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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 3 - Riccarton R9

1st - 11 Jay Bee Gee W-$8.60 P-$3.20

2nd - 7 Freeze Frame P-$2.20

3rd - 3 Bradman P-$3.80

Q - $26.70

TF - $600.30

Scr: 19-21

Eliminated: -

Lives lost in the Winter Cup by Our Maizcay, Punter Pete, Craig, Rob, Pete, Ian, Graeme, Blind Squirrel, Maurice and Black Caviar as Porky goes clear on his own with a 1st/3rd result. Tassie (2nd) slips to 2nd with Lightning Blue up to 3rd and PJ up to 4th with 1st/3rd results each. Stevie N (1st), Steve P (2nd), Geoff (quinella) and Anita (3rd BB) head the rest with former leader Blind Squirrel (blank) next. Richie and NG still scrapping over the Timid Terry shirt.

Porky $488.90
Tassie Tiger $354.90
Lightning Blue $319.10
PJ $319.10
Stevie N $281.10
Steve P $251.50
Geoff $221.70
Anita* $208.10
Blind Squirrel* $188.40
Robert $185.10
Gary $185.10
Gordy $185.10
Midnight Caller $185.10
Craig* $183.10
Black Caviar* $163.10
Graeme* $163.10
Pete* $163.10
Ian* $163.10
Our Maizcay* $163.10
Howie $163.00
Ziggy $161.00
Jamison $161.00
Gee* $160.00
Maurice* $147.00
Punter Pete* $109.40
Secret Squirrel $103.00
Hesi $87.00
Richie $65.00
Ngakonui Grass $65.00
Rob* $43.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Anita annexes Black Caviar while PJ passes Craig. Secret Squirrel pulls ahead of Hesi, Stevie N pulls clear of Pete while Gordy does likewise to Graeme.

Blind Squirrel* (8) 188.40 v Ian* (17) 163.10

Geoff (6) 221.70 v Rob* (8) 43

Midnight Caller (14) 185.10 v Robert (2) 185.10

Ngakonui Grass (6) 65 v Tassie Tiger (12) 354.90

Black Caviar* (20) 163.10 v Anita* (12) 208.10

Our Maizcay* (14) 163.10 v Steve P (8) 251.50

Craig* (12) 183.10 v PJ (10) 319.10

Secret Squirrel (10) 103 v Hesi (8) 87

Gary (8) 185.10 v Maurice* (15) 147

Lightning Blue (8) 319.10 v Punter Pete* (10) 109.40

Jamison (14) 161 v Ziggy (12) 161

Howie (12) 163 v Porky (14) 488.90

Graeme* (12) 163.10 v Gordy (14) 185.10

Pete* (12) 163.10 v Stevie N (6) 281.10

Richie (12) 65 v Gee* (6) 160

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 4 - Riccarton R10

1st - 5 Harmonious W-$4.80 P-$2.20

2nd - 1 Mr Twinkle Toes P-$2.70

3rd - 19 Royce Roca P-$6.00

Q - $14.30

TF - $596.70

Scr: 4,20

Eliminated: - Gee

Lives lost by Ngakonui Grass, PJ, and Hesi while Gee suffers another blank and is out. Porky is on fire bagging a beaut BB quinella to roll further ahead and claim a profit bonus point. Tassie (1st) holds 2nd while Craig climbs 11 places to 3rd also with a BB quinella. LB (1st) slips a spot to 4th while Stevie N (1st) holds 5th. Gary (1st BB) up to 6th while PJ (blank) drops to 7th. Blind Squirrel (1st/3rd) makes up a place to be 8th ahead of Geoff ((1st) who drops a couple to 9th while Steve P (2nd) loses 4 places to round out the points scoring slots. Anita (1st) heads the chasers.Richie finally has the Timid Terry jersey to himself....

Porky $711.50
Tassie Tiger $424.90
Craig* $405.70
Lightning Blue $389.10
Stevie N $351.10
Gary $325.10
PJ* $319.10
Blind Squirrel* $318.40
Geoff $291.70
Steve P $278.50
Anita* $278.10
Ian* $274.40
Robert $255.10
Gordy $255.10
Midnight Caller $255.10
Black Caviar* $233.10
Graeme* $233.10
Pete* $233.10
Our Maizcay* $233.10
Howie $233.00
Ziggy $231.00
Jamison $231.00
Maurice* $217.00
Punter Pete* $179.40
Secret Squirrel $173.00
Rob* $173.00
Richie $135.00
Hesi* $87.00
Ngakonui Grass* $65.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Craig claims the scorer while Richie will win his match if he survives Flemington. MC and Robert still tied up as are Jammo and Zig.

