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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Piccadilly Pam Championship Points Overall

Our Maizcay only took a solitary point today but still leads comfortably while Ian climbs 5 spots to trail 2nd. Rees and Maurice failed to score today and drop one place each while Blind Squirrel - the daily winner - finds himself sweet in 5th. Jammo (up 4 places), Gary (up one) and Anita (down 4) head the rest.   

58 Our Maizcay

47 Ian

39 Rees

39 Maurice

37 Blind Squirrel

36 Jamison

35 Gary

34 Anita

31 Graeme

30 Punter Pete

26 Gee

23 Black Caviar

19 Maria

19 Hesi

17 Richie

17 Steve P

16 Porky

16 Secret Squirrel

16 Craig

15 Tassie Tiger

13 Howie

7 Jen

6 Geoff

6 Rob

4 Robert

4 Rex

3 Midnight Caller

2 Gordy

1 Lightning Blue

0 the rest

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Ian triumphed over MC after a close battle and with Maurice dipping out in the last goes to a clear lead with 5 wins from 6 rounds.  Our Maizcay rises to 2nd with a win today, helped by NG falling at the last while Jammo defeated Richie to move up one spot to 3rd. Maurice drops to 4th ahead of Maria who despite the lowest total of the day triumphed over a rotten Rees and climbs 4 places to 5th as a result. Black Caviar won also making up 9 places to round out the top half dozen ahead off Howie (up 4) and Punter Pete (down 3), Tassie Tiger (down 3 also) and Graeme (another to fall 3 spots).

10 Ian (2394.80)

8 Our Maizcay (1676.60)

8 Jamison (1400.00)

8 Maurice (1030.70)

6 Maria (1443.60)

6 Black Caviar (1188.40)

6 Howie (1171.70)

6 Punter Pete (658.10)

6 Tassie Tiger (653.60)

6 Graeme (404.50)

4 Gary (1383.20)

4 Rees (1244.60)

4 Blind Squirrel (1144.60)

4 Steve P (818.10)

4 Anita (715.30)

4 Craig (698.80)

4 Richie (655.80)

4 Porky (581.20)

4 Gordy (568.80)

4 Jen (511.50)

4 Midnight Caller (414.30)

4 Secret Squirrel (309.60)

2 Gee (768.00)

2 Rex (491.00)

2 Robert (466.10)

2 Hesi (414.50)

2 Ziggy (387.00)

2 Ngakonui Grass (368.00)

2 Geoff (259.10)

2 Pete (152.10)

2 PJ (114.00)

2 Stevie N (62.90)

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14 minutes ago, JustPlodded said:

Is this when PJ puts on his green suit and takes away my $$$ earned again, by virtue of drawing someone that finishes in the top 5 … again?

Nahh. You get to keep your 6 Championship points but nothing in your HTH Cup defeat by Porky.

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2 hours ago, JustPlodded said:

And I have as much chance of winning this comp as the Warriors do theirs…

Mate, you are ahead of me in both comps so it is not all bad

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15 hours ago, PWJ said:

so it is not all bad

only the part that I have totalled over $1100 in 2 weeks and didn’t get to keep 1c .
I am off to study the pattern for PJ’s H2H draw and time my entry next week accordingly.
I need to play one of those “Shine brightly until about R5 and then crash and burn” types.

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Midnight Caller (4) v Graeme (6)

Richie (4) v Blind Squirrel (4)

Stevie N (2) v Maurice (8)

Lightning Blue (0) v Maria (6)

Steve P (4) v Secret Squirrel (4)

Gee (2) v Rees (4)

Black Caviar (6) v Gordy (4)

Ian (10) v Porky (4)

Rob (0) v Tassie Tiger (6)

Craig (4) v Hesi (2)

Ziggy (2) v Ngakonui Grass (2)

Jamison (8) v Howie (6)

Punter Pete (6) v PJ (2)

Gary (4) v Anita (4)

Pete (2) v Geoff (2)

Our Maizcay v break even ($552)

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Sold my beautiful Dundeel filly at Magic Millions on Tuesday - great weather up in QLD. Only $30k but 1/3rd of the whole catalogue was passed in so just grateful for a sale. Gone to the stable of veteran Gold Coast trainer Harold Norman




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Harold trained the grey Dunedin Guineas winner Super Dude after he crossed the Tasman. He is 86 years old - says he wants to train until he is 100 !

