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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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NOTE: Do not forget to sign up for the Spring NPC Super Comp if you have not already done so. See separate thread.

Lucky Seven Round 14 - Sat July 27

Comp Race 5 - Caulfield R6

1st - 9 Piastri W-$5.60 P-$2.00

2nd - 5 Wallenda P-$1.80

3rd - 1 Bossy Nic P-$2.60

Q - $13.90

TF - $174.60

Scr: 8(L)

Subs: #4 then #5 then #9

Eliminated: - Rob, Jamison

Jammo and Rob lose their lollies while Zig (drops to 10th), Maurice (down to 7th) and former leader PJ (falls to 4th) lose a life. Richie bags a beaut BB quinella to climb 7 places and seize the lead with Graeme (1st BB) holding on to 2nd and Stevie N (Q) stays 3rd. Gee (1st) holds 5th ahead of Maurice, Porky (3rd) with Midnight Caller (1st/3rd) into the points as Steve P (2nd/3rd) drops out.

Richie $554.30
Graeme $542.00
Stevie N $484.10
PJ* $440.50
Gee $434.00
Anita $369.50
Maurice* $368.00
Porky* $362.00
Midnight Caller $361.00
Ziggy* $356.10
Steve P $345.60
Craig* $342.00
Black Caviar $330.00
Pete* $325.90
Lightning Blue $305.00
Geoff $303.90
Tassie Tiger $277.00
Our Maizcay* $260.90
Gordy $254.00
Hesi $236.00
Blind Squirrel* $228.90
Howie* $224.90
Ngakonui Grass* $212.90
Gary $175.00
Ian* $139.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets - those who can win the Cup in purple)

Richie rolls Graeme.

Geoff (6) 303.90 v Porky* (12) 362

Ian (17) 139* v Ngakonui Grass* (4) 212.90

Howie* (12) 224.90 v Midnight Caller (12) 361

Stevie N (4) 484.10 v Secret Squirrel (10) 0

Anita (12) 369.50 v Craig* (10) 342

Pete* (10) 325.90 v Steve P (8) 345.60

Gordy (14) 254 v Blind Squirrel* (6) 228.90

Maurice* (15) 368 v Ziggy* (10) 356.10

Graeme (10) 542 v Richie (12) 554.30

Gee (4) 434 v Our Maizcay* (14) 260.90

PJ* (8) 440.50 v Rob (8) 0

Hesi (8) 236 v Black Caviar (18) 330

Tassie Tiger (10) 277 v Gary (8) 175

Jamison (14) 0 v Lightning Blue (6) 305

Punter Pete (10) 0 v Break even of $552


THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP Overall Points after Round 14

18 Black Caviar (2812.00)

17 Ian (3204.60)

15 Maurice (2810.00)

14 Our Maizcay (2793.40)

14 Jamison (2231.90)

14 Gordy (1482.50)

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NOTE: Do not forget to sign up for the Spring NPC Super Comp if you have not already done so. See separate thread.

Lucky Seven Round 14 - Sat July 27

Comp Race 6 - Caulfield R7

1st - 2 Recommendation W-$1.30 P-$1.10

2nd - 1 Semillion P-$2.60

3rd - 5 Marble Arch P-NTD

Q - $3.70

TF - $15.10

Scr: 3

Eliminated: - Ian

We lose Ian as Graeme snags the quinella to take over at the top from Richie (1st). Stevie N (Q), PJ (1st) and Gee (2nd) all hold station with Zig (trifecta) up to 6th ahead of Anita (Q) who slips one spot to 7th. Maurice (1st BB) drops to 8th with Steve P (Q) into the points in 9th as is Craig (Q) in 10th. Porky and Midnight Caller (each 1st) drop out of the points.

Graeme $595.70
Richie $578.30
Stevie N $537.80
PJ* $464.50
Gee $460.00
Ziggy* $424.90
Anita $423.20
Maurice* $416.00
Steve P $399.30
Craig* $395.70
Porky* $386.00
Midnight Caller $385.00
Pete* $379.60
Black Caviar $378.00
Lightning Blue $358.70
Geoff $357.60
Tassie Tiger $301.00
Hesi $289.70
Our Maizcay* $284.90
Gordy $278.00
Blind Squirrel* $252.90
Howie* $248.90
Ngakonui Grass* $238.90
Gary $199.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets - those who can win the Cup in purple)

Ziggy zips past Maurice while Graeme rolls Richie.

