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Autumn Super Draft Comp Results Thread


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Maximillions go ahead with Oxford Tycoon and two up with Soldier of Love

The James Gang go two up with Subpoenaed and one up with Opacity while Surreal Step or Miss Einstein help

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34 minutes ago, Maximus said:

hmmm ... mebbe this is the day for the Imperial Air Force...great start by RRs ..sad to say Max picked Ringbolt last night and ditched it today for Crown Mint...Ringbolt's dam is Maxi Dress ...arrgghhh

Yes Thomass

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Round 9 - Saturday May 9

Race 2 - Randwick R4

1st - 6 Soldier of Love W-$8.20  

2nd - 9 Celestial Falls Q-$41.10  

Scr: 3,11,12

2 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 246.20

0 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 0.00

The James Gang all miss as Rob (with a quinella) and Georgy Boy hand the Maxis a nice lead.

0.00 Heather 

0.00 Steve P

82.00 Georgy Boy

0.00 Blind Squirrel

0.00 Max

0.00 Hesi

164.20 Rob

0.00 Pete

0.00 Graeme

0.00 Jack


0 FIVE-OH (2nd) 0.00 

3 COVID-Y (6th) 246.00

Five-Oh yet to trouble the scorer after two (has this ever happened ?) as Gary, Ziggy and Ray hand Covid-Y a handsome lead.

0.00 John 

0.00 Rocky

0.00 Virgil

82.00 Ray

0.00 Punter Pete

82.00 Ziggy

0.00 Moose

0.00 Porky

0.00 The Crucible

82.00 Gary


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 602.00 

0 HALL OF FAME* (3rd) 0.00

Joker-playing Hall of Fame all miss again as Pam labels the Baker winner to extend the lead for Roland's Roughnecks.

260.00 Gee 

0.00 Stevie N

260.00 Roland

0.00 Midnight C (Leroy)

0.00 Jen

0.00 Robert

82.00 Pam

0.00 Jamison

0.00 Gordy

0.00 Ian


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 246.00 

3 MUCH TOO FAST (5th) 756.40

Tom, Sharne and Maurice on target for The Tigers with only Craig replying for Much Too Fast. Craig and Maurice assume personal leads but MTF's margin remains the same.

0.00 PJ 

82.00 Craig

82.00 Tom 

414.40 Zac

0.00 Jill

0.00 Ashoka

82.00 Sharne

260.00 Rex

82.00 Maurice 

0.00 Howie

* Joker Play

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Roland's Roughnecks go further ahead with Spanish Dream or Super Star Bob while Irukandji or Segalas help

Hall of Fame can pull one back with Isorich or Masked Crusader and two back with Trophies Galore (must pay $26.10+ or Masked Crusader complete the Q), Sedition or Mo's Crown


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Round 9 - Saturday May 9

Race 3 - Randwick R5

1st - 14 Masked Crusader W-$1.80  

2nd - 5 Segalas Q-$4.60  

Scr: 7,9,17

3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 318.20

2 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 90.40

Heather (with a BB), Max and Georgy Boy on the winning fave for Maximillions but The James Gang hit back with all but Steve P on the impressive winner while Hesi and Pete add quinellas. Heather pulls ahead of Steve but Jack and Hesi assume personal leads to cut Maximillions lead to the minimum.

36.00 Heather 

0.00 Steve P

100.00 Georgy Boy

18.00 Blind Squirrel

18.00 Max

27.20 Hesi

164.20 Rob

27.20 Pete

0.00 Graeme

18.00 Jack


0 FIVE-OH (2nd) 99.60 

3 COVID-Y (6th) 372.80

Only Virgil missed the winning hot fave while all Covid-Y bar Ray added the quinella as did Five-Oh trio Moose, John and Punter Pete. No change overall.

