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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Round 12 - Sat July 13

Comp Race 4 - Trentham R8

1st - 1 Tavis Court W-$14.30 P-$3.20

2nd - 2 Highlighter P-$1.80

3rd - 3 Durham Lad P-$1.80

Q - $26.80

TF - $245.40

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

Still no lives lost as National Squirrel Day is declared as the myopic one is the only tipster on the Hawera roughie and added 3rd place and a BB for good measure to rocket to the top ! Secret Squirrel (2nd) drops to trail with Geoff (2nd), Richie (2nd/3rd), Maurice (2nd/3rd - how did you miss that winner?), Gee (2nd/3rd), Graeme (2nd BB), Pete (2nd BB) and Gordy (3rd) all dropping a place. PJ (2nd/3rd) clings on in 10th as Craig (3rd) and Stevie N (2nd) drop out of the points. Comp leader Our Maizcay biding his time toward the back.

Blind Squirrel $539.00
Secret Squirrel $455.70
Geoff $370.90
Richie $361.90
Maurice $361.90
Gee $337.00
Graeme $320.80
Pete $316.10
Gordy $286.90
PJ $284.00
Craig $274.00
Stevie N $266.00
Hesi $265.00
Porky $263.20
Jamison $247.00
Howie $211.00
Steve P $201.00
Lightning Blue $201.00
Black Caviar $190.00
Gary $189.00
Ian $182.00
Midnight Caller $171.00
Our Maizcay $168.00
Anita $151.00
Tassie Tiger $148.00
Maria $129.00
Ngakonui Grass $126.90
Rob $110.00
Ziggy $75.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Blind Squirrel rips past Pete. Maurice and Geoff in a very tight battle.

Graeme (10) 320.80 v Gordy (10) 286.90

Craig (8) 274 v Hesi (6) 265

Rob (4) 110 v Gee (2) 337

PJ (6) 284 v Gary (8) 189

Tassie Tiger (10) 148 v Black Caviar (14) 190

Ziggy (8) 75 v Ian (15) 182

Porky (10) 263.20 v Howie (10) 211

Steve P (6) 201 v Anita (12) 151

Secret Squirrel (8) 455.70 v Midnight Caller (12) 171

Maurice (13) 361.90 v Geoff (6) 370.90

Blind Squirrel (4) 539 v Pete (8) 316.10

Ngakonui Grass (4) 126.90 v Lightning Blue (4) 201

Jamison (12) 247 v Stevie N (2) 266

Richie (8) 361.90 v Our Maizcay (14) 168

Maria 129 v Break even of $552

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Of the top 4 in the Cup points only Ian and Black Caviar boast personal leads. The trio on 12 are all behind in their HTHs while of the half dozen chasers on 10 points only Graeme and Porky have a lead in their HTHs.

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Lucky Seven Round 12 - Sat July 13

Comp Race 5 - Caulfield R6

1st - 13 British Columbia W-$24.90 P-$6.20

2nd - 15 Nations Call P-$1.60

3rd - 6 Miracle Spin P-$5.20

Q - $40.40

TF - $1421.50

Scr: 3,4,7,12,16

Eliminated: -

Lives lost by Blind Squirrel, Geoff, Richie and Gee - all in the points - as well as Craig, Rob and Zig (who hands the Timid Terry jersey to NG), but it is the Catatonic Cat who channeled his inner winners to tip the quinella to teleport him into the lead ! Secret Squirrel (2nd/3rd BB and now in profit) and Blind Squirrel (blank) drop a spot while the only other tipster to find the Begg bolter - Lightning Blue - hoves into 4th. Maurice (3rd) holds 5th while Graeme (3rd) is up to 6th. Geoff and Richie both miss and it costs them 4 places while Gee (miss) and Pete (2nd) complete the points-bearing spots with PJ and Gordy (each 2nd) dropping out.

