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Fugitive on run with kids

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Saw in news an article on the fugitive on run & taken his kids. Sounds like a sad tale all round. 

I heard the fugitive brought the kids up in the bush & they used to go bush for months on end. That he knows how to survive in bush. Apparently search & rescue said no more to police, as hes such a pro going deep bush, when S&R put helicopter over, fugitive on run has gear that turned off human body heat. No way S&R could find. S&R said wasting our time & resources to police so we S& R are moving on. 

Seems like until hes ready to let go & turn himself in its a waste of police time & resources. Public already have pictures of fugitive. Or maybe they may get him when/if he commits another crime eg burgulary. Terrible.

Hopefully for kids sake he lets go of whatever reason it is for taking them. I heard the alleged reason, but its just a rumour so may not be accurate & even if true not justifiable IMO to do what he is doing. 

Anyones thoughts?

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I think the kids are willing protagonists in the whole saga, in fact enjoying it, certainly not prisoners

Probably a better bringing up than many kids get in NZ with so many piss useless parents around

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Posted (edited)

Right yeah possibly. Maybe better than school lol.

People who I spoke to (last year when I was back visiting) had meet both parents years ago. But hadnt seen them in years, just heard things thru the grapevine.

The above is what they told me. They were of the opinion that fugitive was in the right. They also said in their opinion he will be getting help. They said he was always such a good quiet guy.

I do think gone too far with crime & missing school work etc. Unless hes teaching them remotely. If there was an issue why not report it to police oppose going bush with no intentions of returning, to take kids away from the mother.

I do understand its harder for fathers to get custody. So maybe he decided to take matters into his own hands & going bush for long periods is the norm in that family.

Anyways lets see what happens. 

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The Ministry for Children, ironically now almost always called Oranga Tamariki are not renowned for their handling of problem cases like this.  You could almost say that it goes downhill once it gets into their hands.  Probably another reason why he has decided he is going to do it his way, away from the bs bureaucracy

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Hesi said:

The Ministry for Children, ironically now almost always called Oranga Tamariki are not renowned for their handling of problem cases like this.  You could almost say that it goes downhill once it gets into their hands.  Probably another reason why he has decided he is going to do it his way, away from the bs bureaucracy

Yes. Heard that. Infact there is a kid on Tik Tok & he tells his story. Kid is still in Oranga Tamariki maybe he is 15 he is nearly out of their care, he is a caucasian young kid. Hes counting down until he is out. He has lots of followers & he posts videos when he can. They put the police onto him when he told his story. Unfortunelty for them he filmed it all including police showing up to arrest him & posted to Tik Tok. How odd police there to arrest him when he made the complaint about Ministry of Children. People in comments asking is he ok. They let him go in end without charging him. Seemed ridculous, not sure what they thought they could charge him with. But seemed to show they didnt want to look bad or he maybe exposed things they didnt want to see.

Also other kids who have come out of Organga Tamariki commented on his video saying yes similar thing happened to them etc.

So yes your on the money with your post.

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The Ombudsman's report accompanied a critical Oranga Tamariki report which found that the number of children who had been abused or neglected in its care had risen from 450 in 2022 to over 500 in 2023. 2,424 reports of concern had also been filed in 2023.

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2 minutes ago, Hesi said:

The Ombudsman's report accompanied a critical Oranga Tamariki report which found that the number of children who had been abused or neglected in its care had risen from 450 in 2022 to over 500 in 2023. 2,424 reports of concern had also been filed in 2023.

Thanks for posting that. I wasnt aware of those stats facts. Just the odd thing Id heard plus the Tik Tok video as mentioned above.

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You can see why he is doing what he is doing.  I guess he does not believe he would get a fair hearing from The Ministry or the courts.

I applaud him, without knowing the circumstances of why he has done it.  It would also appear that a sizeable proportion of the community also applaud him, or he would have been shopped by now.

I bet you he thinks the world of his kids and they him, and they grow up to be fine human beings

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On 10/7/2024 at 9:01 PM, Hesi said:

You can see why he is doing what he is doing.  I guess he does not believe he would get a fair hearing from The Ministry or the courts.

I applaud him, without knowing the circumstances of why he has done it.  It would also appear that a sizeable proportion of the community also applaud him, or he would have been shopped by now.

I bet you he thinks the world of his kids and they him, and they grow up to be fine human beings

Iv read more about the case & gone back & read earlier articles. An article said they were at family court & he did not have full custody of kids. Also they interviewed his mum who smiled & said no comment when he went missing. They interviewed 2 locals who knew him who said was a good type, a crack up & was funny when on the piss. 

1st disappearance when they came home after x amount of days away it was stated they searched using heat monitors, etc but were unable to find & they were only camped 15kms ish out in a tent.

Reported social media has been giving the lads a hard time who saw them & clarification about what was said at exchange has been revealed. Its not clear why social media were giving un named boys a hard time. Its been stated latest search they used dogs, but not heat monitor. 

Also an interview with the mum of kids she stated she was aware what was being spread about her on social media. 

Awful going thru something so publically & for so long. 

Anyway guess we will wait another year or something for the latest reported update.

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Polarising topic

Some call him a selfish criminal, others, he is father of the year

What this is really about is one man standing up, and very well too, to the perceived injustices of the system, and from the number of people who support him, it would appear that there are many.

Any man who has had the unfortunate experience of the Family Court, will know what I mean.

I read, that the mother has gang connections, and the father did not want his children growing up under that influence, so if that is the case, can you blame him for doing what he has done.  An extreme measure and a longshot to succeed, but then Prince of Penzance won the Melbourne Cup at 100/1 plus.

This will make a great movie one day if goes on for a few more years.  Tom Phillips will sell the rights and make a lot of money and go into NZ folklore.  Remember a fella called George Wilder

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Interesting re gang member links to mother. Didnt know that yikes.

Movie yes good idea if goes on for few more years. Guess depends on how it ends. Think people usually like a happy ending & not sure there will be a happy ending, but who really knows. But yes def movie or doco potential.

Never heard of George Wilder. 

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I see that manipulative and divisive tart, Mihingirangi (Joanne) Forbes has got her hooks into this, and we are hearing the disingenuous (bs) sob story from the mother.

I wonder if the mother didn't have any Maori blood in her, would Mihingirangi be even remotely interested.


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1 hour ago, Globederby19 said:

Go have a read Karrots. NZ version of houdini. Part of NZ folklore. 

Just read it wiki. The great escape lol.

I must say I was on females side originally, then after speaking to friends & hearing more, started to sympathize with father. 

Im on the fence now. I can see both sides. 

I did read the Mum said lots of online trolls that dont know her or the Dad or kids commenting etc. Must be hard to read etc. (Thing is its all over the news in public domain so public will start to form opinions).

Actually the friends I spoke to, 1 of their family members are infact distant family of the Dad/kids. Hence got the inside word re can allegelly evade heat sensors.

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