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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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In the next-

Roland's Roughnecks can seize the lead with Silent Sovereign or Raptures and can pull one back with Twilight Magic while The Mockingbird helps

Much Too Fast helped by La Falaise or Realm of Flowers

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Round 10 - Saturday May 16

Race 5 - Morphettville R5

1st - 3 Realm of Flowers W-$2.60  

2nd - 2 Silent Sovereign Q-$10.00  

Scr: 7

3 FIVE-OH (2nd) 592.20 

1 THE JAMES GANG (5th) 429.00
John (with a beaut BB quinella), Virgil & Punter Pete on the winning fave for Five-Oh as Jack, Hesi & Pete reply for The Gang. No change overall.

141.00 Punter Pete 

45.00 Jack

195.40 Moose

160.00 Pete

19.00 The Crucible

19.00 Blind Squirrel

184.40 John

94.00 Hesi

52.40 Virgil

111.00 Steve P


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 390.20 

2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 437.40
Tom (with the quinella) and Maurice on the Freedman flyer for The Tigers with Graeme, Heather and Georgy replying for Maximillions. Georgy has nailed Sharne to hand the Maxis the lead for the first time today.

195.40 Maurice 

52.40 Heather

0.00 Jill

0.00 Max

72.40 Tom 

246.00 Graeme

26.40 PJ 

26.40 Rob

96.00 Sharne 

113.00 Georgy Boy


3 HALL OF FAME (4th) 478.80 

2 COVID-Y (6th) 481.20

Close match sees all but Covid-Y pair Porky and Ziggy on the So You Think winner with Gary adding a BB to claim Robert and pull one back for Covid-Y despite Ian pulling clear of Porky. Less than $3 difference in aggregate.

122.00 Robert 

127.40 Gary

144.80 Jamison

92.40 Ziggy

45.00 Ian

19.00 Porky

45.00 Stevie N

26.00 Ray

122.00 Midnight C

216.40 Rocky


1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 150.00 

4 MUCH TOO FAST* (3rd) 410.80

Roland snags the quinella for his Roughnecks as Rex (also with the Q), Zac and Howie reply for Much Too Fast. No change overall.

19.00 Jen 

103.40 Craig

0.00 Pam 

52.40 Howie

19.00 Gee 

114.00 Rex

46.00 Roland

122.00 Zac

66.00 Gordy

19.00 Ashoka

* Joker play

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In the next-

The Tigers can draw level with Naivasha and seize a 3-1 lead with Oasis Girl and a 4-1 lead with Girl Tuesday while Fidelia and Lamu help

Maximillions go further ahead with Bea Tempted while La Belle Jude helps

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3 of the Roland's Roughnecks are on 28-1 shot 'Nerve Not Verve' in the next ! 
Fair to say that would be a game-changer.

The Imperial Air Force is circling ! I've got more nerver than verve right at this minute ! 😃


Edited by TooFast
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In the next-

Five-Oh go further ahead with Wings of Pastrami while Oasis Girl helps

The James Gang can pull one back with Naivasha and draw level with Lamu or La Belle Jude while Girl Tuesday or Fidelia help

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In the next-

Hall of Fame go further ahead with Nerve Not Verve while Girl Tuesday, Cryptic Jewel or Naivasha help

Covid-Y can take the lead with Fidelia, La Belle Jude, Walking Flying, Wings of Pastrami or Lamu (must pay $5.30+ or Naivasha complete the Q)

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In the next-

Roland's Roughnecks can pull one back with Walking Flying, Converging, Cryptic Jewel or Fidelia (must pay $5.30+ or Nerve Not Verve complete the Q) and take the lead with Bea Tempted or Nerve Not Verve

Much Too Fast go 5-zip clear with Lamu while Girl Tuesday or Naivasha help

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Just now, zabeel said:

had a  hundy on it 

And 50 metres out ... you looked home ! 

The racing gods were looking down on us 'Much Too Fast' ...just as last Saturday's finale  when Lankani Rose was launching on Be My Star.

Now it's time to look for where the next attack will come from. 

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Round 10 - Saturday May 16

Race 6 - Morphettville R6

1st - 13 Oasis Girl W-$4.90  

2nd - 11 Nerve Not Verve Q-$60.10  

Scr: 1,6,16,18

2 FIVE-OH (2nd) 739.20 

2 THE JAMES GANG (5th) 478.00
John, Virgil and Punter Pete on the Victorian visitor for Five-Oh but Pete gets his 5th straight and claims Moose to draw The James Gang level. The clash between TC and the Myopic rodent looks crucial.

