.00

1 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 385.00

Elaborate would have put Covid-Y further ahead but no one found the Pierro winner.

0.00 Gary

0.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

0.00 Pete

66.00 Rocky

208.00 Blind Squirrel

95.00 Porky 

95.00 Steve P

95.00 Ray

82.00 Jack


2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 161.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 602.00
Nothing, nada, zilch.....

95.00 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

0.00 PJ 

161.00 Jen

0.00 Jill 

309.00 Gordy

66.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

0.00 Sharne 

132.00 Gee

* Joker play

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In the next:

Maximillions go further ahead with Burning Crown while Catesby or Monte Ditto help

Hall of Fame grab the lead with Oakfield Twilight while Tony's Reward, Charretera or Up Trumpz help

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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 5 - Randwick R5

1st - 3 Oakfield Twilight W-$13.30  

2nd - 11 Monte Ditto Q-$37.10  

Scr: 2,4,8


2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 505.00 

1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 377.60

Monte Ditto would have extended Much Too Fast's lead via Ashoka but no one found the Wyong wuffie.

125.00 Zac

157.60 Virgil

190.00 Howie 

125.00 Punter Pete

95.00 Ashoka

95.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

0.00 Moose

95.00 Rex

0.00 John


2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 850.20

3 HALL OF FAME (5th) 418.00

Rob snags nice quinella for Maximillions to pour the pain on Junior but Leroy nails the Williams wuffie to down Max and put Hall of Fame back ahead. 

0.00 Graeme 

95.00 Ian

177.00 Heather

0.00 Jamison

384.20 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

82.00 Georgy Boy

95.00 Stevie N

207.00 Max

228.00 Midnight C


3 COVID-Y (6th) 455.00

1 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 385.00

The James Gang all miss as Porky's pick wins it just over his opponent Steve's Monte Ditto to extend Covid-Y's advantage.

0.00 Gary

0.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

0.00 Pete

66.00 Rocky

208.00 Blind Squirrel

228.00 Porky 

95.00 Steve P

95.00 Ray

82.00 Jack


2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 294.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 868.00
Jill lands the Lane longshot to set off after Gordy but Gee and Jen pour on the pain for Sharne and PJ. No change overall. Looks like a bad decision to play the Joker.....

95.00 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

0.00 PJ 

294.00 Jen

133.00 Jill 

309.00 Gordy

66.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

0.00 Sharne 

265.00 Gee

* Joker play

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In the next:

The Tigers can take the lead with Magic Beans while Navy Cross or Ballistic Boy help

Roland's Roughnecks  go further ahead with Mishani Secret (must pay $9.60+ or Marokopa complete the Q), Man of Sinn or Marakopa while Empire Games, Steel Pier or Smart Meteor help

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2 minutes ago, PWJ said:

2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 294.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 868.00

 Looks like a bad decision to play the Joker.....


I think the day you chose was the correct one .......... just unfortunate that both Jen and Gee have fired-up on the this same day, after a recent run of outs. I guess that's when they're at their most dangerous.
Many teams would have made the same call ...and gotten away with it.
And it's not all over yet. I'm sure there are some juicy prices awaiting at Eagle Farm.

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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 6 - Eagle Farm R6

1st - 1 Ballistic Boy W-$2.40  

2nd - 3 Supergiant Q-$4.90  

Scr: nil


2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 601.00 

3 FIVE-OH (2nd) 497.60

All bar Punter Pete and MTF duo Craig and Zac on the winning fave with Rex and TC adding BBs. Moose has pulled clear of Craig and TC has done likewise to Ashoka to hand Five-Oh the lead for the first time today.

125.00 Zac

181.60 Virgil

214.00 Howie 

125.00 Punter Pete

119.00 Ashoka

143.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

24.00 Moose

143.00 Rex

24.00 John


3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 932.00

2 HALL OF FAME (5th) 509.60

Jamison and Leroy with quinellas plus Ian on the winner for Hall of Fame while Georgy (also with the Q), Max and Heather reply for Maximillions. Georgy Boy has nailed Stevie to put the Maxis back ahead. 

0.00 Graeme 

119.00 Ian

201.00 Heather

33.80 Jamison

384.20 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

115.80 Georgy Boy

95.00 Stevie N

231.00 Max

261.80 Midnight C


2 COVID-Y (6th) 536.80

3 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 538.80

The winning fave tipped by all except Covid-Y pair Ziggy and Gary with Jack adding a BB and quinellas for Rocky and Pete. Hesi has pulled ahead of Gary and Jack has nailed Ray to put The James Gang in front for the first time today.

0.00 Gary

24.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

33.80 Pete

99.80 Rocky

232.00 Blind Squirrel

252.00 Porky 

119.00 Steve P

119.00 Ray

130.00 Jack


2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 399.80 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 901.80
Gordy snags a quinella for The Roughnecks as all The Tigers reply bar Jill with Maurice also adding the quinella. No change overall.

128.80 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

24.00 PJ 

294.00 Jen

133.00 Jill 

342.80 Gordy

90.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

24.00 Sharne 

265.00 Gee

* Joker play

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In the next:

The Tigers helped by Rothfire, Not An Option, Macroura or Tick Tick Boom

Roland's Roughnecks go further ahead with Spokesman, Saffiano or Thunder Mania while Wisdom of Water, Wild Ruler, or The Drinks Cart help

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