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Take a look at this totally unhinged rant by John Tamihere's daughter who also happens to be Cowboy Hat's wife. This is going to end up in full blown violence as far as I can see.


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Unfortunately the statutes relating to sedition were repealed in 2007.

Yep, I watch the absolute bs that goes on from these people, but they are a very small number of radicals with a vested interest.  Remember most Maori consider themselves NZ'ers and just want what other NZ'ers want and want nothing to do with these radicals.

So, I don't worry too much about it.

I just hope Luxon, Peters and Seymour/Shane Jones stick to their guns and don't ever back down to these people, like Labour kowtowed to them

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I sent that Tik Tok clip to Sean Plunkett, who speaks his mind and is one of the few journalists around that was not 'bought off' by the Public Interest Journalism Fund 'bribe'

I see the Tik Tok clip has been withdrawn.  The wife of a sitting MP, basically promoting sedition is pretty serious stuff that is an affront to most NZ'ers

Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.

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