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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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In the next-

The Tigers go further ahead with Couldn't Refuse, Supergiant or Smart Meteor while Sky Horse or Montez help

Five-Oh can take the lead with Indian Dreamer and go 4-1 up with Ballistic Boy

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In the next-

Much Too Fast can draw level with Ballistic Boy (must pay $10.00+ or Supergiant complete the Q) or pull one back with Impactful

Maximillions can go further ahead with Skyhorse while Profit or Kinane help

Supergiant wins and pays $11.20+ and MTF go ahead. If it pays less they draw level

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In the next-

Roland's Roughnecks go further ahead with Impactful or Indian Dreamer while Profit helps

Covid-Y can take the lead with Supergiant (must pay$9.00+ or Sky Horse complete the Q) or Rebel Rock while Ballistic Boy or Kinane help

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Round 11 - Saturday May 23

Race 7 - Eagle Farm R7

1st - 8 Supergiant W-$9.30  

2nd - 2 Ballistic Boy Q-$32.30  

Scr: 13,15,16

3 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 854.80 

2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 1271.40
The Maxis all miss as Craig pulls clear of Heather and Ashoka snags back-to-back quinellas to overhaul Rob and send Much Too Fast into the lead.

0.00 Howie 

174.40 Graeme

377.80 Ashoka

320.00 Rob

104.00 Zac 

43.00 Max

288.00 Craig

195.00 Heather

43.00 Rex

539.00 Georgy Boy


4 THE TIGERS (7th) 700.80 

1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 434.60
Five-Oh draw a blank although Ballistic Boy would have given them a 4-1 lead (whew !!) as Tom labels the Red Giant roughie with his 4th straight winner to reel in Virgil and increase The Tigers' lead.

317.40 PJ

85.00 The Crucible

90.20 Sharne 

25.00 John

90.20 Maurice

25.00 Punter Pete

25.00 Jill

146.60 Moose

178.00 Tom

153.00 Virgil


3 HALL OF FAME (5th) 623.80

2 THE JAMES GANG (6th) 502.40

Steve P on his own for the James Gang but Leroy and Robert reply for Hall of Fame who take the lead for the first time today with Leroy reeling in Hesi. 

48.20 Jamison 

60.00 Pete

132.20 Ian

67.00 Jack

65.20 Stevie N

90.20 Blind Squirrel

153.00 Midnight C

90.20 Hesi

225.20 Robert

195.00 Steve P


2 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 1028.80 

3 COVID-Y* (4th) 714.20

Roland's Roughnecks break for a cuppa as Porky snags back-to-back quinellas and Ziggy catches Roland to send Joker-playing Covid-Y ahead !

80.00 Gee 

264.80 Porky

197.00 Roland

200.20 Ziggy

80.00 Jen

84.00 Ray

400.80 Gordy

73.20 Gary

271.00 Pam

92.00 Rocky

*Joker play

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In the next-

The Tigers can go further ahead with Guizot or Debt Agent while Mr Marathon Man, Double You Tee or Savvy Oak help

Five-Oh can pull one back with Shot of Irish, Reyjavik, Django Freeman or So Si Bon

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In the next-

Much Too Fast can go further ahead with Reyjavik (must pay $8.80 or Shot of Irish complete the Q) while Django Freeman, Shot of Irish, Savvy Oak or Double You Tee help 

Maximillions can take the lead with So Si Bon (must pay $4.70+ or Shot of Irish complete the Q) or Mr Marathon Man

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Round 11 - Saturday May 23

Race 9 - Flemington R8

1st - 4 Reykjavik W-$11.10  

2nd - 13 Shot of Irish Q-$19.20  

Scr: 10(L),15-17

Subs: #13 then #2

2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 1153.60 

3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 1604.40
Howie nails Graeme but Rob passes Ashoka and Max claims Zac !

298.80 Howie 

174.40 Graeme

377.80 Ashoka

431.00 Rob

104.00 Zac 

265.00 Max

288.00 Craig

195.00 Heather

43.00 Rex

539.00 Georgy Boy


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 850.20 

2 FIVE-OH (2nd) 656.60
Punter Pete nails Maurice.

466.80 PJ

85.00 The Crucible

90.20 Sharne 

25.00 John

90.20 Maurice

247.00 Punter Pete

25.00 Jill

146.60 Moose

178.00 Tom

153.00 Virgil


2 HALL OF FAME (5th) 845.80

3 THE JAMES GANG (6th) 724.40

Steve P nails Robert ! 

48.20 Jamison 

60.00 Pete

132.20 Ian

67.00 Jack

65.20 Stevie N

90.20 Blind Squirrel

375.00 Midnight C

90.20 Hesi

225.20 Robert

417.00 Steve P


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 1250.80 

2 COVID-Y* (4th) 714.20

Roland reels in Ziggy !