Blind Squirrel* (8) 318.40 v Ian* (17) 274.40

Geoff (6) 291.70 v Rob* (8) 173

Midnight Caller (14) 255.10 v Robert (2) 255.10

Ngakonui Grass* (6) 65 v Tassie Tiger (12) 424.90

Black Caviar* (20) 233.10 v Anita* (12) 278.10

Our Maizcay* (14) 233.10 v Steve P (8) 278.50

Craig* (12) 405.70 v PJ* (10) 319.10

Secret Squirrel (10) 173 v Hesi* (8) 87

Gary (8) 325.10 v Maurice* (15) 217

Lightning Blue (8) 389.10 v Punter Pete* (10) 179.40

Jamison (14) 231 v Ziggy (12) 231

Howie (12) 233 v Porky (14) 711.50

Graeme* (12) 233.10 v Gordy (14) 255.10

Pete* (12) 233.10 v Stevie N (6) 351.10

Richie (12) 135 v Gee (6) 0

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 5 - Flemington R6

1st - 8 Right To Party W-$3.80 P-$1.60

2nd - 1 Zarastro P-$1.60

3rd - 2 Itsourtime P-$2.20

Q - $7.90

TF - $67.10

Scr: nil

Eliminated: - Ngakonui Grass

NG suffers another miss and is eliminated as Porky powers on with his second trifecta of the day. Lightning Blue up two places to trail with a beaut BB quinella while Secret Squirrel makes up 22 spots with a ripper BB trifecta ! Tassie (Q) drops two places to 4th ahead of Craig (1st/3rd) who also loses two spots. Anita up 5 places to 6th with a trifecta also struck by Robert (up 6 spots) with Stevie N (1st) next losing 3 places. Black Caviar, Pete and Our Maizcay (all with the trifecta) into the points. Gary (1st), PJ (Q), Geoff (2nd) and Blind Squirrel (1st) drop out of the points. Richie remains Timid Terry.

Porky $878.50
Lightning Blue $544.90
Secret Squirrel $507.00
Tassie Tiger $502.80
Craig* $481.70
Anita* $445.10
Robert $422.10
Stevie N $405.10
Black Caviar* $400.10
Pete* $400.10
Our Maizcay* $400.10
PJ* $397.00
Maurice* $384.00
Gary $379.10
Blind Squirrel* $372.40
Ian* $352.30
Ziggy $339.00
Jamison $339.00
Steve P $332.50
Gordy $331.10
Graeme* $309.10
Geoff $307.70
Midnight Caller $293.10
Howie $255.00
Punter Pete* $195.40
Rob* $189.00
Hesi* $164.90
Richie $151.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Robert pulls clear of MC at last. Our Maizcay mugs Steve P while Maurice nips ahead of Gary. Tassie Tiger wins if he can avoid elimination. Jammo and Zig still tied up.

Blind Squirrel* (8) 372.40 v Ian* (17) 352.30

Geoff (6) 307.70 v Rob* (8) 189

Midnight Caller (14) 293.10 v Robert (2) 422.10

Ngakonui Grass (6) 0 v Tassie Tiger (12) 424.90

Black Caviar* (20) 400.10 v Anita* (12) 445.10

Our Maizcay* (14) 400.10 v Steve P (8) 332.50

Craig* (12) 481.70 v PJ* (10) 397

Secret Squirrel (10) 507 v Hesi* (8) 164.90

Gary (8) 379.10 v Maurice* (15) 384

Lightning Blue (8) 544.90 v Punter Pete* (10) 195.40

Jamison (14) 339 v Ziggy (12) 339

Howie (12) 255 v Porky (14) 878.50

Graeme* (12) 309.10 v Gordy (14) 331.10

Pete* (12) 400.10 v Stevie N (6) 405.10

Richie (12) 151 v Gee (6) 0

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 6 - Flemington R7

1st - 11 Star Vega W-$4.00 P-$1.80

2nd - 10 Rise To It P-$3.00

3rd - 13 My Brothers Keeper P-$2.00

Q - $23.40

TF - $275.90

Scr: 2,5,15

Eliminated: - Anita

Anita misses again and is gone while Lightning Blue, Howie and Midnight Caller also suffer blanks. Porky (2nd) stays in front but big runs coming from Maurice and Rob who each snag the trifecta with Maurice trying to steal the Championship from Our Maizcay. Secret Squirrel (1st) back to 4th ahead of Tassie (1st) - all those 5 now with a bonus profit point. LB (blank) and Craig (2nd) are next with Stevie N (1st/3rd), Robert (1st) and Our Maizcay (1st/3rd) rounding out the points. Pete and BC drop out of the points. Geoff is now Timid Terry !