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Lucky Seven Round 7 - Sat June 8

Comp Race 1 - Ruakaka R4

1st - 2 Malt Time W-$3.60 P-$1.50

2nd - 5 Trigon Lad P-$4.50

3rd - 3 Chevron P-$2.20

Q - $33.60

TF - $481.70

Scr: 6

Eliminated: -

Rees, Graeme and NG worryingly lose an early life as only Pete snags the quinella to take an early lead ahead of Gary and Gee who landed a BB on the Clotworthy winner. A half dozen who tipped 1st/3rd head the rest. A rough looking quintet arguing over the Timid Terry jersey which Howie has returned nicely washed.

Pete $129.60
Gary $102.00
Gee $102.00
Blind Squirrel $73.00
Porky $73.00
Maurice $73.00
Maria $73.00
Stevie N $73.00
Secret Squirrel $73.00
Black Caviar $51.00
Steve P $51.00
Howie $51.00
Punter Pete $51.00
Geoff $51.00
Richie $51.00
Lightning Blue $51.00
Ziggy $51.00
Anita $51.00
Jamison $51.00
Craig $51.00
Ian $51.00
Hesi $45.00
Our Maizcay $45.00
Tassie Tiger $22.00
Midnight Caller $22.00
Rob $22.00
Gordy $22.00
PJ $22.00
Rees* $0.00
Graeme* $0.00
Ngakonui Grass* $0.00
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Midnight Caller (4) 22 v Graeme* (6) 0

Richie (4) 51 v Blind Squirrel (4) 73

Stevie N (2) 73 v Maurice (8) 73

Lightning Blue (0) 51 v Maria (6) 73

Steve P (4) 51 v Secret Squirrel (4) 73

Gee (2) 102 v Rees* (4) 0

Black Caviar (6) 51 v Gordy (4) 22

Ian (10) v 51 Porky (4) 73

Rob (0) 22 v Tassie Tiger (6) 22

Craig (4) 51 v Hesi (2) 45

Ziggy (2) 51 v Ngakonui Grass* (2) 0

Jamison (8) 51 v Howie (6) 51

Punter Pete (6) 51 v PJ (2) 22

Gary (4) 102 v Anita (4) 51

Pete (2) 129.60 v Geoff (2) 51

Our Maizcay 45 v break even $552

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On 6/2/2024 at 10:43 AM, JustPlodded said:

only the part that I have totalled over $1100 in 2 weeks and didn’t get to keep 1c .
I am off to study the pattern for PJ’s H2H draw and time my entry next week accordingly.
I need to play one of those “Shine brightly until about R5 and then crash and burn” types.

I think Pete might fit that bill for ya, Geoff....  😎

He has started the right way !

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Lucky Seven Round 7 - Sat June 8

Comp Race 2 - Ruakaka R5

1st - 2 Quality Time W-$4.90 P-$1.80

2nd - 4 Enright P-$1.50

3rd - 5 Malfy Rosa P-$2.60

Q - $6.40

TF - $82.00

Scr: 1

Eliminated: - Rees

No Quality Time for Rees as he departs while Craig loses a life. The Round 6 winner Blind Squirrel goes top with a BB quinella with Steve P snagging the trifecta to lob into trail. Pete (1st/3rd) drops to 3rd ahead of Gary and Maurice who both struck the quinella. Gee (2nd/3rd) heads the rest. PJ and MC debating who is the most timid....