80.00 Gee 

264.80 Porky

419.00 Roland

200.20 Ziggy

80.00 Jen

84.00 Ray

400.80 Gordy

73.20 Gary

271.00 Pam

92.00 Rocky

*Joker play

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Round 11 - Saturday May 23

Race 8 - Eagle Farm R8

1st - 7 Victorem W-$19.80  

2nd - 6 Nicanova Q-$197.30  

Scr: 10,14,16

2 MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) 1153.60 

3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 1802.40
MTF miss as Georgy Boy pours on the pain.

298.80 Howie 

174.40 Graeme

377.80 Ashoka

431.00 Rob

104.00 Zac 

265.00 Max

288.00 Craig

195.00 Heather

43.00 Rex

737.00 Georgy Boy


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 850.20 

2 FIVE-OH (2nd) 656.60
No one.....

466.80 PJ

85.00 The Crucible

90.20 Sharne 

25.00 John

90.20 Maurice

247.00 Punter Pete

25.00 Jill

146.60 Moose

178.00 Tom

153.00 Virgil


2 HALL OF FAME (5th) 845.80

3 THE JAMES GANG (6th) 724.40

No one.................. 

48.20 Jamison 

60.00 Pete

132.20 Ian

67.00 Jack

65.20 Stevie N

90.20 Blind Squirrel

375.00 Midnight C

90.20 Hesi

225.20 Robert

417.00 Steve P


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 1646.80 

2 COVID-Y* (4th) 714.20

Pam and Gordy on the du Plessis bolter

80.00 Gee 

264.80 Porky

419.00 Roland

200.20 Ziggy

80.00 Jen

84.00 Ray

598.80 Gordy

73.20 Gary

469.00 Pam

92.00 Rocky

*Joker play

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#8 a late scratching in the last

To win-

Five-Oh need:

Roccabascerana or Hilo to win for John


Much Too Fast need:

Can't Be Done to win for Ashoka


possibly a Hilo-The Astrologist quinella in that order for Zac and hope it pays enough


Covid-Y need:

possibly an Alburq-The Astrologist quinella in that order for Ziggy and hope it pays enough


Hall of Fame need:

Hilo or Alburq to win for Stevie


The Astrologist to win for Jamison


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Well done, the 'Maxis' .... another very strong performance from the #1 Team and proving a bit too good for us 'Much Too Fast' today.
Georgy Boy the stand-out performer for the Maxis, a real revelation in this comp- ; Rob chiming in nicely;  and Captain Max with a powerhouse finish the final 2 races.
The Maxis - the absolute benchmark in this comp.

A valiant effort my guys - Craig has now won 5-straight by my reckoning - and anyone who beats Heather (as Craig did today) has certainly done well.
Ashoka with yet another sterling performance with a ton of dollars into the kitty, fighting back well after finding himself $170 down after just 2 races.
Hard luck, Rex. No-one could have gone with Georgy Boy today. In a world of his own. 

I feel bad edging out Graeme today. Graeme with 4 winners and myself with a sole success but fortunately for me a double-figure winner part of a BB Quinella. For some reason I'm feeling like a Roughneck today. 😁

So we gave the Maxis a run for their money today, so all in all a worthwhile day. Shame we narrowly miss out on a Team Profit point for our endeavours.

In other matches , 'Cometh the hour....etc, etc .....' .....nice effort from John to save the day for the Five-Ohs. And a nice win for Roland's Roughnecks, bouncing back beautifully after last week.

Many thanks for this entertainment extravaganza today, PJ. I always look forward to the Saturday PJ Comp.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks.

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Round 11 - Saturday May 23

Race 10 - Flemington R9

1st - 6 Roccabascerana W-$8.90  

2nd - 4 Hi Stranger Q-$77.40  

Scr: 2,3,8(L),9,12,16

Subs: #11 then #1



1 point 



3 points
Neither of Much Too Fast's chances materialised in the last so Maximillions took the win and ended the day in style with BBs for Max and Rob while Graeme nearly caught Howie. Ashoka - MTF's MVP was the only one to reply for his side. Georgy Boy was a hugely impressive Man of the Match with Rob also posting a big score. Maximillions took a bonus point for a team profit as did Much Too Fast.

298.80 Howie 

263.40 Graeme

597.80 Ashoka

609.00 Rob

104.00 Zac 

443.00 Max

288.00 Craig

195.00 Heather

43.00 Rex

737.00 Georgy Boy


2 THE TIGERS (7th)


1 point 

3 FIVE-OH (2nd)


2 points
Captain John proved the hero for Five-Oh BBing the SA visitor to get up and beat Sharne and win the match for his side. Opponents Tom and Virgil also bagged BBs in the last. The Tigers, for whom PJ was Man of the Match, console themselves with a bonus point for a (just) slightly higher aggregate while Virgil was MVP for the winners.

