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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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Sir Gallivant(Rex)

Message from his son Daniel

Dad had a Angina attack today ……. sorry he let u guys down ….. and hopes this was a good day without him …… he is ok now but will be monitered and if ok will be home tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks Daniel (son) please let others know.

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8 hours ago, Hesi said:

Sir Gallivant(Rex)

Message from his son Daniel

Dad had a Angina attack today ……. sorry he let u guys down ….. and hopes this was a good day without him …… he is ok now but will be monitered and if ok will be home tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks Daniel (son) please let others know.

We've messaged back to Daniel asking him to please pass on our best wishes to his Dad for a full and speedy recovery, and that he's not to ever worry about letting anyone down as we have systems in place. And to pass on that while those systems work we of course have a much better comp when our enthusiastic friend Rex is with us, and to that end we look foward to having Rex back as soon as he is able to. A vital member of MTF.

We'll ask my brother and longtime participant, Geoff, if he'll be kind enough to be on 'stand-by' only, for each of our remaining MTF weeks in the comp, to put Rex's mind at ease in case Rex is unwell any Saturday.

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I have a query that I've thought about from time-to-time but never gotten around to bringing up, and a Sunday quiet time might be a good time to do that.

My query is around if one is a Team Captain and posts just prior to comp start time with a selection for an absent team-member on the basis of selecting for the first race to start with, and then the rest of the selections to follow after R1 if the absent team-member still hasn't arrived.

My  belief is that the first race MUST be nominated a Best Bet race in that situation. That the Captain can't "hold off" and go with 2 Best Bet races in the remaining 9 races when posting again after Race 1.

So that is what I have always done. Made the 1st race a Best Bet race, even if I've got no desire to have that 1st  race as a Best Bet race.

After all, when we post our own selections for ourselves in the customary manner, we can't "hold off" posting our BB races on the basis that we will advise as the afternoon progresses. That would be a logistical nightmare and near impossibility for the organiser/scorer to cope with anyway.

Am I overthinking things ? 🙂

I'll be out of action now for a few hours, but will be interested to see what people think when I check back in later in the afternoon.


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15 hours ago, Hesi said:

DOUBLE R(Robert)

In view of the concern about Robert, I have sent an email to his private email address, to see if he is okay


No response yet, but Rees has rung Alexandra Park where Robert runs the Hall of Fame Museum and left a message, enquiring after Robert

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1 hour ago, Hesi said:

No response yet, but Rees has rung Alexandra Park where Robert runs the Hall of Fame Museum and left a message, enquiring after Robert

I have also sent emails to various divisions of Alex Park asking about him. Cant seem to find a Tel no in Auckland in the Directory's, so he is probably not listed.

If anyone else out there knows of him or has some means of contacting him, it would be greatly appreciated.

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7 hours ago, TooFast said:

I have a query that I've thought about from time-to-time but never gotten around to bringing up, and a Sunday quiet time might be a good time to do that.

My query is around if one is a Team Captain and posts just prior to comp start time with a selection for an absent team-member on the basis of selecting for the first race to start with, and then the rest of the selections to follow after R1 if the absent team-member still hasn't arrived.

My  belief is that the first race MUST be nominated a Best Bet race in that situation. That the Captain can't "hold off" and go with 2 Best Bet races in the remaining 9 races when posting again after Race 1.

So that is what I have always done. Made the 1st race a Best Bet race, even if I've got no desire to have that 1st  race as a Best Bet race.

After all, when we post our own selections for ourselves in the customary manner, we can't "hold off" posting our BB races on the basis that we will advise as the afternoon progresses. That would be a logistical nightmare and near impossibility for the organiser/scorer to cope with anyway.

Am I overthinking things ? 🙂

I'll be out of action now for a few hours, but will be interested to see what people think when I check back in later in the afternoon.


In all fairness to the competition, I think we should have a close off time 15 mins prior to race one.

It would give captains 15 minutes to post replacement picks without worrying whether they'll nullify a late poster's picks (as per the rules) and It takes away any advantage one may gain from watching the first race (if any). I'm sure P.J. would appreciate the extra 15 minutes to prepare as well.    

Having said all that, I would have done exactly as you did yesterday Howie. Give the player as much time as they can to post their own picks, post for race 1 only and then wait as long as possible to post the rest. 

As an aside, and I've posted this before, I hate losing to replacement picks. I'm pretty sure they've been my most formidable opponent. 😒


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Jamison spotted at the footy on the weekend 

Some interesting stats have been thrown up, great stuff 

One Interesting observation was how many Minor Premieres exit left first week I remember PJ often winning the Minor Premiership with the Ferdies and exiting week one, which brings me to my point

I feel the Premiers and the runners up aren’t rewarded enough for their consistency over the season with the top 4 qualifying it’s a new ball game and one off day or a day of roughies could end up exiting seeds one and two in the first week of the semifinals 

I can’t remember if this format was used before or not but!!!!!