Geoff (6) 357.60 v Porky* (12) 386

Ian (17) 0 v Ngakonui Grass* (4) 238.90

Howie* (12) 248.90 v Midnight Caller (12) 385

Stevie N (4) 537.80 v Secret Squirrel (10) 0

Anita (12) 423.20 v Craig* (10) 395.70

Pete* (10) 379.60 v Steve P (8) 399.30

Gordy (14) 278 v Blind Squirrel* (6) 252.90

Maurice* (15) 416 v Ziggy* (10) 424.90

Graeme (10) 595.70 v Richie (12) 578.30

Gee (4) 460 v Our Maizcay* (14) 284.90

PJ* (8) 464.50 v Rob (8) 0

Hesi (8) 289.70 v Black Caviar (18) 378

Tassie Tiger (10) 301 v Gary (8) 199

Jamison (14) 0 v Lightning Blue (6) 358.70

Punter Pete (10) 0 v Break even of $552


THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP Overall Points after Round 14

18 Black Caviar (2812.00)

17 Ian (3204.60)

15 Maurice (2810.00)

14 Our Maizcay (2793.40)

14 Jamison (2231.90)

14 Gordy (1482.50)

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Graeme     $595.70 3-7-8
Richie     $578.30 1-2-7
Stevie N     $537.80 2-7-9
PJ*     $464.50 2-8-9
Gee     $460.00 3-9-10
Ziggy*     $424.90 2-9-10
Anita     $423.20 7-8-9
Maurice*     $416.00 2-8-9
Steve P     $399.30 1-7-8 BB
Craig*     $395.70 2-3-8
Porky*     $386.00 2-8-10
Midnight Caller     $385.00 2-3-7 BB
Pete*     $379.60 2-3-7
Black Caviar     $378.00 2-7-10
Lightning Blue     $358.70 7-8-9 BB
Geoff     $357.60 2-7-8
Tassie Tiger     $301.00 2-8-9 BB
Hesi     $289.70 8-9-10
Our Maizcay*     $284.90 2-7-8
Gordy     $278.00 2-7-10 BB
Blind Squirrel*     $252.90 2-3-8
Howie*     $248.90 2-7-10
Ngakonui Grass*     $238.90 1-2-7
Gary     $199.00 2-7-8

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If BC can hold off Hesi, he wins The Cup !

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NOTE: Do not forget to sign up for the Spring NPC Super Comp if you have not already done so. See separate thread.

Lucky Seven Round 14 - Sat July 27

Comp Race 7 - Caulfield R8

1st - 3 Showmanship W-$19.50 P-$3.90

2nd - 2 Jimmy The Bear P-$1.40

3rd - 6 Rolls P-$5.60

Q - $31.10

TF - $955.90

Scr: 4(L),5

Eliminated: -

Dramatic finish with the Lane longshot getting up in a tight finish sees Midnight Caller bag a ripper BB quinella to win the day flying home from 12th at the furlong from Graeme and Gee (each on the winner) with Craig (Q also) 4th, Pete (Q) 5th and Richie (2nd) dropping to 6th - but all collecting a bonus profit point. Stevie N (2nd), Blind Squirrel (Q), PJ (2nd) and Zig (2nd) rounded out the points. Gary takes home the Timid Terry jersey. Thanks for playing. Next week for the Final Lucky Seven we go to Riccarton and Flemington.

Midnight Caller $943.20
Graeme $829.70
Gee $694.00
Craig* $674.80
Pete* $658.70
Richie $592.30
Stevie N $551.80
Blind Squirrel* $532.00
PJ* $478.50
Ziggy* $438.90
Maurice* $430.00
Anita* $423.20
Porky* $400.00
Steve P* $399.30
Black Caviar $392.00
Geoff $371.60
Lightning Blue* $358.70
Tassie Tiger $329.00
Gordy $306.00
Our Maizcay* $298.90
Hesi* $289.70
Howie* $262.90
Ngakonui Grass* $252.90
Gary $213.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH scores (Cup points in brackets - those who can win the Cup in purple)

Craig cracks past Anita at the death for the win while Pete pounced on Steve P for the victory. Finally, Blind Squirrel gallops past Gordy in the last.

