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Horse names


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Hi Barry,

Talk of staggering. Is the rules of Tik Tok.

No barefeet allowed. Dont have anyone under 15 with shorts & t shirt on in summer as its deemed as semi naked minor. Dont log in then out then decide to log in within 1 hour. Tik Tok will think you are a bot.

Dont post something then delete it. To edit it & repost Tik Tok algothym will think you are a bot & you may get shadow banned.

Gen Z are a completely different kettle of fish. I see where racing will end up in future can already see it starting. They just arent interested & they are the future. They love Tik Tok videos of 2 people doing a silly trend dance for 10 secs. The dont like seeing horses getting whipped & sweating. It is what it is.

Im now enjoying the liberty & freedom & racing & so on. While its here & lasts :-) 

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Learn something every day, Map of Tasmania and Map of Japan, Google slang for both.

It does seem that Thomass (Integrity 101) is back.  In all my time on these blessed chat sites, the only person I can ever recall using the term 'Alors' is Thomass

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Never heard of term map of japan. So I may have misinterpreted the meaning. However very familiar with Japan, culture, language written Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji & cities, & actual map of Japan.

Went on a rant about Tik Tok. Apologies. With regards to this subject, I had meant that if names are getting thru that are deemed as loose. Then how about stark contrast with Tik Tok. Google Tik Tok strict rules & the al that runs it. Its so controlled. Not trying to be Thomass or Max. Oh dear. Again apologies hijacking thread. 

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58 minutes ago, BarryB said:

Map of Japan


Ok cool. Honestly never heard of it. Interesting.  Googled it too & nothing had appeared ( was a quick google search tho). Had thought could of guessed what Map of Tasmania is (part of female anotomy ... ??? - but cod be way off), but had no clue re Map of Japan meaning. Forget posting anything like this on Tik Tok. Infact get penalised if write word money. Posting about gambling wod be a no no. 

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Also if post something from somewhere else get penalised. As has to be original content. Its interesting how so many users, guess 2 billion including from West use Tik Tok & are seemingly ok with this control. 

Should of put this content about Tik Tok on Other category. Could move it to their Hesi & open a chat. 

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18 hours ago, BarryB said:

I see elsewhere Pete in a discussion about names, it is staggering some of the names getting through.

I agree with the poster, map of Japan, seriously how the funk did that get accepted.

I'd suggest most people wouldn't have a clue about that name. It's not even very apparent when you Google it so I think we can cut the authorities some slack on this one. The amount of urban slang out there is unbelievable.

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I first heard of the term map of Tasmania in a Sir Les Patterson interview on the Michael Parkinson show. Where he said a girl in the back of a taxi flashed a map of Tasmania. To explain the term, Sir Les said that Tasmania was a triangular shaped continent, a little on the bushy side.

Edited by Gordy
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15 minutes ago, BarryB said:

The issue is Pete, the owners knew.

Sad that they would call a horse after jizz anyway.

Yeah I get that. People have been trying that sort of thing on for long time. La Biamajora made it through and raced before a name change was forced.

They never twigged the possibilities about a horse called 'My Face' either.

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54 minutes ago, Gordy said:

I first heard of the term map of Tasmania in a Sir Les Patterson interview on the Michael Parkinson show. Where he said a girl in the back of a taxi flashed a map of Tasmania. To explain the term, Sir Les said that Tasmania was a triangular shaped continent, a little on the bushy side.

Ok so was on the money with my guess. Thanks for that story. 

59 minutes ago, BarryB said:

The issue is Pete, the owners knew.

Sad that they would call a horse after jizz anyway.

Good point. 

42 minutes ago, pete said:

Yeah I get that. People have been trying that sort of thing on for long time. La Biamajora made it through and raced before a name change was forced.

They never twigged the possibilities about a horse called 'My Face' either.

Never heard of La Buamajora either. But can guess My Face. Eeck ok think time Karrots gets off this thread haha. 

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