Week 1 of the Semi Finals

Team 1 plays Team 2 winner straight to the final loser plays the winner of Team 3 and Team 4 with the loser of Team 3 and Team 4 eliminated 

Week 2 Loser Team1 or Team 2 Taking on winner of team 3 or team 4 with the winner advancing to the final

This format sees one if not both of the top 2 teams meeting in the GF

Just on posting late I think all selections should be posted before the start of comp race 1

The problem I see with posting a BB in Race 1 is if it wins and says pays $7 you could have a $140 head start on your opponent you could then go and look at your opponents selections for the remainder of the comp and you might only need to take 4 different as your first two selections maybe different to begin with

I think if you post after Race 1 both Best Bets should be void, one has almost 72 hours to post their selections 

If your going to be away or intend to post late notify your Captain like VvD did 

Captains should have all selections for missing team members in before Race 1 huge advantage posting Race 1 then posting the rest after

Just my thoughts and I’m often in the minority just like when I didn’t want Winx’s races🤔



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4 hours ago, Maximus said:

The Mustelid reckons that this is Round 13, unless yesterday's matches have bee declared and null and void and redrawn LOL. He also agrees with VC's idea (below) for semi-finals/final but not for this Competition.


Must have got a bit excited with the Tigers winning their match in the last ! Fixed now

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Very well thought out observations from Ian, and he makes perfect sense.
If we did move to it being mandatory to have ALL selections in prior to R1, then Captains each week would be wise to have a spare set of selections at hand well in advance all ready to "run with".
Me, I had no spare set ready when it became apparent that Rex had suffered misfortune last Saturday, so I was "scrambling". The available option of posting for the 1st race with the rest to follow, was a god-send. So it's all about being properly prepared for eventualities that may arise, especially when you are a Team Captain.
Team Captains are understandably moved to hold back posting as long as possible with a replacement set,  for fear of "negating" a team-member's selections that might be coming. But maybe Team Captains just need to "harden up" and go with their gut instinct and post anyway, especially if inside the 10-minute countdown to R1. For me, if there's less than 10 minutes to go to start-time and a team-mate isn't there then there's no two ways about it ... I'm nervous !  🙂

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Thanks for the interesting insights and opinions regarding close-off time. I propose this:

a) close off for posting is 20 minutes before Comp Race 1

b) then next 10 minutes (until 10 minutes before comp race 1) can be used by Captains to post selections for team mates who have not shown or post replacements to cover scratchings.

c) All selections therefore will be posted before Comp race 1. No selections can be submitted after.

I think this deals with many of the issues raised.

Please discuss and if there is a general consensus then I will bring it into effect immediately this coming round.

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Email from Robert just now

Hi Alan, I hope this gets through to you.I did send an email to  Rees private email, to let  you, as I  could not  access Replace in hospital.I am hospital with meningitis, and, lung pneumonia  I certainly did try  to let you. Fingers crossed, this will get to you. Robert.

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I have responded, to look after himself and not to get too concerned about the comp, as Ian's Junior is posting for him.

If anyone wants to send him a message and does not have his email address, just post on here, and I will copy and paste and email to him

I'm only saying this, as under privacy laws, I'm not permitted to give our private email addresses

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I do believe PJ hs nailed it. Sounds perfect to me. 

Takes pressure off Captains.
If anyone isn't there 20 mins prior to Race 1, for whatever reason (including reasons entirely beyond theiri control as with Rex)  then there's no ifs or buts, that person can no longer post their selections for that week. It's now in the domain of the Captain with the 10-minute window of opportunity to post a 'replacement' set for the absentee.
10 minutes window is a whole less stressful than  a 5 minute window.  No longer worries about how and where the BBs are played, and no longer potential advantage through the previously used  'post for R1, rest to follow'  scenario.

Takes pressure off PJ.
Almost all selections in 20 minutes before kick-off and the occasional replacement set in 10 minutes before kick-off - would surely seem like paradise to PJ who to date is frantically updating his sheets with last-minute entries when Race 1 is about to get underway, all the while doing his best to give us a projected forecast on outcomes for each team in R1 !

The only other comment I would make is that Captains may not always be available for their 10 minute 'window of opportunity', and in that such circumstance the onus would be on the Captain to have organised a team-mate to 'stand-in' with supplying  a replacement set of selections for the absentee, and that such posting be acceptable.

My brother Geoff is supplying a  'stand-by' set of selections to me each Saturday for the remainder of MTF's participation in the Comp, that I will use in the 10-minute'window of opportunity' should any team-member be absent 20 minutes before start-time without having been able to notify us.

I also join in thanking Ian, John and Maxi for their valuable input over the past day or so in this matter.

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42 minutes ago, Say No More said:

Sounds good Peter.

After the first deadline (20 mins before Race 1) will you only accept picks from Captains?   eg. if a team member who missed the first deadline, posts in that 10 minute window before the Captain posts any picks, will you accept the team members picks?

I just saw John's most recent post, as above.

My personal view, I think that team-members should have the 20 minutes up to race start-time and that's it, and after that it be left in the hands of the Captain ( or if the Captain has stated won't be available then other team-member organised by the Captain).