Geoff (6) 371.60 v Porky* (12) 400

Ian (17) 0 v Ngakonui Grass* (4) 252.90

Howie* (12) 262.90 v Midnight Caller (12) 943.20

Stevie N (4) 551.80 v Secret Squirrel (10) 0

Anita* (12) 423.20 v Craig* (10) 674.80

Pete* (10) 658.70 v Steve P* (8) 399.30

Gordy (14) 306 v Blind Squirrel* (6) 532

Maurice* (15) 430 v Ziggy* (10) 438.90

Graeme (10) 829.70 v Richie (12) 592.30

Gee (4) 694 v Our Maizcay* (14) 298.90

PJ* (8) 478.50 v Rob (8) 0

Hesi* (8) 289.70 v Black Caviar (18) 532

Tassie Tiger (10) 329 v Gary (8) 213

Jamison (14) 0 v Lightning Blue* (6) 358.70

Punter Pete (10) 0 v Break even of $552

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7 minutes ago, Blind Squirrel said:

Sorry Gordy - was hoping you'd win actually and keep you in the Jenlove race

No worries B.S., You did to me what I did to Graeme a couple of weeks ago. 
If we had gone Te Rapa I would have been gone after the 4th.

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Lucky Seven Piccadilly Pam Championship Points Overall

Of the dozen that started the day with a chance of winning the Championship, 11 were eliminated or failed to score points, with only Craig taking 13 points to move up to a clear 4th place behind the Round Winner today - Midnight Caller - who assumes 3rd overall. This leaves Our Maizcay and Maurice to fight it out for Championship honours amongst themselves next week with even Craig or Midnight Caller not close enough.

101 Our Maizcay

98 Maurice

65 Midnight Caller

64 Craig

59 Anita

58 Tassie Tiger

57 Gee

57 Ian

54 Porky

53 Secret Squirrel

52 Richie

52 Lightning Blue

51 Jamison

50 Graeme

50 Black Caviar

49 Blind Squirrel

49 Steve P

46 PJ

45 Hesi

45 Gary

45 Punter Pete

42 Pete

39 Rees

34 Gordy

30 Ziggy

29 Howie

22 Geoff

19 Maria

18 Stevie N

16 Rob

7 Jen

4 Robert

4 Rex

2 Ngakonui Grass

0 the rest

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The elimination of Ian in the Bletchingly Stakes and Black Caviar strolling to victory over Hesi means Black Caviar is our 2024 Lucky Seven Jenlove Memorial Cup winner - well done buddy ! Maurice, Our Maizcay, Jamison and Gordy started the day in with a chance but all 4 lost or were eliminated blowing their chances of a Cup win. It is a tough comp for sure ! Maurie and Ian can fight out the runner-up honours next week while the next 5 on 14 points can salvage some pride by making the podium.

20 Black Caviar (3054.30)- Cup Winner !

17 Ian (3204.60)

15 Maurice (2810.00)

14 Our Maizcay (2793.40)

14 Midnight Caller (2490.40)

14 Jamison (2231.90)

14 Gordy (1482.50)

14 Porky (1363.30)

12 Howie (2324.00)

12 Craig (1660.10)

12 Anita (1594.80)

12 Richie (1553.50)

12 Tassie Tiger (1258.60)

12 Pete (1253.80)

12 Ziggy (839.90)

12 Graeme (795.60)

10 PJ (1772.80)

10 Punter Pete (899.70)

10 Secret Squirrel (845.80)

8 Hesi (4498.90)

8 Gary (2152.70)

8 Maria (1770.60)

8 Blind Squirrel (1542.60)

8 Steve P (1514.90)

8 Lightning Blue (1127.70)

8 Rob (971.10)

6 Gee (1632.20)

6 Stevie N (1053.70)

6 Ngakonui Grass (843.20)

6 Geoff (750.80)

4 Rees (1244.60)

4 Jen (511.50)

2 Rex (491.00)

2 Robert (466.10)

0 the rest

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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Blind Squirrel (8) v Ian (17)

Geoff (6) v Rob (8)

Midnight Caller (14) v Robert (2)

Ngakonui Grass (6) v Tassie Tiger (12)

Black Caviar (20) v Anita (12)

Our Maizcay (14) v Steve P (8)

Craig (12) v PJ (10)

Secret Squirrel (10) v Hesi (8)

Gary (8) v Maurice (15)

Lightning Blue (8) v Punter Pete (10)

Jamison (14) v Ziggy (12)

Howie (12) v Porky (14)

Graeme (12) v Gordy (14)

Pete (12) v Stevie N (6)

Richie (12) v Gee (6)

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 1 - Riccarton R5

1st - 1 West Coast W-$1.70 P-$1.40

2nd - 4 Country Bumpkin P-$5.10

3rd - 3 Captains Run P-NTD

Q - $15.40

TF - $79.00

Scr: 7

Eliminated: -

Gee and Anita lose a life in the first as Blind Squirrel gets the nuts with the steeple trifecta and leads quinella pair Punter Pete and Steve P. Craig is 4th after tipping the runner-up. Two dozen with the winning toppy share 5th.

