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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Rex* 491 v Maria 0

Howie 0 v Midnight Caller 0

Craig* 401 v Ngakonui Grass 0

Geoff* 259.10 v Pete 0

Rob* 494.10 v Punter Pete 687

Blind Squirrel 0 v Jen* 400

PJ 0 v Gordy* 420.10

Richie 0 v Ian* 500.90

Max 0 v Gee 0

Roland 0 v Maurice 366.30

Porky 0 v Rees 0

Jamison* 682 v Steve P* 441.90

Tassie Tiger* 601.20 v Graeme* 720.30

Robert 0 v Stevie N 0

Ziggy* 387 v Lightning Blue 0

Hesi 0 v Anita* 345

Secret Squirrel 0 v Sharne 0

Black Caviar* 541.30 v Our Maizcay* 291.90

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2 Ian (500.90)

2 Rex (491.00)

2 Gordy (420.10)

2 Craig (401.00)

2 Jen (400.00)

2 Ziggy (387.00)

2 Maurice (366.30)

2 Anita (345.00)

2 Geoff (259.10)

2 Black Caviar (249.40)

2 Jamison (240.10)

2 Punter Pete (192.90)

2 Graeme (119.10)

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16 minutes ago, PWJ said:

Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 7 - Morphettville R8

1st - 7 Climbing Star W-$29.60 P-$7.00

2nd - 13 Learning To Fly P-$3.80

3rd - 4 Benedetta P-$2.80

Q - $147.80

TF - $2192.50

Scr: nil

Eliminated: - Blind Squirrel

Blind Squirrel shot at the death while leader Jammo plus Tassie, Gordy, Rob and Steve P all drew a blank in the last. Graeme tipped the 2nd & 3rd placegetters to finish over the top and win the day - well done fella ! Punter Pete on the runner-up slipped past Jammo to secure 2nd while Tassie held on for 4th despite a miss. 10 of the 17 survivors score points in the Championship today. Maurice takes home the Timid Terry jersey.

Graeme* $720.30
Punter Pete $687.00
Jamison* $682.00
Tassie Tiger* $601.20
Black Caviar* $541.30
Ian* $500.90
Rob* $494.10
Rex* $491.00
Steve P* $441.90
Gordy* $420.10
Craig* $401.00
Jen* $400.00
Ziggy $387.00
Maurice $366.30
Anita* $345.00
Our Maizcay* $291.90
Geoff* $259.10

Timid jersey but a neck away from 5th in the last 😁😁

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1 hour ago, Porky said:

Hi PJ,

I may have been blocked for a run up the straight,

BUT, thought I had just managed to pick up a cpl of lenghts (R5 & &7)

Maybe not enough to figure? 1st starter & green, ..

5. 1,3,14

7. 2,4,12


1. 1,7,8

2. 1,4,7

3 7,9,10

4. 4,8,9

5. 1,3,14

6. 2,10,11...(B/B)

7. 2,4,12


Hi Porky. Comp race 5 you were credited with $55 for 3rd but comp race 6 your 3 selections missed and therefore you were eliminated as you had also drawn a blank in the 1st race of the comp.

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Cheers for that PJ...sorry to waste ya time on a Sundy.

She,s a hard ask alright. Harder than School C.

Went back to the rules (hadn,t studied enough)...6. Elimination Card - Here's the catch ! THIS IS IMPORTANT. If you fail to collect twice - ie. from two of the comp races

deserve a cut with the whip.


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Lightning Blue v Jen

Howie v Stevie N

Secret Squirrel v Anita

Midnight Caller v Gordy

Blind Squirrel v Gee

Ngakonui Grass v Punter Pete

Robert v Jamison

Hesi v Ian

Rees v Maria

Pete v Steve P

Graeme v Max

Geoff v Craig

Gary v Porky

Our Maizcay v Richie

Rob v Maurice

Black Caviar v Tassie Tiger

PJ v Ziggy

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Lucky Seven Round 2 - Sat May 4

Comp Race 1 - Riccarton R3

1st - 9 Zoulander W-$10.80 P-$2.20

2nd - 6 Spartan P-$1.40

3rd - 8 Benaud P-$7.50

Q - $13.20

TF - $1007.10

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

Seven land the sweet quinella but they only share 3rd as the roughie twins head the leaderboard with a 1st/3rd for Rob lobs him into 2nd while a BB on the Pitman winner gives King Gee the lead. Five lose a life in the first with a nervous day ahead.