Jamison $614.40
Secret Squirrel $591.70
Blind Squirrel* $539.00
Lightning Blue $512.00
Maurice $413.90
Graeme $372.80
Geoff* $370.90
Richie* $361.90
Gee* $337.00
Pete $332.10
Gordy $302.90
PJ $300.00
Stevie N $282.00
Hesi $281.00
Porky $279.20
Craig* $274.00
Howie $227.00
Steve P $217.00
Black Caviar $206.00
Gary $205.00
Ian $198.00
Maria $197.00
Midnight Caller $187.00
Our Maizcay $184.00
Anita $167.00
Tassie Tiger $164.00
Ngakonui Grass $142.90
Rob* $110.00
Ziggy* $75.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Hesi hops past Craig, Jammo jumps ahead of Stevie N while Maurice gallops past Geoff.

Graeme (10) 372.80 v Gordy (10) 302.90

Craig* (8) 274 v Hesi (6) 281

Rob* (4) 110 v Gee* (2) 337

PJ (6) 300 v Gary (8) 205

Tassie Tiger (10) 164 v Black Caviar (14) 206

Ziggy* (8) 75 v Ian (15) 198

Porky (10) 279.20 v Howie (10) 227

Steve P (6) 217 v Anita (12) 167

Secret Squirrel (8) 591.70 v Midnight Caller (12) 187

Maurice (13) 413.90 v Geoff* (6) 370.90

Blind Squirrel* (4) 539 v Pete (8) 332.10

Ngakonui Grass (4) 142.90 v Lightning Blue (4) 512

Jamison (12) 614.40 v Stevie N (2) 282

Richie* (8) 361.90 v Our Maizcay (14) 184

Maria 197 v Break even of $552

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Lucky Seven Round 12 - Sat July 13

Comp Race 6 - Caulfield R7

1st - 10 Marble Nine W-$6.50 P-$2.50

2nd - 6 Major Share P-$2.00

3rd - 13 Piastri P-$3.90

Q - $14.90

TF - $323.80

Scr: 4,7,9,12,15,16

Eliminated: - Gee, Geoff

Lives lost by Maria, Gordy, Stevie N and previous leader Jamison, while Geoff and Gee lose their lollies completely. Secret Squirrel (1st) jumps back into the lead with one to go over Maurice who snags a beaut BB quinella. Blind Squirrel (1st) holds 3rd while Jammo drops to 4th. LB (BB 3rd) drops to 5th while Graeme (Q) holds station in 6th. Richie, Pete and Porky - all with the quinella - come next while NG squeaks into the points with a 1st/3rd BB. Tassie Tiger takes over the Timid Terry jersey.

Secret Squirrel $681.70
Maurice $663.70
Blind Squirrel* $629.00
Jamison* $614.40
Lightning Blue $590.00
Graeme $497.70
Richie* $486.80
Pete $457.00
Porky $404.10
Ngakonui Grass $400.90
PJ $390.00
Craig* $364.00
Howie $351.90
Steve P $346.00
Gary $329.90
Ian $322.90
Hesi $320.00
Gordy* $302.90
Anita $291.90
Stevie N* $282.00
Our Maizcay $274.00
Black Caviar $226.00
Midnight Caller $207.00
Tassie Tiger $204.00
Ziggy* $204.00
Maria* $197.00
Rob* $149.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Craig gets back ahead of Hesi in a close battle.With Geoff exploding Maurice will win his HTH while Rob also will if he avoids a blank in the last.

Graeme (10) 497.90 v Gordy* (10) 302.90

Craig* (8) 364 v Hesi (6) 320

Rob* (4) 149 v Gee (2) 0

PJ (6) 390 v Gary (8) 329.90

Tassie Tiger (10) 204 v Black Caviar (14) 226

Ziggy* (8) 204 v Ian (15) 322.90.

