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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Round 5 - Sat May 25

Comp Race 2 - Pukekohe R5

1st - 3 Devoted W-$16.30 P-$3.90

2nd - 12 Charlbury P-$3.20

3rd - 4 Georgian Warrior P-$4.10

Q - $62.00

TF - $2042.50

Scr: 7

Eliminated: - Gordy, Pete, Lightning Blue

Lives lost by Jammo, Craig, PJ, Stevie N, Ian, Zig, Black Caviar, Gary, Richie & NG. Gordy, pete and LB are in the bin failing to make a collect today ! Punter Pete (1st/3rd) grabs a clear lead over Blind Squirrel (Q) while Geoff (2nd) drops to 3rd with Rob (3rd) 4th and Hesi (1st/3rd) up to 5th. Graeme and OM (each 2nd) head the rest. Maurice dons the Timid Terry jersey. 12 of 27 survivors already on their last chance ! Tough day ahead....

Punter Pete $583.30
Blind Squirrel $556.00
Geoff  $372.30
Rob $301.00
Hesi $288.00
Graeme $276.00
Our Maizcay $276.00
Richie* $260.00
Maria $259.00
Jamison* $244.00
Rees $218.00
Tassie Tiger $218.00
Secret Squirrel $218.00
Anita $218.00
Porky* $202.00
Gee $175.00
Howie $102.00
Maurice $77.00
Stevie N* $45.00
Midnight Caller* $41.00
Ngakonui Grass* $16.00
Gary* $16.00
Black Caviar* $16.00
PJ* $16.00
Ian* $16.00
Ziggy* $16.00
Craig* $16.00
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Rob (0) 301 v Gordy (4) 0

Tassie Tiger (6) 218 v Ziggy* (2) 16

Geoff (2) 372.30 v Gee (2) 175

Anita (4) 218 v Rees (2) 218

Hesi (2) 288 v Punter Pete (6) 583.30

Howie (4) 102 v Richie* (4) 260

Maurice (8) 77 v Porky* (2) 202

Jamison* (6) 244 v PJ* (2) 16

Craig* (4) 16 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Gary* (2) 16 v Secret Squirrel (4) 218

Ngakonui Grass* (2) 16 v Graeme (6) 276

Stevie N* (2) 45 v Our Maizcay (4) 276

Midnight Caller* (4) 41 v Maria (4) 259

Ian* (6) 16 v Black Caviar* (4) 16

Blind Squirrel (2) 556 v Pete (2) 0

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1 hour ago, PWJ said:

Hey, he is below you on the table. Not sure he has a clue what he is doing... 😉

Possibly the only thing I will get right today !

  • Haha 1
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Lucky Seven Round 5 - Sat May 25

Comp Race 3 - Pukekohe R7

1st - 5 Devastate W-$3.80 P-$1.50

2nd - 6 Zaila P-$2.60

3rd - 12 Accidental Tourist P-$2.40

Q - $15.70

TF - $155.90

Scr: 1,9

Eliminated: - Stevie N

Lives lost by Gee, Rob and Secret Squirrel while Stevie N is refused boarding to Brisbane. Blind Squirrel bags a BB quinella to go top pushing Punter Pete (1st/3rd) back to 2nd. Geoff (1st) holds 3rd with Hesi (BB 2nd) up to 4th and Maria (1st/3rd) climbs to be 5th. Our Maizcay (2nd/3rd), Richie (1st) and Rees (Q) head the rest. Maurice hands Howie the Timid Terry jersey. More than half the field on a final warning and we are not even halfway yet.

