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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Blind Squirrel (0) v Pete (0)

Jamison (4) v Rex (2)

Graeme (0) v Black Caviar (2)

Porky (0) v Geoff (2)

Craig (4) v Gee (0)

Steve P (2) v Jen (4)

Punter Pete (4) v Gary (2)

Maurice (4) v Our Maizcay (2)

Ian (2) v Lightning Blue (0)

Midnight Caller (2) v Rees (0)

PJ (0) v Anita (2)

Gordy (2) v Tassie Tiger (2)

Secret Squirrel (2) v Stevie N (0)

Richie (0) v Rob (0)

Robert (0) v Hesi (2)

Howie (2) v Maria (2)

Ngakonui Grass (0) v Ziggy (2)

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 1 - Rotorua R5

1st - 13 Bella Waters W-$14.60 P-$4.40

2nd - 2 Aljay P-$2.90

3rd - 6 Elegant Lady P-$3.50

Q - $63.80

TF - $1277.90

Scr: 15

Eliminated: -

Arawa Park hits hard as nearly a third of the field (11) lose a life in the first where Graeme bags a beaut BB on the Lindsay longshot and adds the 3rd place divvy to shoot away to an impressive lead. Punter Pate also tips 1st/3rd to trail while Rob and Rex also label the Pukekohe visitor with Richie (2nd/3rd BB) next. Gonna be a short day for some I am thinking...

Graeme $450.00
Punter Pete $225.00
Rob $190.00
Rex $190.00
Richie $128.00
Tassie Tiger $64.00
Jamison $64.00
Maurice $58.00
Jen $35.00
Steve P $35.00
Lightning Blue $35.00
Porky $35.00
Craig $35.00
Gee $35.00
Anita $35.00
Black Caviar $35.00
Ngakonui Grass $29.00
Rees $29.00
Ian $29.00
Our Maizcay $29.00
PJ $29.00
Secret Squirrel $29.00
Robert $29.00
Blind Squirrel* $0.00
Gary* $0.00
Pete* $0.00
Midnight Caller* $0.00
Hesi* $0.00
Gordy* $0.00
Stevie N* $0.00
Ziggy* $0.00
Howie* $0.00
Geoff* $0.00
Maria* $0.00
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Blind Squirrel* (0) 0 v Pete* (0) 0

Jamison (4) 64 v Rex (2) 190

Graeme (0) 450 v Black Caviar (2) 35

Porky (0) 35 v Geoff* (2) 0

Craig (4) 35 v Gee (0) 35

Steve P (2) 35 v Jen (4) 35

Punter Pete (4) 225 v Gary* (2) 0

Maurice (4) 58 v Our Maizcay (2) 29

Ian (2) 29 v Lightning Blue (0) 35

Midnight Caller* (2) 0 v Rees (0) 29

PJ (0) 29 v Anita (2) 35

Gordy* (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 64

Secret Squirrel (2) 29 v Stevie N* (0) 0

Richie (0) 128 v Rob (0) 190

Robert (0) 29 v Hesi* (2) 0

Howie* (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 0

Ngakonui Grass (0) 29 v Ziggy* (2) 0

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 2 - Rotorua R6

1st - 1 Ata Rangi W-$11.70 P-$4.00

2nd - 7 Roc Dancer P-$3.00

3rd - 12 Charlbury P-$9.20

Q - $38.60

TF - $3700.00

Scr: 15-17

Eliminated: - Midnight Caller,Gordy, Howie

We lose 3 at just the second hurdle as Gary and Hesi go from last to first with BB quinellas pushing Graeme back to 3rd. Jammo (Q), Richie (1st) followed by Maurice and Anita (quinellas both) head the rest. Lives lost by Craig, Rob, Gee, Rex, Jen, LB and former leader Graeme ! A quartet are fighting over the Timid Terry shirt.... lunchtime for PJ