Porky (10) 404.10 v Howie (10) 351.90

Steve P (6) 346 v Anita (12) 291.90

Secret Squirrel (8) 681.70 v Midnight Caller (12) 207

Maurice (13) 663.70 v Geoff (6) 0

Blind Squirrel* (4) 629 v Pete (8) 457

Ngakonui Grass (4) 400.90 v Lightning Blue (4) 590

Jamison* (12) 614.40 v Stevie N* (2) 282

Richie* (8) 486.80 v Our Maizcay (14) 274

Maria* 197 v Break even of $552

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Secret Squirrel    $681.70 2-3-7
Maurice    $663.70 1-2-3
Blind Squirrel*    $629.00 2-5-6
Jamison*    $614.40 2-6-8 BB
Lightning Blue    $590.00 2-5-7
Graeme    $497.70 3-5-6
Richie*    $486.80 1-2-5 BB
Pete    $457.00 1-2-5
Porky    $404.10 1-5-7 BB
Ngakonui Grass    $400.90 1-7-8
PJ    $390.00 1-2-3 BB
Craig*    $364.00 2-5-8
Howie    $351.90 1-3-7
Steve P    $346.00 2-5-7 BB
Gary    $329.90 2-3-5
Ian    $322.90 2-3-5 BB
Hesi    $320.00 6-7-8
Gordy*    $302.90 2-5-7 BB
Anita    $291.90 1-2-3 BB
Stevie N*    $282.00 1-2-3 BB
Our Maizcay    $274.00 2-3-5 BB
Black Caviar    $226.00 2-5-7
Midnight Caller    $207.00 2-5-7 BB
Tassie Tiger    $204.00 1-2-5
Ziggy*    $204.00 1-5-7
Maria*    $197.00 2-5-8
Rob*    $149.00 2-5-8 BB


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Lucky Seven Round 12 - Sat July 13

Comp Race 7 - Caulfield R8

1st - 2 Recommendation W-$3.30 P-$1.50

2nd - 7 Party For Two P-$2.50

3rd - 5 Mrs Chrissie P-$1.50

Q - $18.90

TF - $119.00

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

No lives lost in the last where we saw some torrid scoring to end the day with Lightning Blue flashing home from 5th to win the round with a trifecta. Steve P bagged a ripper BB trifecta to come from the clouds and snatch 2nd while Secret Squirrel (Q) had to settle for 3rd. Gordy also bagged a BB trifecta to fly home for 4th while Maurice (1st) gave up 3 places dropping to 5th. Jamison (1st BB) dropped a couple of spots to end up 6th while Blind Squirrel (1st/3rd) dropped 4 places to 7th. Midnight Caller made up 15 places late to grab a couple of points with another BB trifecta while Richie (1st/3rd BB) dropped a couple of places to be 9th -- the top 9 all in profit. Pete (1st/3rd) lost a couple of places but grabbed the final point on offer. Porky (2nd/3rd BB), NG (2nd) and Graeme (3rd) slipped out of the points at the death. Well played everyone. Tassie takes home the Timid Terry jersey for a wash.

Lightning Blue $815.90
Steve P $797.80
Secret Squirrel $773.60
Gordy* $754.70
Maurice $711.70
Jamison* $710.40
Blind Squirrel* $692.00
Midnight Caller $658.80
Richie* $612.80
Pete $520.00
Graeme $512.70
PJ $486.00
Porky $484.10
Black Caviar $451.90
Ian $448.90
Craig* $427.00
Ngakonui Grass $425.90
Our Maizcay $400.00
Gary $392.90
Anita $387.90
Stevie N* $378.00
Howie $376.90
Hesi $345.00
Rob* $275.00
Tassie Tiger $267.00
Maria* $260.00
Ziggy* $244.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH Final Scores (Cup points in brackets)

A BB trifecta for Gordy got him past Graeme in the last.

Graeme (10) 512.70 v Gordy* (10) 754.70

Craig* (8) 427 v Hesi (6) 345

Rob* (4) 275 v Gee (2) 0

PJ (6) 486 v Gary (8) 392.90

Tassie Tiger (10) 267 v Black Caviar (14) 451.90

Ziggy* (8) 244 v Ian (15) 448.90.