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3 hours ago, Hesi said:

Email from Robert just now

Hi Alan, I hope this gets through to you.I did send an email to  Rees private email, to let  you, as I  could not  access Replace in hospital.I am hospital with meningitis, and, lung pneumonia  I certainly did try  to let you. Fingers crossed, this will get to you. Robert.

I'm not sure who he sent the email to Hesi, I certainly didn't receive one. But it is nice to see he is still with us albeit not very well at all. Hope he keeps in touch.

Still havnt heard back from any Alex Park sources the useless b____ds.


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5 hours ago, Say No More said:

Sounds good Peter.

After the first deadline (20 mins before Race 1) will you only accept picks from Captains?   eg. if a team member who missed the first deadline, posts in that 10 minute window before the Captain posts any picks, will you accept the team members picks?

Good point John. I think in the final 10 minutes "Captain's Time" I will accept the first set of picks submitted from a team member for the "missing" selections. I'm going to leave it to the teams themselves to sort out who is covering for who but in most instances I would expect it to be the Captain. Same goes for too many or too few BBs and scratching replacements. I will amend the rules in the morning.

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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 1 - Randwick R1

1st - 5 Achiever W-$6.60  

2nd - 8 Street Dancer Q-$177.10  

Scr: 6,9



0 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 0.00 

0 FIVE-OH (2nd) 0.00

Everyone missed the first two.

0.00 Zac

0.00 Virgil

0.00 Howie 

0.00 Punter Pete

0.00 Ashoka

0.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

0.00 Moose

0.00 Rex

0.00 John


0 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 0.00

0 HALL OF FAME (5th) 0.00

No one on the first 3 home !

0.00 Graeme 

0.00 Ian

0.00 Heather

0.00 Jamison

0.00 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

0.00 Georgy Boy

0.00 Stevie N

0.00 Max

0.00 Midnight C


2 COVID-Y (6th) 132.00

0 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 0.00

Rocky and Ziggy find the Waller winner to hand Covid-Y a nice lead as The James Gang all miss.

0.00 Gary

0.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

0.00 Pete

66.00 Rocky

0.00 Blind Squirrel

0.00 Porky 

0.00 Steve P

0.00 Ray

0.00 Jack


1 THE TIGERS* (7th) 66.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 330.00
Tiger Tom gets his side underway but Roland's Roughnecks start with a wallop as Gee and Gordy bag BBs on the Avdulla winner with Jen also on the board.

0.00 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

0.00 PJ 

66.00 Jen

0.00 Jill 

132.00 Gordy

66.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

0.00 Sharne 

132.00 Gee

* Joker play

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In the next:

The Tigers can pull one back with Lando Bay or Trust The Process (must pay $13.30+ or Mocambo complete the Q) and draw level with Mocambo or Divine Eleven while Money Magic or Ulysses help

Roland's Roughnecks go further ahead with Secretly and 4-0 up with Savvy Valentino while Crown Affair helps.

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I read somewhere yesterday that Brenton Avdulla is an out-of-form jockey.
So what happens .... he comes out and wins R1 in the comp ! 😊
There may be more to come.
On paper the 3 least-credentialled runners in R1 ...... those 3 were the first three home !
Could be a loooong, long  day ahead @ Randwick/Eagle Farm.

Edited by TooFast
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Round 13 - Saturday June 6

Race 2 - Randwick R2

1st - 6 Lando Bay W-$9.50  

2nd - 5 Money Magic Q-$31.30  

Scr: 9,10,13


2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 380.00 

1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 252.60

Virgil (with the quinella) and TC get Five-Oh off the mark but replies from Howie (with a BB), Rex and Ashoka give MTF the early edge.

0.00 Zac

157.60 Virgil

190.00 Howie 

0.00 Punter Pete

95.00 Ashoka

95.00 The Crucible

0.00 Craig

0.00 Moose

95.00 Rex

0.00 John


2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 190.00

3 HALL OF FAME (5th) 285.00

Heather and Rob make a start for the Maxis but Hall of Fame seize the lead thanks to Ian, Leroy and Stevie.

0.00 Graeme 

95.00 Ian

95.00 Heather

0.00 Jamison

95.00 Rob

0.00 Junior Mac

0.00 Georgy Boy

95.00 Stevie N

0.00 Max

95.00 Midnight C


2 COVID-Y (6th) 322.00

1 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 190.00

Ray and Porky off the mark for the Virus Boys but Steve P and Blind Squirrel reply for The James Gang. Ray now leads Jack but Blind Squirrel has reeled in Rocky to pull one back for The Gang.

0.00 Gary

0.00 Hesi

66.00 Ziggy

0.00 Pete

66.00 Rocky

95.00 Blind Squirrel

95.00 Porky 

95.00 Steve P

95.00 Ray

0.00 Jack


2 THE TIGERS* (7th) 161.00 

3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 520.00
Gordy and Jen build on their personal leads for Roland's crew but Maurice finds the Bowman bolter to lead Pam and pull one back for The Tigers.

95.00 Maurice 

0.00 Pam

0.00 PJ 

161.00 Jen

0.00 Jill 

227.00 Gordy

66.00 Tom

0.00 Roland

0.00 Sharne 

132.00 Gee

* Joker play

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