Gary* $451.20
Hesi* $451.20
Graeme* $450.00
Jamison $289.60
Richie $285.00
Maurice $283.60
Anita $260.60
Punter Pete $255.00
Maria* $225.60
Ngakonui Grass $213.00
Rob* $190.00
Rex* $190.00
Ian $186.00
Robert $186.00
Blind Squirrel* $157.00
Pete* $157.00
Tassie Tiger $94.00
Steve P $65.00
Porky $65.00
Black Caviar $65.00
Rees $59.00
Our Maizcay $59.00
PJ $59.00
Secret Squirrel $59.00
Jen* $35.00
Lightning Blue* $35.00
Craig* $35.00
Gee* $35.00
Stevie N* $30.00
Ziggy* $30.00
Geoff* $30.00
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Blind Squirrel* (0) 157 v Pete* (0) 157

Jamison (4) 289.60. v Rex* (2) 190

Graeme* (0) 450 v Black Caviar (2) 65

Porky (0) 65 v Geoff* (2) 30

Craig* (4) 35 v Gee* (0) 35

Steve P (2) 65 v Jen* (4) 35

Punter Pete (4) 255 v Gary* (2) 451.20

Maurice (4) 283.60 v Our Maizcay (2) 59

Ian (2) 186 v Lightning Blue* (0) 35

Midnight Caller (2) 0 v Rees (0) 59

PJ (0) 59 v Anita (2) 260.60

Gordy (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 94

Secret Squirrel (2) 59 v Stevie N* (0) 30

Richie (0) 285 v Rob* (0) 190

Robert (0) 186 v Hesi* (2) 451.20

Howie (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 225.60

Ngakonui Grass (0) 213 v Ziggy* (2) 30

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 3 - Rotorua R7

1st - 6 Karman Line W-$11.40 P-$3.00

2nd - 1 La Crique P-$1.40

3rd - 3 Imprevu P-$3.90

Q - $9.70

TF - $342.80

Scr: 5

Eliminated: - Hesi,Jen, Rex

We lose 3 including co-leader Hesi as Stevie N strikes the first trifecta of the day to rocket to the lead ! Gary (2nd) holds second ahead of Graeme (2nd also), Richie (Q) and Anita (Q also). La Crique saves the bacon for a few...

Stevie N* $579.50
Gary* $465.20
Graeme* $464.00
Richie $452.70
Anita $428.30
Gee* $401.00
Jamison $342.60
Blind Squirrel* $324.70
Maurice $297.60
Punter Pete $269.00
Ngakonui Grass $252.00
Maria* $239.60
Steve P $232.70
Our Maizcay $226.70
Rob* $204.00
Ian $200.00
Robert $200.00
Pete* $185.00
Craig* $179.00
Secret Squirrel $165.00
Tassie Tiger $108.00
Porky $79.00
Black Caviar $79.00
Rees $73.00
PJ $73.00
Geoff* $58.00
Lightning Blue* $49.00
Ziggy* $44.00
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Blind Squirrel* (0) 324.70 v Pete* (0) 185

Jamison (4) 342.60. v Rex (2) 0

Graeme* (0) 464 v Black Caviar (2) 79

Porky (0) 79 v Geoff* (2) 58

Craig* (4) 179 v Gee* (0) 401

Steve P (2) 232.70 v Jen (4) 0

Punter Pete (4) 269 v Gary* (2) 465.20

Maurice (4) 297.60 v Our Maizcay (2) 226.70

Ian (2) 200 v Lightning Blue* (0) 49

Midnight Caller (2) 0 v Rees (0) 73

PJ (0) 73 v Anita (2) 428.30

Gordy (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 108

Secret Squirrel (2) 165 v Stevie N* (0) 579.50

Richie (0) 452.70 v Rob* (0) 204

Robert (0) 200 v Hesi (2) 0

Howie (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 239.60

Ngakonui Grass (0) 252 v Ziggy* (2) 44

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 4 - Morphettville R4

1st - 1 Positivity W-$2.30 P-$1.40

2nd - 2 Zambezi Khan P-$2.30

3rd - 5 Gotta Go Guru P-$3.00

Q - $8.10

TF - $87.10

Scr: nil

Eliminated: - Rob

We lose Rob but no other lives lost as Maurice snags the trifecta to hove up to 6th but Stevie N (Q) still leads Gary (1st/3rd), Graeme (1st/3rd), Richie (Q) and Anita (Q) who all hold station. Jammo holds 7th with a BB quinella, heading the rest. Rees is now Timid Terry. Only Stevie N already in profit. The top 10 score points remember