Gee $260.00
Rob  $205.00
Jen $157.20
Lightning Blue $157.20
Richie $157.20
Hesi $157.20
Maria $157.20
Craig $157.20
Our Maizcay  $157.20
Steve P $130.00
Punter Pete $89.00
Max $75.00
Gary $28.00
Porky $28.00
Ngakonui Grass $28.00
Rees $14.00
Tassie Tiger $14.00
Robert $14.00
Maurice $14.00
Midnight Caller $14.00
Ian $14.00
Black Caviar $14.00
Graeme $14.00
Pete $14.00
Gordy $14.00
PJ $14.00
Jamison $14.00
Geoff $14.00
Anita $14.00
Howie* $0.00
Secret Squirrel* $0.00
Stevie N* $0.00
Blind Squirrel* $0.00
Ziggy* $0.00
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Lightning Blue 157.20 v Jen 157.20

Howie* 0 v Stevie N* 0

Secret Squirrel* 0 v Anita 14

Midnight Caller 14 v Gordy 14

Blind Squirrel* 0 v Gee 260

Ngakonui Grass 28 v Punter Pete 89

Robert 14 v Jamison 14

Hesi 157.20 v Ian 14

Rees 14 v Maria 157.20

Pete 14 v Steve P 130

Graeme 14 v Max 75

Geoff 14 v Craig 157.20

Gary 28 v Porky 28

Our Maizcay 157.20 v Richie 157.20

Rob 205 v Maurice 14

Black Caviar 14 v Tassie Tiger 14

PJ 14 v Ziggy* 0

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Lucky Seven Round 2 - Sat May 4

Comp Race 2 - Riccarton R4

1st - 1 Discretion Rules W-$3.60 P-$1.60

2nd - 5 Ziggy Stardust P-$2.20

3rd - 2 Colonel Warden P-$2.40

Q - $16.20

TF - $146.70

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

Only the scorer loses a life as Jen and Craig strike the 2yo trifecta to jump up and share the lead. Punter Pete and Porky also snag the trifecta to go 3rd and 4th respectively. Gee (3rd only) drops to 5th while another two on the Tri - Robert and Maurice - come next. Blind Squirrel (trifecta also) heads the remainder.

Jen $418.10
Craig $418.10
Punter Pete $349.90
Porky $288.90
Gee $284.00
Robert $274.90
Maurice $274.90
Blind Squirrel* $260.90
Rob  $257.00
Richie $233.20
Steve P $220.20
Lightning Blue $209.20
Hesi $209.20
Our Maizcay  $209.20
Maria $179.20
Max $151.00
Rees $104.20
Ian $104.20
Geoff $104.20
Anita $104.20
Ngakonui Grass $104.00
Howie* $90.20
Secret Squirrel* $90.20
Tassie Tiger $90.00
Midnight Caller $90.00
Stevie N* $76.00
Gary $74.00
Black Caviar $66.00
Graeme $66.00
Pete $66.00
Ziggy* $46.00
Jamison $38.00
Gordy $36.00
PJ* $14.00
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Lightning Blue 209.20 v Jen 418.10

Howie* 90.20 v Stevie N* 76

Secret Squirrel* 90.20 v Anita 104.20

Midnight Caller 90 v Gordy 36

Blind Squirrel* 260.90 v Gee 284

Ngakonui Grass 104 v Punter Pete 349.90

Robert 274.90 v Jamison 38

Hesi 209.20 v Ian 104.20

Rees 104.20 v Maria 179.20

Pete 66 v Steve P 220.20

Graeme 66 v Max 151

Geoff 104.20 v Craig 418.10

Gary 74 v Porky 288.90

Our Maizcay 209.20 v Richie 233.20

Rob 257 v Maurice 274.90

Black Caviar 66 v Tassie Tiger 90

PJ* 14 v Ziggy* 46

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Lucky Seven Round 2 - Sat May 4

Comp Race 3 - Riccarton R6

1st - 7 Boomtown Boy W-$4.20 P-$1.70

2nd - 12 The Mistress P-$2.00

3rd - 10 Demand Respect P-$6.70

Q - $9.90

TF - $319.50

Scr: 6

Eliminated: - Ziggy

Zig becomes the first casualty of the day while Steve P, Rees and Gee lose a life. Craig bags a beaut BB quinella to go clear on his own in the lead with Jen (Q also) now 2nd. Punter Pete (BB 2nd) holds station while Maurice and Robert snag the Q to move up to share 5th. Jammo and Secret Squirrel tip 1st/3rd to show improvement.