Blind Squirrel $249.80
Steve P $247.40
Pete $222.60
Gary $190.40
Maurice $161.40
Gee $143.00
Black Caviar $139.40
Howie $139.40
Richie $139.40
Lightning Blue $139.40
Ziggy $139.40
Our Maizcay $133.40
Punter Pete $118.00
Anita $118.00
Ian $118.00
Tassie Tiger $110.40
Rob $110.40
Porky $88.00
Maria $88.00
Stevie N $88.00
Secret Squirrel $88.00
Hesi $75.00
Geoff $66.00
Jamison $66.00
Craig* $51.00
Gordy $48.00
Midnight Caller $37.00
PJ $37.00
Graeme* $15.00
Ngakonui Grass* $15.00
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Midnight Caller (4) 37 v Graeme* (6) 15

Richie (4) 139.40 v Blind Squirrel (4) 249.80

Stevie N (2) 88 v Maurice (8) 161.40

Lightning Blue (0) 139.40 v Maria (6) 88

Steve P (4) 247.40 v Secret Squirrel (4) 88

Gee (2) 143 v Rees (4) 0

Black Caviar (6) 139.40 v Gordy (4) 48

Ian (10) v 118 Porky (4) 88

Rob (0) 110.40 v Tassie Tiger (6) 110.40

Craig* (4) 51 v Hesi (2) 75

Ziggy (2) 139.40 v Ngakonui Grass* (2) 15

Jamison (8) 66 v Howie (6) 139.40

Punter Pete (6) 118 v PJ (2) 37

Gary (4) 190.40 v Anita (4) 118

Pete (2) 222.60 v Geoff (2) 66

Our Maizcay 133.40 v break even $552

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Lucky Seven Round 7 - Sat June 8

Comp Race 3 - Ruakaka R7

1st - 4 Whiskey N Roses W-$3.70 P-$1.30

2nd - 1 Im All In P-$1.80

3rd - 2 Magice P-$1.30

Q - $10.20

TF - $34.50

Scr: 5,6,8,9,13,17

Eliminated: -

No lives lost as the top two - Blind Squirrel & Steve P - tip 1st & 3rd while PJ bags a BB trifecta to jump from 27th to 3rd. Maurice and Black Caviar improve their positions with the trifecta also struck by Midnight Caller, Geoff, Porky, Anita and Ian. Gordy now Timid Terry. Off to Brisbane....

Blind Squirrel $312.80
Steve P $310.40
PJ $288.40
Maurice $287.10
Black Caviar $265.10
Gary $253.40
Pete $248.60
Anita $243.70
Ian $243.70
Porky $213.70
Howie $202.40
Ziggy $202.40
Our Maizcay $196.40
Geoff $191.70
Punter Pete $181.00
Gee $174.00
Tassie Tiger $173.40
Richie $170.40
Lightning Blue $170.40
Midnight Caller $162.70
Maria $151.00
Stevie N $151.00
Secret Squirrel $151.00
Jamison $129.00
Rob $128.40
Hesi $106.00
Craig* $82.00
Graeme* $78.00
Ngakonui Grass* $78.00
Gordy $66.00
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Tassie pulls clear of Rob while PJ passes Punter Pete

Midnight Caller (4) 162.70 v Graeme* (6) 78

Richie (4) 170.40 v Blind Squirrel (4) 312.80

Stevie N (2) 151 v Maurice (8) 287.10

Lightning Blue (0) 170.40 v Maria (6) 151

Steve P (4) 310.40 v Secret Squirrel (4) 151

Gee (2) 174 v Rees (4) 0

Black Caviar (6) 265.10 v Gordy (4) 66

Ian (10) v 243.70 Porky (4) 213.70

Rob (0) 128.40 v Tassie Tiger (6) 173.40

Craig* (4) 82 v Hesi (2) 106

Ziggy (2) 202.40 v Ngakonui Grass* (2) 78

Jamison (8) 129 v Howie (6) 202.40

Punter Pete (6) 181 v PJ (2) 288.40

Gary (4) 253.40 v Anita (4) 243.70

Pete (2) 248.60 v Geoff (2) 191.70

Our Maizcay 196.40 v break even $552

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