Stevie N* $647.60
Gary* $532.20
Graeme* $531.00
Richie $520.80
Anita $496.40
Maurice $482.80
Jamison $478.80
Gee* $454.00
Blind Squirrel* $361.70
Punter Pete $337.10
Maria* $306.60
Ngakonui Grass $289.00
Steve P $269.70
Robert $268.10
Pete* $253.10
Our Maizcay $249.70
Craig* $247.10
Ian $237.00
Secret Squirrel $202.00
Tassie Tiger $175.00
Porky $146.00
Black Caviar $146.00
PJ $141.10
Ziggy* $97.00
Rees $96.00
Geoff* $95.00
Lightning Blue* $79.00
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Blind Squirrel* (0) 361.70 v Pete* (0) 253.10

Jamison (4) 478.80. v Rex (2) 0

Graeme* (0) 531 v Black Caviar (2) 146

Porky (0) 146 v Geoff* (2) 95

Craig* (4) 247.10 v Gee* (0) 454

Steve P (2) 269.70 v Jen (4) 0

Punter Pete (4) 337.10 v Gary* (2) 532.20

Maurice (4) 482.80 v Our Maizcay (2) 249.70

Ian (2) 237 v Lightning Blue* (0) 79

Midnight Caller (2) 0 v Rees (0) 96

PJ (0) 141.10 v Anita (2) 496.40

Gordy (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 175

Secret Squirrel (2) 202 v Stevie N* (0) 647.60

Richie (0) 520.80 v Rob (0) 0

Robert (0) 268.10 v Hesi (2) 0

Howie (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 306.60

Ngakonui Grass (0) 289 v Ziggy* (2) 97

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 5 - Morphettville R6

1st - 9 Boognish W-$10.80 P-$3.80

2nd - 19 Right to Party P-$3.90

3rd - 4 Grey River P-$2.70

Q - $70.20

TF - $1187.00

Scr: 8,12

Eliminated: - Geoff, Blind Squirrel, Lightning Blue, Pete

We lose 4 more and Punter Pete, Secret Squirrel, Rees, Porky, Richie and NG are now on their last chance. Graeme seizes the lead with a 1st/3rd collect from Stevie N (only 3rd) while Anita moves up to 3rd with the winner while Gary (only 3rd) drops to 4th ahead of Jammo (2nd/3rd) and Richie (who missed). PJ handed the Timid Terry jersey. 13 of 23 survivors on their last chance.

Graeme* $704.00
Stevie N* $674.60
Anita $642.40
Gary* $559.20
Jamison $544.80
Richie* $520.80
Maurice $509.80
Gee* $493.00
Maria* $452.60
Our Maizcay $422.70
Punter Pete* $337.10
Craig* $301.10
Steve P $296.70
Robert $295.10
Ngakonui Grass* $289.00
Ian $276.00
Tassie Tiger $202.00
Secret Squirrel* $202.00
Black Caviar $200.00
PJ $195.10
Ziggy* $151.00
Porky* $146.00
Rees* $96.00
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Blind Squirrel (0) 0 v Pete (0) 0

Jamison (4) 544.80. v Rex (2) 0

Graeme* (0) 704 v Black Caviar (2) 200

Porky* (0) 146 v Geoff (2) 0

Craig* (4) 301.10 v Gee* (0) 493

Steve P (2) 296.70 v Jen (4) 0

Punter Pete* (4) 337.10 v Gary* (2) 559.20

Maurice (4) 509.80 v Our Maizcay (2) 422.70

Ian (2) 276 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Midnight Caller (2) 0 v Rees* (0) 96

PJ (0) 195.10 v Anita (2) 642.40

Gordy (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 202

Secret Squirrel* (2) 202 v Stevie N* (0) 674.60

Richie* (0) 520.80 v Rob (0) 0

Robert (0) 295.10 v Hesi (2) 0

Howie (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 452.60

Ngakonui Grass* (0) 289 v Ziggy* (2) 151

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Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 6 - Morphettville R7

1st - 17 En Francais W-$18.00 P-$4.50

2nd - 11 Jimmy The Bear P-$1.70

3rd - 6 Chicago Storm P-$2.90

Q - $35.40

TF - $652.20

Scr: 1,5,18

Eliminated: - Ziggy, Craig, Punter Pete

Another three fall by the wayside as Gee finds the Puissance de Lune winner to leap up to 2nd behind leader Graeme (3rd only). Stevie N, Anita (both 2nd)and Gary (2nd/3rd) all drop a place as do Jammo (2nd/3rd) and Richie (2nd). Rees (last up to 11th) snags the quinella to begin a late run. Steve P and Our Maizcay lose a life.