190.00 Punter Pete 

45.00 Jack

195.40 Moose

209.00 Pete

19.00 The Crucible

19.00 Blind Squirrel

233.40 John

94.00 Hesi

101.40 Virgil

111.00 Steve P


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 637.20 

1 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 535.40
Georgy Boy and Heather each get their 3rd straight for Maximillions but Tom and Sharne with BBs plus Jill reply for The Tigers who seize a handy lead with Jill drawing ahead of Max and Sharne overhauling Georgy.

195.40 Maurice 

101.40 Heather

49.00 Jill

0.00 Max

170.40 Tom 

246.00 Graeme

26.40 PJ 

26.40 Rob

194.00 Sharne 

162.00 Georgy Boy


3 HALL OF FAME (4th) 527.80 

2 COVID-Y (6th) 530.20

Only Jamison (4th straight winner) for Hall of Fame and Gary (3 in a row) for Covid-Y, each increasing their personal leads. No change overall.

122.00 Robert 

176.40 Gary

193.80 Jamison

92.40 Ziggy

45.00 Ian

19.00 Porky

45.00 Stevie N

26.00 Ray

122.00 Midnight C

216.40 Rocky


1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 150.00 

4 MUCH TOO FAST* (3rd) 410.80

Everyone missed but Much Too Fast dodged a missile as Nerve Not Verve would have put Roland's crowd ahead !

19.00 Jen 

103.40 Craig

0.00 Pam 

52.40 Howie

19.00 Gee 

114.00 Rex

46.00 Roland

122.00 Zac

66.00 Gordy

19.00 Ashoka

* Joker play

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In the next-

The Tigers go further ahead with Command 'n' Conquer while Exhilarates helps

Maximillions can pull one back with Baroda, Bellevue Hill, Garibaldi or Hightail (must pay $5.00+ or Garibaldi complete the Q) and draw level with The Odyssey or Stampe

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In the next-

Hall of Fame go further ahead with Command 'n' Conquer or Hightail (must pay $4.80+ or Exhilarates complete the Q) while Exhilarates or Bellevue Hill help

Covid-Y take the lead with The Odyssey, Ruuca, Scathing or Garibaldi

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In the next-

Roland's Roughnecks can pull one back with Garibaldi, Zac Attack, Scathing or Ruuca while Stampe helps

Much Too Fast can go 5-zip clear with Exhilarates (must pay $4.80+ or Bellevue Hill completes the Q) while Baroda, Final Declaration or Hightail help

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Round 10 - Saturday May 16

Race 7 - Gold Coast R8

1st - 2 Hightail W-$3.20  

2nd - 1 The Odyssey Q-$11.00  

Scr: 9,11,14

2 FIVE-OH (2nd) 739.20 

3 THE JAMES GANG (5th) 606.00
Five-Oh all miss as Pete (with a BB), Hesi and Blind Squirrel all label the Written Tycoon winner. Blind Squirrel has pulled clear of TC to hand the James Gang the lead.

190.00 Punter Pete 

45.00 Jack

195.40 Moose

273.00 Pete

19.00 The Crucible

51.00 Blind Squirrel

233.40 John

126.00 Hesi

101.40 Virgil

111.00 Steve P


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 669.20 

1 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 599.40
Only Tom on his own for The Tigers and Graeme and Max for Maximillions. No change overall.

195.40 Maurice 

101.40 Heather

49.00 Jill

32.00 Max

202.40 Tom 

278.00 Graeme

26.40 PJ 

26.40 Rob

194.00 Sharne 

162.00 Georgy Boy


3 HALL OF FAME (4th) 655.80 

2 COVID-Y (6th) 594.20

Leroy (with a BB), Robert & Stevie on the Snowden winner for Hall of Fame with Ray and Gary replying for Covid-Y. No change overall.

154.00 Robert 

208.40 Gary

193.80 Jamison

92.40 Ziggy

45.00 Ian

19.00 Porky

77.00 Stevie N

58.00 Ray

186.00 Midnight C

216.40 Rocky


1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 150.00 

4 MUCH TOO FAST* (3rd) 506.80

Roland's Roughnecks all miss as Howie (with a BB) and Zac add to MTF's aggregate. No change overall.

19.00 Jen 

103.40 Craig

0.00 Pam 

116.40 Howie

19.00 Gee 

114.00 Rex

46.00 Roland

154.00 Zac

66.00 Gordy

19.00 Ashoka

* Joker play

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Round 10 - Saturday May 16

Race 8 - Rosehill R8

1st - 5 Irithea W-$8.20  

2nd - 16 Into The Abyss Q-$81.30  

Scr: 3,18-20

2 FIVE-OH (2nd) 739.20 

3 THE JAMES GANG (5th) 688.00
Five-Oh all miss again as Steve P extends his lead over Virgil. No change overall.

190.00 Punter Pete 

45.00 Jack

195.40 Moose

273.00 Pete

19.00 The Crucible

51.00 Blind Squirrel

233.40 John

126.00 Hesi

101.40 Virgil

193.00 Steve P


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 669.20 

1 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 599.40
No one on the first 3 home !