Porky $908.50
Maurice* $791.30
Rob* $596.30
Secret Squirrel $565.00
Tassie Tiger $560.80
Lightning Blue* $544.90
Craig* $511.70
Stevie N $483.10
Robert $480.10
Our Maizcay* $478.10
Black Caviar* $458.10
PJ* $455.00
Pete* $450.10
Gary $437.10
Blind Squirrel* $430.40
Steve P $410.50
Ian* $410.30
Gordy $389.10
Richie $373.80
Ziggy $369.00
Jamison $369.00
Graeme* $367.10
Geoff $337.70
Midnight Caller* $293.10
Punter Pete* $273.40
Howie* $255.00
Hesi* $184.90
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Rob rolls Geoff. BC inherits the lead after Anita explodes. Jammo and Zig STILL tied up.

Blind Squirrel* (8) 430.40 v Ian* (17) 410.30

Geoff (6) 337.70 v Rob* (8) 596.30

Midnight Caller* (14) 293.10 v Robert (2) 480.10

Ngakonui Grass (6) 0 v Tassie Tiger (12) 560.80

Black Caviar* (20) 458.10 v Anita (12) 0

Our Maizcay* (14) 478.10 v Steve P (8) 410.50

Craig* (12) 511.70 v PJ* (10) 455

Secret Squirrel (10) 565 v Hesi* (8) 184.90

Gary (8) 437.10 v Maurice* (15) 791.30

Lightning Blue* (8) 544.90 v Punter Pete* (10) 273.40

Jamison (14) 369 v Ziggy (12) 369

Howie* (12) 255 v Porky (14) 908.50

Graeme* (12) 367.10 v Gordy (14) 389.10

Pete* (12) 450.10 v Stevie N (6) 483.10

Richie (12) 373.80 v Gee (6) 0

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Porky    $908.50 2-3-4
Maurice*    $791.30 1-4-7
Rob*    $596.30 7-10-11 BB
Secret Squirrel    $565.00 2-4-7
Tassie Tiger    $560.80 3-4-7 BB
Lightning Blue*    $544.90 1-2-4
Craig*    $511.70 3-7-10
Stevie N    $483.10 1-3-4 BB
Robert    $480.10 3-4-7 BB
Our Maizcay*    $478.10 3-4-7
Black Caviar*    $458.10 3-4-10 BB
PJ*    $455.00 1-3-4 BB
Pete*    $450.10 3-7-10
Gary    $437.10 3-4-7
Blind Squirrel*    $430.40 2-4-7
Steve P    $410.50 4-6-10 BB
Ian*    $410.30 3-4-9 BB
Gordy    $389.10 3-4-10 BB
Richie    $373.80 1-4-7
Ziggy    $369.00 2-5-10
Jamison    $369.00 6-7-9
Graeme*    $367.10 1-3-10 BB
Geoff    $337.70 2-3-7
Midnight Caller*    $293.10 3-4-8 BB
Punter Pete*    $273.40 1-4-7
Howie*    $255.00 3-4-7
Hesi*    $184.90 1-2-10

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 7 - Flemington R8

1st - 1 Gentleman Roy W-$10.70 P-$2.90

2nd - 6 Devoted P-$4.10

3rd - 7 St Lawrence P-$1.70

Q - $60.30

TF - $738.90

Scr: 11

Eliminated: - Black Caviar, Midnight Caller, Ian

In the last we lost Ian, Midnight Caller and Black Caviar while Zig, Gordy and the leader going into the last - Porky - lost a life. But it was Ferdie Maurice who rocketed home from 13th to not only win the day but also the Picadilly Pam Championship with a 1st/3rd collect in the last - well done Champ ! Porky, despite the blank held on for 2nd with PJ finishing on late with a best bet 1st to grab 3rd ahead of Lightning Blue (1st) who slipped to 4th while a BB 1st for Graeme saw him fly home from 20th to secure 5th. Rob (BB 3rd) took 6th, Tassie (2nd BB) 7th, Secret Squirrel (3rd) dropped to 8th, Craig (3rd) slipped to 9th  while Richie (1st/3rd) snuck in to take the final point. Geoff will take home the Timid Terry jersey for safekeeping until the next Lucky Seven comp. Thanks to everyone for taking part. Remember, NPC Super Comp starts next Saturday.