Porky (10) 484.10 v Howie (10) 376.90

Steve P (6) 797.80 v Anita (12) 387.90

Secret Squirrel (8) 773.60 v Midnight Caller (12) 658.80

Maurice (13) 711.70 v Geoff (6) 0

Blind Squirrel* (4) 692 v Pete (8) 520

Ngakonui Grass (4) 425.90 v Lightning Blue (4) 815.90

Jamison* (12) 710.40 v Stevie N* (2) 378

Richie* (8) 612.80 v Our Maizcay (14) 400

Maria* 260 v Break even of $552

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Championship Points scored today

26 Lightning Blue

19 Steve P

16 Secret Squirrel

13 Gordy

11 Maurice

9 Jamison

7 Blind Squirrel

5 Midnight Caller

3 Richie

1 Pete

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Lucky Seven Piccadilly Pam Championship Points Overall

Leader Our Maizcay failed to score a point today so Maurice made hay while the sun shone and his 5th place finish saw him cut his deficit to just 3 points ! Anita, Tassie, Ian and Porky also came away empty-handed but 3rd to 6th remains unchanged. Secret Squirrels 16 points for a 3rd today elevates him 8 places to 7th while Round Winner Lightning Blue was up 14 places from 22nd to 8th and lastly Jammo gained 3 spots to join Craig in equal 9th.

101 Our Maizcay

98 Maurice

59 Anita

58 Tassie Tiger

57 Ian

54 Porky

53 Secret Squirrel

52 Lightning Blue

51 Jamison

51 Craig

50 Black Caviar

49 Steve P

45 Blind Squirrel

45 Gary

45 Punter Pete

44 PJ

39 Midnight Caller

39 Rees

37 Richie

31 Graeme

27 Ziggy

26 Gee

25 Howie

23 Pete

21 Geoff

19 Maria

19 Hesi

15 Gordy

7 Jen

6 Rob

4 Robert

4 Rex

2 Ngakonui Grass

0 the rest

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Leader Ian downed Ziggy today to maintain his one point lead at the top of the Cup standings. A defeat for Our Maizcay by Richie saw him slip from 2nd to 4th with Black Caviar (win over Tassie) and Maurice (max dollars win over Geoff) each moving up a spot. Jammo (win), Midnight Caller (loss) and Anita (loss) all hold station while Porky gained a place with a win over Howie who lost two spots as a result. With a win over Graeme, Gordy gained 3 places up to 9th. There are just 3 Rounds remaining in the comp so only the top 9 can now win the Cup. Next week we go to Hawera and Rosehill.

17 Ian (3204.60)

16 Black Caviar (2656.00)

15 Maurice (2810.00)

14 Our Maizcay (2793.40)

14 Jamison (2231.90)

12 Midnight Caller (1810.10)

12 Anita (1594.80)

12 Porky (1334.90)

12 Gordy (924.50)

10 Howie (1988.00)

10 Craig (1408.50)

10 Richie (1378.60)

10 Tassie Tiger (1142.60)

10 Punter Pete (899.70)

10 Secret Squirrel (845.80)

10 Graeme (558.20)

8 Gary (2152.70)

8 Maria (1770.60)

8 Steve P (1514.90)

8 PJ (1294.30)

8 Ziggy (802.10)

8 Pete (587.60)

6 Blind Squirrel (1316.60)

6 Lightning Blue (769.00)

6 Geoff (750.80)

6 Hesi (712.70)

6 Rob (536.30)

4 Rees (1244.60)

4 Ngakonui Grass (590.30)

4 Jen (511.50)

2 Gee (768.00)

2 Rex (491.00)

2 Robert (466.10)

2 Stevie N (62.90)

0 the rest

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2 hours ago, Black Caviar said:

Hey PJ. I edited my post before closing to make R7 my best bet. I think you may have missed it! 

i'm thinking that maybe Peter records the picks during the course of the morning and if you edit after he has jotted yours down then he has no way of knowing you've made an edit unless you tell him or make the edit in a new post

Edited by Our Maizcay
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28 minutes ago, Our Maizcay said:

i'm thinking that maybe Peter records the picks during the course of the morning and if you edit after he has jotted yours down then he has no way of knowing you've made an edit unless you tell him or make the edit in a new post

That's 100% correct.

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