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Auckland City Jokes

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This post won't mean anything to anyone not familiar with the city of Auckland.
I had to laugh today, reading the news.
There are apparently some whizzkids out there with big plans for a new super sports stadium at Wynyard Quarter on Auckland's waterfront, to replace Eden Park and other stadiums.
Wynyard Quarter !! 😄

A cheap, temporary bridge was installed at the time of the 2011 World Rugby Cup to link Downtown Auckland with Wynyard Quarter where a whole host of development was planned and has subsequently been completed.
To be replaced by a permanent bridge so that multitudes of pedestrians from Downtown Auckland (including tourists from the cruise ships) could access the new Wynyard Quarter development within 2 minutes without being impeded by super yachts departing from the Viaduct Harbour that splits Downtown Auckland and Wynyard Quarter.

Here we are 13 years !!!! :classic_sad: later with no permanent bridge ever having been built - - - the 'temporary' bridge having broken down constantly the past 4 to 5 years, and now not working at all - - - no pedestrian access to Wynyard Quarter without a 20 minute "walkaround" the mulberry bush - - - multiple retail establishments at Wynyard Quarter having a minimum 50% drop-off in turnover since the temp bridge gave up, retail staff being laid off, the Auckland Council landlords responsible for the bridge disaster even having the cheek to not provide any rent remission to the affected retail outlets.

A new super sports stadium at Wynyard Quarter ! 😁
Laughable !
If Auckland Council has anything to do with it, the result will be a complete shambles. They'd struggle to sell icecreams in summer in the Sahara desert.

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24 minutes ago, Hesi said:

You sound like you know quite a bit about all this Howie.  Already they are saying the redevelopment of Eden Park is the one that will go ahead

I've been following the Wynyard bridge debacle for a few years now, Hesi.
Used to work for a corporate a stone's throw from the bridge. 
Was inconvenienced many, many times.
Thank goodness I retired a year ago.


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So, what is your preference of the 3 options presented for stadia in Auckland.

Eden Park seems to have the inside running, a lot of history associated with Eden Park and rugby/cricket, but then that was the case with Athletic Park (Millard stand) and Carisbrook (House of pain).

If they go with Eden Park, I don't know how they solve the problem of test cricket there, as the boundaries are not long enough for it to qualify as a test ground.  So our biggest city and no test cricket, sounds like another one of those f... ups you talk about lol

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Posted (edited)

The eye saw port needs to go 1st. Dont think putting a stadium to block water view is a good idea & dream land by sounds. Im not sure whats wrong with Eden park. Dont they have buses & trains that stop right there. But not up with the play (pun :-) haha.

Not long arrived back in NZ & wow had heard its become full of immigrants but wholly smoke. Id predict in 5 years easy 10 years Kiwis will be the minority in Auks & possibly majority of Kiwis will be tenants in Auckland too. Renters in their own biggest city. A kiwi sells & a non kiwi swoops & buys. Altho by all accounts housing booms over. Heard it from real estate agents & also seeing houses not selling that have been on market around.

If your unsure what I mean, go outside your bubble, catch a bus, a train, go to a hospital, the doctors, or just stand on street & look at eople in the cars who goes past. Then go to a completely different area 20kms from that area. Majority arent kiwis. Or even if they look like a kiwi wait til they talk & they have an accent.

Not stating an opinion on it. Just  messenger.

Edited by karrotsishere
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My knowledge of Auckland is limited to a couple of trips to Karaka.  So, so small as to be completely insignificant.

However, from an outside perspective, the problems inherent seem to have burgeoned since the amalgamation of councils into a 'super city'. 

Is that a fair observation? or is it more a matter of the visibility of such problems being more apparent?

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The bigger the bureaucracy the more inefficient it becomes, the more the focus on its core reason for existing becomes lost, and empire building and self-preservation take centre stage

In racing, we saw this with the Racing Board.

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That's a yes from me.

We saw the same lack of focus from many Govt departments, which should be

Waka Kotahi - maintenance of the roads, new transport infrastructure

Te Whatu Ora - frontline health services

Oranga Tamariki - looking after children who fell into the cracks

Kaianga Ora - housing for those not fortunate enough or be in a position to have a house

Notice the common theme and focus on other things than what they were there to address.

Auckland Council is no different, and I'm sure many who live in Auckland would be disgusted at the performance of its council.  Mayor Wayne Brown is a very strong and forthright character, yet even he has had a battle on his hands to effect change.

They take on a life of their own these large bureaucracies, that is very hard to change.

We saw that with the Racing Board, almost impossible to effect real change.  I recall their costs got up to a mammoth $220 million to return approx $150 mil to the racing industry



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Posted (edited)

Auckland who  ????.  Apart from some interesting Trot nights at Alex Park,for those that follow it, most down here don't give a fats rats arse about Auckland.  We are battling the same bureaucratic ineptness in Masterton, with the "nice to have" instead of the "need to have" taking precedence over basic infrastructure needs. With no mortgage to pay, in my case,  they have now created one for ratepayers, and heavily burdened those already struggling with the cost of living .  I am in a good area and my rates bill is just below 5 grand. A 7.5% increase this year and incremental increases over  the next 2 yrs will put it way over 5 grand .Yep .you read that right, in a town of 20,000.  However, being of advanced years there is a rates rebate, but that will be swallowed up by those increases. Where will it end ?. NZ the way we wanted it ?, yeah right. 

Edited by Globederby19
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