27.20 John 

27.20 Rocky

0.00 Virgil

100.00 Ray

27.20 Punter Pete

109.20 Ziggy

27.20 Moose

27.20 Porky

18.00 The Crucible

109.20 Gary


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 602.00 

1 HALL OF FAME* (3rd) 72.40

Roland's Roughnecks all miss as Robert bags a beaut BB quinella to lead Jen and pull one back for HOF for whom Leroy also scored.

260.00 Gee 

0.00 Stevie N

260.00 Roland

18.00 Midnight C (Leroy)

0.00 Jen

54.40 Robert

82.00 Pam

0.00 Jamison

0.00 Gordy

0.00 Ian


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 372.40 

3 MUCH TOO FAST (5th) 828.80

All bar Tom and MTF duo Rex and Zac on the winning fave with PJ doubling up with a BB, quinellas for Howie and Craig while Sharne bagged a beaut BB quinella. No change overall.

36.00 PJ 

109.20 Craig

82.00 Tom 

414.40 Zac

18.00 Jill

18.00 Ashoka

136.40 Sharne

260.00 Rex

100.00 Maurice 

27.20 Howie

* Joker Play

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The Tigers can pull one back with Zoffany's Lad or Word For Word (must pay $12.40+ or Loveseat complete the Q) while Bottega or Canasta help

MTF can go further ahead with Laure Me In or Welsh Legend while Loveseat or Gone Bye help

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Roland's Roughnecks go 4-0 up with Canasta and further ahead with Welsh Legend or Loveseat while Word For Word, Destiny's Own, Dark Eyes or Zoffany's Lad help 

Hall of Fame can pull one back with Bottega and take the lead with Gone Bye

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Five-Oh can pull one back with Canasta while Bottega helps

Covid-Y while Dark Eyes, Loveseat or Welsh Legend help

Gone Bye could hand leads to Virgil (must pay $10.10+) or TC (must pay $9.20) but will also get Porky ahead of Moose

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Round 9 - Saturday May 9

Race 4 - Randwick R6

1st - 3 Bottega W-$3.70  

2nd - 10 Welsh Legend Q-$11.80  

Scr: 12(L),14-17

Subs: #3 then #11

4 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 452.80

1 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 238.40

All bar Jack and Maxi duo Rob and Max on the winning fave with Georgy snagging the quinella. Graeme is off the mark and past Jack to extend Maximillions' lead.

73.00 Heather 

37.00 Steve P

160.60 Georgy Boy

55.00 Blind Squirrel

18.00 Max

64.20 Hesi

164.20 Rob

64.20 Pete

37.00 Graeme

18.00 Jack


0 FIVE-OH (2nd) 284.60 

3 COVID-Y (6th) 520.80

Only Punter Pete and Covid-Y pair Ray and Ziggy missed the winning fave with opponents Rocky and John adding BBs. No change overall.

101.20 John 

101.20 Rocky

37.00 Virgil

100.00 Ray

27.20 Punter Pete

109.20 Ziggy

64.20 Moose

64.20 Porky

55.00 The Crucible

146.20 Gary


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 676.00 

2 HALL OF FAME* (3rd) 294.40

Pam and Gee on the Snitzel winner for Roland's Roughnecks as all of Hall of Fame bar Leroy reply with BBs added by Ian and Stevie N. Ian's new personal lead over Gordy cuts Hall of Fame's deficit to the minimum.

297.00 Gee 

74.00 Stevie N

260.00 Roland

18.00 Midnight C (Leroy)

0.00 Jen

91.40 Robert

119.00 Pam

37.00 Jamison

0.00 Gordy

74.00 Ian


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 483.40 

3 MUCH TOO FAST (5th) 865.80

Just Rex on his own for Much Too Fast as Maurice, Sharne and PJ reply for The Tigers.No change overall.

