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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Round 9 - Sat June 22

Comp Race 2 - Tauranga R8

1st - 7 Casino Princess W-$4.30 P-$1.90

2nd - 1 Malt Time P-$1.50

3rd - 8 Wessex P-$2.20

Q - $6.30

TF - $68.10

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

Lives lost by Hesi, Steve P, Geoff, Blind Squirrel, Gordy and leader Gee as the best return for 1st/3rd achieved by NG, Rees, Richie, and Anita. Midnight Caller snags the Q to move up to 2nd behind Ngakonui Grass with Gee back to 3rd while PJ (1st) and Howie (Q) head the rest. Punter Pete wins (loses?) the Timid Terry squabble. Ten at risk of failing to board for Queensland.

Ngakonui Grass $208.20
Midnight Caller $207.50
Gee* $200.00
PJ $186.20
Howie $183.30
Pete $154.20
Porky $139.20
Craig $139.20
Ian $139.20
Steve P* $124.20
Hesi* $124.20
Blind Squirrel* $100.00
Rob $98.00
Gary $97.30
Tassie Tiger $97.30
Ziggy $97.30
Stevie N $97.30
Secret Squirrel $88.00
Rees* $84.00
Richie* $84.00
Anita* $84.00
Lightning Blue $76.00
Maria $76.00
Black Caviar $51.00
Jamison $51.00
Punter Pete $29.00
Maurice* $15.00
Geoff* $14.00
Gordy* $14.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Richie rolls Jammo while Secret Squirrel pulls clear of Punter Pete. Rees rolls past Geoff while Tassie leaves LB behind.

Maria (8) 76 v Midnight Caller (6) 207.50

Richie* (6) 84 v Jamison (10) 51

Punter Pete (8) 29 v Secret Squirrel (6) 88

Gee* (2) 200 v Craig (6) 139.20

Maurice *(12) 15 v Pete (6) 154.20

Porky (6) 139.20 v Blind Squirrel* (4) 100

Gordy* (6) 14 v PJ (4) 186.20

Anita* (8) 84 v Ngakonui Grass (2) 208.20

Geoff* (2) 14 v Rees* (4) 84

Black Caviar (10) 51 v Hesi* (4) 124.20

Rob (2) 98 v Ian (12) 139.20

Howie (8) 183.30 v Ziggy (4) 97.30

Tassie Tiger (8) 97.30 v Lightning Blue (0) 76

Gary (6) 97.30 v Steve P* (6) 124.20

Stevie N (2) 97.30 v Break-even ($552.00)

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Lucky Seven Round 9 - Sat June 22

Comp Race 3 - Tauranga R9

1st - 8 Midnight Scandal W-$3.60 P-$1.80

2nd - 7 Girls Light Up P-$3.20

3rd - 1 Jaffira P-$2.40

Q - $15.80

TF - $144.80

Scr: 15-18

Eliminated: - Blind Squirrel, Hesi

Lives lost by Maria, Tassie, and Pete while Hesi and Blind Squirrel arrested at Border Control unfortunately. Midnight caller goes to with a 1st/3rd dropping Ngakonui Grass (BB 3rd) back to 2nd. Gee (2nd/3rd) remains 3rd ahead of PJ (1st), Howie (BB 3rd) and Steve P (quinella). Off to Ipswich....

Midnight Caller $285.50
Ngakonui Grass $256.20
Gee* $256.00
PJ $240.20
Howie $231.30
Steve P* $226.00
Ian $217.20
Craig $195.20
Gary $175.30
Porky $163.20
Pete* $154.20
Rob $152.00
Ziggy $151.30
Anita* $148.00
Black Caviar $129.00
Stevie N $121.30
Rees* $116.00
Geoff* $115.80
Secret Squirrel $112.00
Richie* $108.00
Jamison $105.00
Lightning Blue $100.00
Tassie Tiger* $97.30
Gordy* $92.00
Punter Pete $83.00
Maria* $76.00
Maurice* $69.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

LB leaps ahead of Tassie. BC and Porky guaranteed wins if they can survive the day. Rees and Geoff in a very tight struggle....