466.80 PJ

85.00 The Crucible

90.20 Sharne 

203.00 John

90.20 Maurice

247.00 Punter Pete

25.00 Jill

146.60 Moose

356.00 Tom

331.00 Virgil


1 HALL OF FAME (5th)


0 points



4 points

The Astrologist couldn't catch the runaway winner so Hall of Fame failed to snatch the win in the last where only Jamison scored for them with a BB. All The James Gang bar Steve bagged BBs on the Kah killer in the last which took them past the team profit mark while Jack got up to nail Ian to extend their margin to 4-1 for another bonus point. Steve P was Man of the Match for the winners while Leroy took MVP honours for Hall of Fame. 

226.20 Jamison 

238.00 Pete

132.20 Ian

245.00 Jack

65.20 Stevie N

268.20 Blind Squirrel

375.00 Midnight C

268.20 Hesi

225.20 Robert

417.00 Steve P




3 points 

2 COVID-Y* (4th)


0 (x 2 Joker play) = 0 points

Alburq never emerged for Covid-Y in the last so their Joker play came to nothing as Ray tipped the final winner adding a BB, just failing to catch Porky for MVP honours. Roland's Roughnecks all missed in the last but took a bonus point for a team profit spearheaded by Man of the Match Gordy and will enjoy their much-needed win.

80.00 Gee 

264.80 Porky

419.00 Roland

200.20 Ziggy

80.00 Jen

262.00 Ray

598.80 Gordy

73.20 Gary

469.00 Pam

92.00 Rocky


TABLE after ROUND 11

1st 32 Maximillions $14,766.80

2nd 27 Five-Oh $11,681.00*

3rd 25 Much Too Fast $12,630.80*

4th 18 James Gang $13,064.40

------------finals qual mark--------------

5th 17 Covid-Y $11,864.20*

6th 16 Hall of Fame $11,887.20*

7th 11 The Tigers $11,607.20

8th 11 Roland's Roughnecks $9688.80

The Maxis' win today saw them extend their lead at the top by a point over Five-Oh who also won pulling out a 2 point buffer over the defeated Much Too Fast. The day's big mover were the James Gang leaping up two spots into the qualification zone at the expense of Covid-Y (following their unsuccessful Joker play) and Hall of Fame, who they defeated. The Tigers lost but took a bonus point to remain 7 points from a qual spot while Roland's Roughnecks trail them only by aggregate after their win today.

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Best Scores
737.00 Georgy Boy
609.00 Rob

598.80 Gordy

597.80 Ashoka
469.00 Pam
466.80 PJ

Worst Scores 

80.00 Gee

80.00 Jen

73.20 Gary

65.20 Stevie N

43.00 Rex

25.00 Jill


Most Wins
6 Ashoka

5 Rob

5 Tom

5 Gordy

Most Quinellas
3 PJ

2 Ashoka

2 Porky


Biggest Winning Margin
737.00 Georgy Boy
43.00 Rex

Narrowest Winning Margin 
238.00 Pete

226.20 Jamison

Highest Losing Score
597.80 Ashoka

Lowest Winning Score
146.60 Moose

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21 minutes ago, PWJ said:



TABLE after ROUND 11

1st 32 Maximillions $14,724.80

2nd 27 Five-Oh $11,681.00*

3rd 24 Much Too Fast $12,541.80*


Just remember fellas and fellowesses, you don't take those points through to the finals, and being the round robin champ is much akin to the satisfaction gained from kissing your sister, especially when you don't win the big one

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ROUND 12 - Sat May 30

Meetings will be Doomben and Rosehill


Graeme v Punter Pete
Heather v The Crucible
Rob v Moose
Georgy Boy v Virgil
Max v John

MUCH TOO FAST (3rd) vs COVID-Y (5th)
Rex v Ray
Ashoka v Ziggy
Craig v Rocky
Zac v Porky
Howie v Gary


Pam v Blind Squirrel
Gee v Jack
Gordy v Steve P
Roland v Pete
Jen v Hesi

THE TIGERS (7th) vs HALL OF FAME (6th)
Maurice v Ian
Jill v Midnight C
Tom v Jamison
PJ v Stevie N
Sharne v Robert

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Thanks PJ ….. Again fantastic coverage of the competition with tallys and those little write ups which I Love seeing and reading.

Well played Maxi and your team ….. and nice early hit Georgy Boy which knocked the wind outta me early ….

never to recover. 

Great effort rest of the team who did drag us back into the match only to just run out of that last bit of steam.

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