Blind Squirrel $745.40
Punter Pete $660.30
Geoff  $425.30
Hesi $340.00
Maria $336.00
Our Maizcay $326.00
Richie* $313.00
Rees $312.70
Graeme $302.00
Rob* $301.00
Jamison* $297.00
Porky* $279.00
Tassie Tiger $271.00
Anita $244.00
Secret Squirrel* $218.00
Maurice $183.00
Gee* $175.00
Howie $155.00
Black Caviar* $110.70
Craig* $110.70
PJ* $93.00
Ngakonui Grass* $69.00
Gary* $69.00
Midnight Caller* $67.00
Ziggy* $42.00
Ian* $40.00
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Rob* (0) 301 v Gordy (4) 0

Tassie Tiger (6) 271 v Ziggy* (2) 42

Geoff (2) 425.30 v Gee* (2) 175

Anita (4) 244 v Rees (2) 312.70

Hesi (2) 340 v Punter Pete (6) 660.30

Howie (4) 155 v Richie* (4) 313

Maurice (8) 183 v Porky* (2) 279

Jamison* (6) 297 v PJ* (2) 93

Craig* (4) 110.70 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Gary* (2) 69 v Secret Squirrel* (4) 218

Ngakonui Grass* (2) 69 v Graeme (6) 302

Stevie N (2) 0 v Our Maizcay (4) 326

Midnight Caller* (4) 67 v Maria (4) 336

Ian* (6) 40 v Black Caviar* (4) 110.70

Blind Squirrel (2) 745.40 v Pete (2) 0

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Lucky Seven Round 5 - Sat May 25

Comp Race 4 - Doomben R5

1st - 10 Arabian Summer W-$12.60 P-$3.10

2nd - 6 King of Roseau P-$6.80

3rd - 5 Embassy P-$2.00

Q - $235.10

TF - $2262.80

Scr: 13-17

Eliminated: - Gee, Rob, Jamison, Porky

Lives lost by Maria, Maurice, Hesi, Rees and Tassie Tiger while Gee, Rob, Porky and Jammo come to the end of the line. Blind Squirrel (1st) and Punter Pete (3rd) - the only two already in profit - continue to make the pace as Our Maizcay (1st) climbs 3 spots to grab 3rd pushing Geoff (BB 3rd) back to 4th. Anita (1st) up 7 places to 5th while Secret Squirrel (1st) heads the remainder. Maurice misses and hands the Timid Terry jersey back to Howie. Plemty of chances in the next as we still await the first trifecta of the day.

Blind Squirrel $902.40
Punter Pete $680.30
Our Maizcay $483.00
Geoff  $465.30
Anita $401.00
Secret Squirrel* $375.00
Hesi* $340.00
Maria* $336.00
Richie* $333.00
Graeme $322.00
Rees* $312.70
Howie $312.00
Tassie Tiger* $271.00
Black Caviar* $267.70
Craig* $267.70
Gary* $246.00
Midnight Caller* $224.00
Maurice* $183.00
PJ* $133.00
Ngakonui Grass* $89.00
Ziggy* $62.00
Ian* $60.00
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Anita rolls Rees while. Blind Squirrel looking good for a big move up the table with opponent Pete in the bin. Howie and Richie in a good tussle. Comp leader Maurice assured of holding the lead if he can survive the last 3 races after the demise of Porky

Rob (0) 0 v Gordy (4) 0

Tassie Tiger* (6) 271 v Ziggy* (2) 62

Geoff (2) 465.30 v Gee (2) 0

Anita (4) 401 v Rees* (2) 312.70

Hesi* (2) 340 v Punter Pete (6) 680.30

Howie (4) 312 v Richie* (4) 333

Maurice* (8) 183 v Porky (2) 0

Jamison (6) 0 v PJ* (2) 133

Craig* (4) 267.70 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Gary* (2) 246 v Secret Squirrel* (4) 375

Ngakonui Grass* (2) 89 v Graeme (6) 322

Stevie N (2) 0 v Our Maizcay (4) 483

Midnight Caller* (4) 224 v Maria* (4) 336

Ian* (6) 60 v Black Caviar* (4) 267.70

Blind Squirrel (2) 902.40 v Pete (2) 0

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Now that last pedigree makes me feel positively ancient ! The 4th dam of Arabian Summer is by Naturalism, a son of Palace Music who I was groom for when he shuttled to Australia from Kentucky in 1988. I am a seriously old bugger !

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4 minutes ago, JustPlodded said:

PJ can you check my R2 now I am in with a chance of a point please?