Blind Squirrel $176.40
Steve P $97.40
Punter Pete $97.40
Craig $51.00
Howie $31.00
Robert $31.00
Gary $31.00
Tassie Tiger $31.00
Black Caviar $31.00
Maurice $31.00
Geoff $31.00
Richie $31.00
Ziggy $31.00
Hesi $31.00
Graeme $31.00
Gordy $31.00
Midnight Caller $31.00
Porky $31.00
Secret Squirrel $31.00
Pete $31.00
Rob $31.00
Lightning Blue $31.00
Ian $31.00
Jamison $31.00
PJ $31.00
Our Maizcay $31.00
Ngakonui Grass $31.00
Stevie N $31.00
Gee* $0.00
Anita* $0.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Early leads for Blind Squirrel, Black Caviar, Steve P, Craig, Richie and Punter Pete.

Blind Squirrel (8) 176.40 v Ian (17) 31

Geoff (6) 31 v Rob (8) 31

Midnight Caller (14) 31 v Robert (2) 31

Ngakonui Grass (6) 31 v Tassie Tiger (12) 31

Black Caviar (20) 31 v Anita* (12) 0

Our Maizcay (14) 31 v Steve P (8) 97.40

Craig (12) 51 v PJ (10) 31

Secret Squirrel (10) 31 v Hesi (8) 31

Gary (8) 31 v Maurice (15) 31

Lightning Blue (8) 31 v Punter Pete (10) 97.40

Jamison (14) 31 v Ziggy (12) 31

Howie (12) 31 v Porky (14) 31

Graeme (12) 31 v Gordy (14) 31

Pete (12) 31 v Stevie N (6) 31

Richie (12) 31 v Gee* (6) 0

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Lucky Seven Round 15 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 3

Comp Race 2 - Flemington R2

1st - 2 Horrifying W-$9.10 P-$2.50

2nd - 3 Berkshire Breeze P-$1.20

3rd - 6 Lordship P-NTD

Q - $4.10

TF - $169.80

Scr: nil

Eliminated: -

No lives lost in the stayers contest as Tassie and Porky snag the trifecta to go clear at the top of the leader board. Steve P (quinella) slips a spot to 3rd while Blind Squirrel (2nd) drops 3 places to 4th. Craig (Q) back one to 5th heading a dozen who nabbed the quinella to share 6th. A motley crew of 8 debating the merits of being Timid Terry.

Tassie Tiger $332.90
Porky $332.90
Steve P $229.50
Blind Squirrel $188.40
Craig $183.10
Robert $163.10
Gary $163.10
Black Caviar $163.10
Graeme $163.10
Gordy $163.10
Midnight Caller $163.10
Pete $163.10
Lightning Blue $163.10
Ian $163.10
PJ $163.10
Our Maizcay $163.10
Stevie N $163.10
Maurice $147.00
Anita* $132.10
Gee* $116.00
Punter Pete $109.40
Geoff $55.00
Howie $43.00
Richie $43.00
Ziggy $43.00
Hesi $43.00
Secret Squirrel $43.00
Rob $43.00
Jamison $43.00
Ngakonui Grass $43.00
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THE LUCKY 7 JENLOVE MEMORIAL CUP HTH DRAW (Silver and Bronze honours up for grabs ! - those who can claim those spots are in purple)

Geoff pulls clear of Rob while Gary eases ahead of Maurice. Tassie distances NG as Porky does likewise to Howie while LB lopes past Punter Pete and Gee gallops past Richie. Five HTHs still tied.

Blind Squirrel (8) 188.40 v Ian (17) 163.10

Geoff (6) 55 v Rob (8) 43

Midnight Caller (14) 163.10 v Robert (2) 163.10

Ngakonui Grass (6) 43 v Tassie Tiger (12) 332.90

Black Caviar (20) 163.10 v Anita* (12) 132.10

Our Maizcay (14) 163.10 v Steve P (8) 229.50

Craig (12) 183.10 v PJ (10) 163.10

Secret Squirrel (10) 43 v Hesi (8) 43

Gary (8) 163.10 v Maurice (15) 147

Lightning Blue (8) 163.10 v Punter Pete (10) 109.40

Jamison (14) 43 v Ziggy (12) 43

Howie (12) 43 v Porky (14) 332.90

Graeme (12) 163.10 v Gordy (14) 163.10

Pete (12) 163.10 v Stevie N (6) 163.10

Richie (12) 43 v Gee* (6) 116

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