Craig $595.90
Jen $507.00
Punter Pete $389.90
Porky $377.80
Robert $363.80
Maurice $363.80
Blind Squirrel* $349.80
Richie $322.10
Gee* $284.00
Rob  $277.00
Lightning Blue $268.20
Our Maizcay  $268.20
Hesi $249.20
Steve P* $220.20
Secret Squirrel* $216.20
Max $210.00
Maria $199.20
Ian $193.10
Geoff $193.10
Anita $193.10
Ngakonui Grass $192.90
Tassie Tiger $178.90
Midnight Caller $178.90
Stevie N* $164.90
Jamison $164.00
Howie* $149.20
Pete $125.00
Graeme $106.00
Rees* $104.20
PJ* $102.90
Gordy $95.00
Gary $94.00
Black Caviar $86.00
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Lightning Blue 268.20 v Jen 507

Howie* 149.20 v Stevie N* 164.90

Secret Squirrel* 216.20 v Anita 193.10

Midnight Caller 178.90 v Gordy 95

Blind Squirrel* 349.80 v Gee* 284

Ngakonui Grass 192.90 v Punter Pete 389.90

Robert 363.80 v Jamison 164

Hesi 249.20 v Ian 193.10

Rees* 104.20 v Maria 199.20

Pete 125 v Steve P* 220.20

Graeme 106 v Max 210

Geoff 193.10 v Craig 595.90

Gary 94 v Porky 377.80

Our Maizcay 268.20 v Richie 322.10

Rob 277 v Maurice 363.80

Black Caviar 86 v Tassie Tiger 178.90

PJ* 102.90 v Ziggy 0

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Lucky Seven Round 2 - Sat May 4

Comp Race 4 - Riccarton R7

1st - 3 Harlech W-$4.60 P-$1.70

2nd - 1 Green Luck P-$4.10

3rd - 7 Adannaya P-$2.80

Q - $23.20

TF - $220.40

Scr: 8

Eliminated: - Rees, Blind Squirrel, PJ

We lose Blind Squirrel, Rees and PJ while leader Craig suffers a blank as Hesi snags the trifecta to race into 1st spot. Jen (winner) back to 3rd and Punter Pete (1st/3rd) back to 4th. Porky (1st/3rd), Robert (1st/3rd) and Maurice (1st) all drop a place due to Rees racing past them. Richie (1st/3rd) heads the rest as Rob also loses a life. BC in charge of the Timid Terry jersey....+

Hesi $624.80
Craig* $595.90
Jen $570.00
Punter Pete $480.90
Porky $468.80
Robert $454.80
Maurice $426.80
Richie $413.10
Gee* $353.00
Max $337.20
Lightning Blue $331.20
Steve P* $311.20
Our Maizcay  $296.20
Stevie N* $292.10
Anita $284.10
Ngakonui Grass $283.90
Secret Squirrel* $279.20
Rob * $277.00
Tassie Tiger $269.90
Midnight Caller $269.90
Ian $256.10
Geoff $256.10
Pete $251.00
Howie* $240.20
Maria $240.20
Jamison $227.00
Graeme $197.00
Gordy $158.00
Gary $157.00
Black Caviar $114.00
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Anita squeaks past Secret Squirrel

Lightning Blue 331.20 v Jen 570

Howie* 240.20 v Stevie N* 292.10

Secret Squirrel* 279.20 v Anita 284.10

Midnight Caller 269.90 v Gordy 158

Blind Squirrel 0 v Gee* 353

Ngakonui Grass 283.90 v Punter Pete 480.90

Robert 454.80 v Jamison 227

Hesi 624.80 v Ian 256.10

Rees 0 v Maria 240.20

Pete 251 v Steve P* 311.20

Graeme 197 v Max 337.20

Geoff 256.10 v Craig* 595.90

Gary 157 v Porky 468.80

Our Maizcay 296.20 v Richie 413.10

Rob* 277 v Maurice 426.80

Black Caviar 114 v Tassie Tiger 269.90

PJ 0 v Ziggy 0

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25 minutes ago, Dancing Show said:

Hi Peter, can you please check my Comp R3, Riccarton R6 return?   I had 7,8,12.   Thanks 🙂 

My apologies. I will correct.

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Corrected scores:

Hesi $624.80
Craig* $595.90
Jen $570.00
Punter Pete $480.90
Porky $468.80
Robert $454.80
Maurice $426.80
Richie $413.10
Gee* $353.00
Max $337.20
Lightning Blue $331.20
Steve P* $311.20
Maria $309.20
Our Maizcay  $296.20
Stevie N* $292.10
Anita $284.10
Ngakonui Grass $283.90
Secret Squirrel* $279.20
Rob * $277.00
Tassie Tiger $269.90
Midnight Caller $269.90
Ian $256.10
Geoff $256.10
Pete $251.00
Howie* $240.20
Jamison $227.00
Graeme $197.00
Gordy $158.00
Gary $157.00
Black Caviar $114.00
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