Sorry Geoff, you got the Q so i will add $264 to your score shortly

  • Thanks 1
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Lucky Seven Round 5 - Sat May 25

Comp Race 5 - Doomben R7

1st - 12 Maracana W-$39.30 P-$8.50

2nd - 4 Osmose P-$2.40

3rd - 14 Firestorm P-$3.10

Q - $165.00

TF - $2995.30

Scr: 1,6,10,13

Eliminated: - Black Caviar, Gary, Richie, Tassie Tiger, PJ, Maurice, Maria

The failure of the 4 most favoured runners sees 7 casualties while Graeme, Punter Pete and Howie lose a life. Blind Squirrel (2nd) still leads with Geoff (3rd + score correction) up to 2nd nudging back Punter Pete (miss) and Our Maizcay (2nd). Anita (2nd BB) holds 5th ahead of Secret Squirrel (2nd) and Hesi (2nd also) with Rees (3rd) into the points as is  Howie even though he missed (?!) while Graeme hangs in there despite a blank also. Anita, one of only 4 without a blank all day, is now Timid Terri !

Blind Squirrel $926.40
Geoff  $760.30
Punter Pete* $680.30
Our Maizcay $507.00
Anita $449.00
Secret Squirrel* $399.00
Hesi* $364.00
Rees* $343.70
Graeme* $322.00
Howie* $312.00
Craig* $298.70
Midnight Caller* $255.00
Ngakonui Grass* $113.00
Ziggy* $93.00
Ian* $91.00
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Only 3 HTHs with both competitors still live and still two to go !

Rob (0) 0 v Gordy (4) 0

Tassie Tiger (6) 0 v Ziggy* (2) 93

Geoff (2) 760.30 v Gee (2) 0

Anita (4) 449 v Rees* (2) 343.70

Hesi* (2) 364 v Punter Pete* (6) 680.30

Howie* (4) 312 v Richie (4) 0

Maurice (8) 0 v Porky (2) 0

Jamison (6) 0 v PJ (2) 0

Craig* (4) 298.70 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Gary (2) 0 v Secret Squirrel* (4) 399

Ngakonui Grass* (2) 113 v Graeme* (6) 322

Stevie N (2) 0 v Our Maizcay (4) 507

Midnight Caller* (4) 255 v Maria (4) 0

Ian* (6) 91 v Black Caviar (4) 0

Blind Squirrel (2) 926.40 v Pete (2) 0

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Top 6 next race selections:

Blind Squirrel: Molly Bloom, Amazonian Lass,Good Banter

Geoff: Molly Bloom, Tutta la Vita, Mollynickers

Punter Pete*: (BB) Molly Bloom, Pier Pressure, Scarlet Oak

Our Maizcay: Tutta la Vita, Amazonian Lass, Scarlet Oak

Anita: Molly Bloom, Poifect, Scarlet Oak

Secret Squirrel*: (BB) Molly Bloom, Tutta la Vita, Amazonian Lass

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Lucky Seven Round 5 - Sat May 25

Comp Race 6 - Doomben R8

1st - 13 Scarlet Oak W-$3.50 P-$1.70

2nd - 17 Mare of Mt Buller P-$6.40

3rd - 7 Miss Jolene P-$14.00

Q - $69.20

TF - $2472.10

Scr: 6,16,19-21

Eliminated: - Graeme, Secret Squirrel, Ngakonui Grass

Three more bite the dust and with leader Blind Squirrel and 2nd placed Geoff drawing blanks only Anita and Our Maizcay keep a perfect record. Punter Pete (1st BB) races past Geoff while Our Maizcay (1st) holds 4th ahead of Anita (1st), Howie (BB 1st) and Hesi (1st). MC (BB 1st) and Craig (1st) into the points.  

Blind Squirrel* $926.40
Punter Pete* $784.30
Geoff * $760.30
Our Maizcay $559.00
Anita $501.00
Howie* $416.00
Hesi* $416.00
Rees* $395.70
Midnight Caller* $359.00
Craig* $350.70
Ziggy* $157.00
Ian* $143.00
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