73.00 PJ 

109.20 Craig

82.00 Tom 

414.40 Zac

18.00 Jill

18.00 Ashoka

173.40 Sharne

297.00 Rex

137.00 Maurice 

27.20 Howie

* Joker Play

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Round 9 - Saturday May 9

Race 5 - Doomben R7

1st - 8 Vanna Girl W-$2.50  

2nd - 6 Supergiant Q-$34.30  

Scr: 10,14

(no commentary sorry)

3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 552.80

2 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 432.00

98.00 Heather 

62.00 Steve P

185.60 Georgy Boy

80.00 Blind Squirrel

18.00 Max

89.20 Hesi

214.20 Rob

157.80 Pete

37.00 Graeme

43.00 Jack


0 FIVE-OH (2nd) 284.60 

5 COVID-Y (6th) 595.80

New leads for Rocky and Porky send Covid-Y 5-zip clear !

101.20 John 

126.20 Rocky

37.00 Virgil

100.00 Ray

27.20 Punter Pete

109.20 Ziggy

64.20 Moose

89.20 Porky

55.00 The Crucible

171.20 Gary


3 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 701.00 

2 HALL OF FAME* (3rd) 419.40

297.00 Gee 

99.00 Stevie N

260.00 Roland

43.00 Midnight C (Leroy)

0.00 Jen

116.40 Robert

144.00 Pam

62.00 Jamison

0.00 Gordy

99.00 Ian


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 583.40 

3 MUCH TOO FAST (5th) 990.80

73.00 PJ 

134.20 Craig

107.00 Tom 

414.40 Zac

43.00 Jill

43.00 Ashoka

198.40 Sharne

322.00 Rex

162.00 Maurice 

77.20 Howie

* Joker Play

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Round 9 - Saturday May 9

Race 6 - Randwick R7

1st - 8 Another Dollar W-$14.30  

2nd - 13 Ilwendo Q-$99.00  

Scr: 12,16-18


3 MAXIMILLIONS (1st) 838.80

2 THE JAMES GANG (4th) 575.00

Max and Rob on the Waller winner for Maximillions as Blind Squirrel bags his 4th straight winner for The James Gang. Blind Squirrel has passed Georgy but Max has nailed Hesi so no change.

98.00 Heather 

62.00 Steve P

185.60 Georgy Boy

223.00 Blind Squirrel

161.00 Max

89.20 Hesi

357.20 Rob

157.80 Pete

37.00 Graeme

43.00 Jack


1 FIVE-OH (2nd) 427.60 

4 COVID-Y (6th) 595.80

Covid-Y all miss as Virgil bags the Boss bolter to nail Ray and pull one back for Five-Oh.

101.20 John 

126.20 Rocky

180.00 Virgil

100.00 Ray

27.20 Punter Pete

109.20 Ziggy

64.20 Moose

89.20 Porky

55.00 The Crucible

171.20 Gary


4 ROLAND'S ROUGHNECKS (8th) 1273.00 

1 HALL OF FAME* (3rd) 419.40

Hall of Fame all miss as Roland's lot come out to play with a beaut BB for Gee and wins for Pam and Jen with the latter reeling in Robert to extend the advantage for The Roughnecks.

583.00 Gee 

99.00 Stevie N

260.00 Roland

43.00 Midnight C (Leroy)

143.00 Jen

116.40 Robert

287.00 Pam

62.00 Jamison

0.00 Gordy

99.00 Ian


1 THE TIGERS (7th) 726.40 

3 MUCH TOO FAST (5th) 990.80

Much Too Fast take a pit stop as Tom goes back-to-back to try and chase after Zac. No change overall.

73.00 PJ 

134.20 Craig

250.00 Tom 

414.40 Zac

43.00 Jill

43.00 Ashoka

198.40 Sharne

322.00 Rex

162.00 Maurice 

77.20 Howie

* Joker Play

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The Tigers can pull one back with Tyzone or Outback Barbie and draw level with Tambo's Mate

Much Too Fast go further ahead with Sesar or Vega One while Victorem or Kementari help

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