Maria* (8) 76 v Midnight Caller (6) 285.50

Richie* (6) 108 v Jamison (10) 105

Punter Pete (8) 83 v Secret Squirrel (6) 112

Gee* (2) 256 v Craig (6) 195.20

Maurice *(12) 69 v Pete* (6) 154.20

Porky (6) 163.20 v Blind Squirrel (4) 0

Gordy* (6) 92 v PJ (4) 240.20

Anita* (8) 148 v Ngakonui Grass (2) 256.20

Geoff* (2) 115.80 v Rees* (4) 116

Black Caviar (10) 129 v Hesi (4) 0

Rob (2) 152 v Ian (12) 217.20

Howie (8) 231.30 v Ziggy (4) 151.30

Tassie Tiger* (8) 97.30 v Lightning Blue (0) 100

Gary (6) 175.30 v Steve P* (6) 226

Stevie N (2) 121.30 v Break-even ($552.00)

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Lucky Seven Round 9 - Sat June 22

Comp Race 4 - Ipswich R6

1st - 2 Hedged W-$3.30 P-$1.40

2nd - 1 Cifrado P-$2.20

3rd - 3 Golden Decade P-$1.50

Q - $12.30

TF - $55.60

Scr: 4

Eliminated: -

No lives lost as MC (shooting away in the lead), Jammo & Gordy (that pair up into the points) snag the trifecta. NG (1st/3rd) remains 2nd while Howie up to 3rd with a quinella, likewise Steve P (Q) up to 4th ahead of PJ (1st/3rd) while Gee (2nd/3rd) drops to 6th. Craig (Q) and Ian (1st) head the rest. LB takes over the Timid Terry jersey from Punter Pete.

Midnight Caller $437.40
Ngakonui Grass $318.20
Howie $312.60
Steve P* $307.30
PJ $302.20
Gee* $293.00
Craig $276.50
Ian $264.20
Jamison $256.90
Gordy* $243.90
Gary $237.30
Ziggy $213.30
Anita* $210.00
Rob $199.00
Pete* $191.20
Porky $185.20
Geoff* $177.80
Black Caviar $176.00
Richie* $170.00
Stevie N $168.30
Rees* $163.00
Tassie Tiger* $159.30
Secret Squirrel $159.00
Maria* $157.30
Punter Pete $145.00
Maurice* $131.00
Lightning Blue $130.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Jammo jumps ahead of Richie while Geoff rolls Rees. Tassie leaps past Lightning Blue.

Maria* (8) 157.30 v Midnight Caller (6) 437.40

Richie* (6) 170 v Jamison (10) 256.90

Punter Pete (8) 145 v Secret Squirrel (6) 159

Gee* (2) 293 v Craig (6) 276.50

Maurice *(12) 131 v Pete* (6) 191.20

Porky (6) 185.20 v Blind Squirrel (4) 0

Gordy* (6) 243.90 v PJ (4) 302.20

Anita* (8) 210 v Ngakonui Grass (2) 318.20

Geoff* (2) 177.80 v Rees* (4) 163

Black Caviar (10) 176 v Hesi (4) 0

Rob (2) 199 v Ian (12) 264.20

Howie (8) 312.60 v Ziggy (4) 213.30

Tassie Tiger* (8) 159.30 v Lightning Blue (0) 130

Gary (6) 237.30 v Steve P* (6) 307.30

Stevie N (2) 168.30 v Break-even ($552.00)

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Lucky Seven Round 9 - Sat June 22

Comp Race 5 - Ipswich R7

1st - 13 Red Wave W-$19.40 P-$4.80

2nd - 11 London Banker P-$3.90

3rd - 9 Encoder P-$4.30

Q - $114.60

TF - $3069.10

Scr: 8

Eliminated: - Rees, Steve P, Gee, Maria, Anita, Richie, Gordy, Maurice, Tassie Tiger

Dune Forty Five unlucky to the detriment of many. Carnage as nine dip out and everyone else bar Porky (BB), Geoff and Pete - who tipped the runner-up only - loses a life. The top trio are unchanged with PJ up to 4th ahead of Craig and Ian who each rise two spots with the evictions. Porky, Gary and Pete into the points. Porky the only player with all lives intact and is Timid Terry by default ! Survival the key with two to go.