195.40 Maurice 

101.40 Heather

49.00 Jill

32.00 Max

202.40 Tom 

278.00 Graeme

26.40 PJ 

26.40 Rob

194.00 Sharne 

162.00 Georgy Boy


2 HALL OF FAME (4th) 819.80 

3 COVID-Y (6th) 840.20

Jamison and Robert on the Baker bolter for Hall of Fame as Porky (with a BB) and Gary (5th straight winner) reply for Covid-Y who go ahead for the first time today as Porky nails Ian.

236.00 Robert 

290.40 Gary

275.80 Jamison

92.40 Ziggy

45.00 Ian

183.00 Porky

77.00 Stevie N

58.00 Ray

186.00 Midnight C

216.40 Rocky


1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 150.00 

4 MUCH TOO FAST* (3rd) 588.80

Roland's Roughnecks all miss again as Rex finds the James Mac winner for Joker-playing MTF. No change overall.

19.00 Jen 

103.40 Craig

0.00 Pam 

116.40 Howie

19.00 Gee 

196.00 Rex

46.00 Roland

154.00 Zac

66.00 Gordy

19.00 Ashoka

* Joker play

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In the next-

The Tigers go further ahead with Gytrash while Zoutori helps

Maximillions can pull one back with The Inevitable, Order of Command or Trekking and draw level with Lyre and take the lead big time with Santa Ana Lane while Sunlight helps

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In the next-

Hall of Fame can go ahead with Santa Ana Lane (must pay $7.00+ or The Inevitable complete the Q) or The Inevitable and seize a 4-1 lead with Sunlight

Covid-Y go further ahead with Gytrash while Trekking, Order of Command, Lyre & Behemoth help

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In the next-

Roland's Roughnecks can pull one back with Zoutori, Lyre, Jungle Edge, Amberdi or The Inevitable while Xilong or Order of Command helps

MTF go 5-zip clear with Sunlight while Santa Ana Lane, Gytrash or Trekking help

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Round 10 - Saturday May 16

Race 9 - Morphetville R8

1st - 2 Trekking W-$9.90  

2nd - 3 Gytrash Q-$13.70  

Scr: 13

3 FIVE-OH (2nd) 1063.60 

2 THE JAMES GANG (5th) 940.80
Steve P bags a beaut BB quinella for The James Gang but they fall behind as Moose bags a BB to down Pete (poor Pete !) and John also nails the quinella.

190.00 Punter Pete 

45.00 Jack

393.40 Moose

273.00 Pete

19.00 The Crucible

51.00 Blind Squirrel

359.80 John

126.00 Hesi

101.40 Virgil

445.80 Steve P


3 THE TIGERS (7th) 922.00 

2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 698.40
Maurice and PJ nail quinellas for The Tigers in the Group 1 but Captain Max also finds the Godolphin winner and passes Jill pulling one back for Maximillions despite PJ pulling clear of Rob

321.80 Maurice 

101.40 Heather

49.00 Jill

131.00 Max

202.40 Tom 

278.00 Graeme

152.80 PJ 

26.40 Rob

194.00 Sharne 

162.00 Georgy Boy


2 HALL OF FAME (4th) 1171.60 

3 COVID-Y (6th) 1543.80

Jamison (with a beaut BB quinella) and Robert find the Goodwood winner but Covid-Y streak past the team profit mark with beaut BB quinellas for Rocky and Ziggy with Gary also bagging a BB. No change overall.

335.00 Robert 

488.40 Gary

528.60 Jamison

345.20 Ziggy

45.00 Ian

183.00 Porky

77.00 Stevie N

58.00 Ray

186.00 Midnight C

469.20 Rocky


1 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 150.00 

4 MUCH TOO FAST* (3rd) 687.80

Roland's Roughnecks all miss again as Howie scores on his own for MTF. No change overall.

19.00 Jen 

103.40 Craig

0.00 Pam 

215.40 Howie

19.00 Gee 

196.00 Rex

46.00 Roland

154.00 Zac

66.00 Gordy

19.00 Ashoka

* Joker play

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To win-

Maximillions need:

Kabini to win for Georgy


The James Gang need:

Miss Mandito to win for Pete


Street Icon to win for Pete (must pay $6.10+ or Miss Mandito complete the Q)


a Street Icon-Mystery Love quinella for Jack and hope it pays enough


Hall of Fame need:

Zargos to win for Robert


Roland's Roughnecks need:

Kenyan Wonder to win for Pam & Gee (must pay $$21.60+ or Street Icon complete the Q)


Zargos to win for Gee and Roland

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