Graeme* $733.00
Gee* $718.00
Stevie N* $691.60
Anita $659.40
Gary* $605.20
Jamison $590.80
Richie* $537.80
Maurice $526.80
Maria* $469.60
Our Maizcay* $422.70
Rees* $373.40
Robert $312.10
Ngakonui Grass* $306.00
Steve P* $296.70
Ian $293.00
Black Caviar $246.00
Porky* $238.00
Tassie Tiger $219.00
Secret Squirrel* $219.00
PJ $212.10
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Blind Squirrel (0) 0 v Pete (0) 0

Jamison (4) 590.80. v Rex (2) 0

Graeme* (0) 733 v Black Caviar (2) 246

Porky* (0) 238 v Geoff (2) 0

Craig (4) 0 v Gee* (0) 718

Steve P* (2) 296.70 v Jen (4) 0

Punter Pete (4) 0 v Gary* (2) 605.20

Maurice (4) 526.80 v Our Maizcay* (2) 422.70

Ian (2) 293 v Lightning Blue (0) 0

Midnight Caller (2) 0 v Rees* (0) 373.40

PJ (0) 212.10 v Anita (2) 659.40

Gordy (2) 0 v Tassie Tiger (2) 219

Secret Squirrel* (2) 219 v Stevie N* (0) 691.60

Richie* (0) 537.80 v Rob (0) 0

Robert (0) 312.10 v Hesi (2) 0

Howie (2) 0 v Maria* (2) 469.60

Ngakonui Grass* (0) 306 v Ziggy (2) 0

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Last race selections:

Graeme*     $733.00 2-9-11
Gee*     $718.00 3-9-16
Stevie N*     $691.60 2-9-15 BB
Anita     $659.40 2-6-15 BB
Gary*     $605.20 2-4-6
Jamison     $590.80 10-11-16
Richie*     $537.80 2-6-7
Maurice     $526.80 2-6-7
Maria*     $469.60 7-9-15 BB
Our Maizcay*     $422.70 2-6-7 BB
Rees*     $373.40 2-8-15 BB
Robert     $312.10 2-6-7 BB
Ngakonui Grass*     $306.00 4-8-17
Steve P*     $296.70 6-7-15 BB
Ian     $293.00 2-7-16 BB
Black Caviar     $246.00 2-7-15
Porky*     $238.00 6-7-15
Tassie Tiger     $219.00 2-7-15 BB
Secret Squirrel*     $219.00 2-6-15
PJ     $212.10 6-7-15

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(sorry for the stuff up)

Lucky Seven Round 3 - Sat May 11

Comp Race 7 - Morphettville R8

1st - 7 Benedetta W-$5.70 P-$2.00

2nd - 17 Stretan Angel P-$6.20

3rd - 3 Climbing Star P-$5.00

Q - $91.40

TF - $1668.80

Scr: 1,14

Eliminated: - Secret Squirrel, Gary, Graeme, Rees, Stevie N

A sensational finish to Round 3 as two of the top 3 are eliminated in the last leaving the win to Gee (well done !) - who tipped the 3rd horse in the last to get him home. Anita missed in the last but took second over Maria who bagged a BB on the winner. Richie tipped the winner to take 4th with Maurice (1st also), Jamison (a miss) and Our Maizcay (1st BB) completing the top seven who all added a bonus point for a profit. Robert, Steve P and Ian probably all surprised to find themselves in the points. PJ takes home the Timid Terry jersey, one of only a half dozen not to lose a life all day. Next week we go to Trentham and Doomben. Thanks for playing

Gee* $768.00
Anita* $659.40
Maria* $623.60
Richie* $614.80
Maurice $603.80
Jamison* $590.80
Our Maizcay* $576.70
Robert $466.10
Steve P* $450.70
Ian $447.00
Tassie Tiger $373.00
Ngakonui Grass* $368.00
Black Caviar $323.00
Porky* $315.00
PJ $289.10
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