Midnight Caller* $437.40
Ngakonui Grass* $318.20
Howie* $312.60
PJ* $302.20
Craig* $276.50
Ian* $264.20
Porky $263.20
Jamison* $256.90
Gary* $237.30
Pete* $230.20
Geoff* $216.80
Ziggy* $213.30
Rob* $199.00
Black Caviar* $176.00
Stevie N* $168.30
Secret Squirrel* $159.00
Punter Pete* $145.00
Lightning Blue* $130.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Only 3 matches with both competitors still in the hunt. It is about survival for everyone else while Stevie N needs a big collect.....

Maria (8) 0 v Midnight Caller* (6) 437.40

Richie (6) 0 v Jamison* (10) 256.90

Punter Pete* (8) 145 v Secret Squirrel* (6) 159

Gee (2) 0 v Craig* (6) 276.50

Maurice (12) 0 v Pete* (6) 230.20

Porky (6) 263.20 v Blind Squirrel (4) 0

Gordy (6) 0 v PJ* (4) 302.20

Anita (8) 0 v Ngakonui Grass* (2) 318.20

Geoff* (2) 216.80 v Rees (4) 0

Black Caviar* (10) 176 v Hesi (4) 0

Rob* (2) 199 v Ian* (12) 264.20

Howie* (8) 312.60 v Ziggy* (4) 213.30

Tassie Tiger (8) 0 v Lightning Blue* (0) 130

Gary* (6) 237.30 v Steve P (6) 0

Stevie N* (2) 168.30 v Break-even ($552.00)

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Lucky Seven Round 9 - Sat June 22

Comp Race 6 - Ipswich R8

1st - 9 At Witz End W-$10.50 P-$2.70

2nd - 5 Rocketing By P-$4.70

3rd - 7 Wategos P-$1.40

Q - $97.40

TF - $663.20

Scr: 1,8,13

Eliminated: - Black Caviar

BC departs as Midnight Caller (1st/3rd) continues to make the pace but with Ziggy flying up to trail with a BB on the Lismore longshot. NG (1st/3rd) back to 3rd with Ian (1st/3rd) up to 4th ahead of Pete (1st), Rob (1st), Howie (3rd), Porky (2nd/3rd), Craig (2nd) followed by PJ (3rd) in the final points position trying to hang on as Jammo and Gary drop out of the points. All down to the last.

Midnight Caller* $583.40
Ziggy* $477.30
Ngakonui Grass* $464.20
Ian* $410.20
Pete* $362.20
Rob* $331.00
Howie* $326.60
Porky $324.20
Craig* $323.50
PJ* $316.20
Jamison* $284.90
Lightning Blue* $276.00
Gary* $265.30
Geoff* $230.80
Stevie N* $182.30
Secret Squirrel* $173.00
Punter Pete* $173.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets)

Ziggy zips past Howie  while Punter Pete draws level with Secret Squirrel !

Maria (8) 0 v Midnight Caller* (6) 583.40

Richie (6) 0 v Jamison* (10) 284.90

Punter Pete* (8) 173 v Secret Squirrel* (6) 173

Gee (2) 0 v Craig* (6) 323.50

Maurice (12) 0 v Pete* (6) 362.20

Porky (6) 324.20 v Blind Squirrel (4) 0

Gordy (6) 0 v PJ* (4) 316.20

Anita (8) 0 v Ngakonui Grass* (2) 464.20

Geoff* (2) 230.80 v Rees (4) 0

Black Caviar (10) 0 v Hesi (4) 0

Rob* (2) 331 v Ian* (12) 410.20

Howie* (8) 326.60 v Ziggy* (4) 477.30

Tassie Tiger (8) 0 v Lightning Blue* (0) 276

Gary* (6) 265.30 v Steve P (6) 0

Stevie N* (2) 182.30 v Break-even ($552.00)

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