Maurice* $944.30
Porky* $908.50
PJ* $727.00
Lightning Blue* $680.90
Graeme* $639.10
Rob* $630.30
Tassie Tiger $594.80
Secret Squirrel $582.00
Craig* $528.70
Richie $526.80
Stevie N $517.10
Robert $514.10
Our Maizcay* $495.10
Steve P $492.50
Pete* $467.10
Gary $454.10
Blind Squirrel* $447.40
Jamison $427.00
Punter Pete* $426.40
Gordy* $389.10
Ziggy* $369.00
Geoff $354.70
Hesi* $320.90
Howie* $272.00
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Craig was caught by PJ at the death, Gordy was gathered in by Graeme while Jammo finally mastered Zig. Good tussle Craig. You are always a tough opponent !

Blind Squirrel* (8) 447.40 v Ian (17) 0

Geoff (6) 354.70 v Rob* (8) 630.30

Midnight Caller (14) 0 v Robert (2) 514.10

Ngakonui Grass (6) 0 v Tassie Tiger (12) 594.80

Black Caviar* (20) 0 v Anita* (12) 0

Our Maizcay* (14) 495.10 v Steve P (8) 492.50

Craig* (12) 528.70 v PJ* (10) 727

Secret Squirrel (10) 582 v Hesi* (8) 320.90

Gary (8) 454.10 v Maurice* (15) 944.30

Lightning Blue* (8) 680.90 v Punter Pete* (10) 426.40

Jamison (14) 427 v Ziggy* (12) 369

Howie* (12) 272 v Porky* (14) 908.50

Graeme* (12) 639.10 v Gordy* (14) 389.10

Pete* (12) 467.10 v Stevie N (6) 517.10

Richie (12) 526.80 v Gee (6) 0

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Lucky Seven Piccadilly Pam Championship Final Points Table

Maurice trailed Our Maizcay heading into today but in taking the round honours  with a huge finish grabbing two trifectas in the final 3 races, Maurice secured the Championship victory in the best way possible. Our Maizcay finished just outside the points today but his terrific earlier form in the comp ensured he was runner-up by quite a margin. Another excellent tipping performance from Porky which saw him the runner-up today ensured he finished a clear 3rd to complete the podium. Craig held on to 4th by picking up a couple of points today ahead of a trio of Tassie, MC and LB who shared 5th spot, with PJ, Graeme and Anita rounding out the top 10. Maurice, PM me with an address to send the Dundeel cap to.

124 Maurice

101 Our Maizcay

73 Porky

66 Craig

65 Tassie Tiger

65 Midnight Caller

65 Lightning Blue

62 PJ

61 Graeme

59 Anita

58 Secret Squirrel

57 Gee

57 Ian

53 Richie

51 Jamison

50 Black Caviar

49 Blind Squirrel

49 Steve P

45 Hesi

45 Gary

45 Punter Pete

42 Pete

39 Rees

34 Gordy

30 Ziggy

29 Howie

25 Rob

22 Geoff

19 Maria

18 Stevie N

7 Jen

4 Robert

4 Rex

2 Ngakonui Grass

0 the rest

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Black Caviar secured the 2024 Lucky Seven Jenlove Memorial Cup last week but eliminated himself in the last today so was not able to add to his score. Maurice won the day and snatched 2nd place in the Cup over Ian who he drew with in an earlier round. Our Maizcay won today to ensure he held 4th while Jamison got up to win in the last to move up a spot to finish 5th ahead of Porky who made up two places with a win today. Midnight Caller fell out in the last and slipped to 7th overall ahead of Richie (up 4 places with a win today), Tassie (also up 4 spots with a win) and Gordy (losing 3 spots in defeat), rounding out the top 10.

20 Black Caviar (3054.30)- Cup Winner !

17 Maurice (3300.20)

17 Ian (3204.60)

16 Our Maizcay (2796.00)

16 Jamison (2289.90)

16 Porky (1999.80)

14 Midnight Caller (2490.40)

14 Richie (2080.30)

14 Tassie Tiger (1853.40)

14 Gordy (1482.50)

14 Graeme (1045.60)

12 Howie (2324.00)

12 PJ (1971.10)

12 Craig (1660.10)

12 Anita (1594.80)

12 Pete (1253.80)

12 Secret Squirrel (1106.90)

12 Ziggy (839.90)

10 Blind Squirrel (1990.00)

10 Lightning Blue (1382.20)

10 Rob (1246.70)

10 Punter Pete (899.70)

8 Hesi (4498.90)

8 Gary (2152.70)

8 Maria (1770.60)

8 Steve P (1514.90)

8 Stevie N (1103.70)

6 Gee (1632.20)

6 Ngakonui Grass (843.20)

6 Geoff (750.80)

4 Rees (1244.60)

4 Robert (980.20)

4 Jen (511.50)

2 Rex (491.00)

0 the rest

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