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Election 2023 ????


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Smile for the camera Barry, this time they will have Winston sticking it up them from inside a coalition.  To be honest you have to see the funny side of it, what is worse a Labour/Greens/Maori hotch potch or a Nat/ACT/Winston clown show

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57 minutes ago, Hesi said:

Smile for the camera Barry, this time they will have Winston sticking it up them from inside a coalition.  To be honest you have to see the funny side of it, what is worse a Labour/Greens/Maori hotch potch or a Nat/ACT/Winston clown show

If you think the present government is bad wait until TPM get anywhere near the levers of power.

If you're white you're basically fucked.

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Anyway I'll say this now. Polls are all well and good but my prediction is that the Labour vote will collapse even further and the Greens won't get as many votes as the polls predict.

The main reasoning behind this is that most of the dropkicks who say they'll vote for them when a pollster calls won't be bothered to get off their lazy arses and be bothered to vote.

If Peters gets to decide the government again I can honestly say that this country is well and truly fucked.

How is it democratic to have a party that polls 6-8% deciding who gets to be the government?

MMP is a really stinking turd of a voting system.

I feel better after writing that.

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1 hour ago, pete said:

Anyway I'll say this now. Polls are all well and good but my prediction is that the Labour vote will collapse even further and the Greens won't get as many votes as the polls predict.

The main reasoning behind this is that most of the dropkicks who say they'll vote for them when a pollster calls won't be bothered to get off their lazy arses and be bothered to vote.

If Peters gets to decide the government again I can honestly say that this country is well and truly fucked.

How is it democratic to have a party that polls 6-8% deciding who gets to be the government?

MMP is a really stinking turd of a voting system.

I feel better after writing that.

The stinking turds Pete are the politicians who would sell their soul (or their mother to get the treasury benches).  If they had any scruples at all and Nat/ACT cannot form a government, then they should call another election.  But no, even Luxon has caved in and said he would ring Peters if he had to, with some mealy mouthed excuse about doing whatever it took to get a change of government, without any regard to what kind of mickey mouse stitch up it might be.

At least Hipkins has had the strength of character to not compromise his principles

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Perhaps a change to electoral law, whereby only the party polling the highest party vote has the right to try and form a government.  That would not stop what is looking like could happen this election, but it would have prevented the 2017 situation.

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6 hours ago, Hesi said:

The stinking turds Pete are the politicians who would sell their soul (or their mother to get the treasury benches).  If they had any scruples at all and Nat/ACT cannot form a government, then they should call another election.  But no, even Luxon has caved in and said he would ring Peters if he had to, with some mealy mouthed excuse about doing whatever it took to get a change of government, without any regard to what kind of mickey mouse stitch up it might be.

At least Hipkins has had the strength of character to not compromise his principles

I wouldn't be a tiny bit surprised if Hipkins suddenly compromised his 'principles' if the circumstances allow it.

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7 hours ago, Hesi said:

Perhaps a change to electoral law, whereby only the party polling the highest party vote has the right to try and form a government.  That would not stop what is looking like could happen this election, but it would have prevented the 2017 situation.

I think that is a good option, and already happens in Europe somewhere.  Germany?  I'm not sure.

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Winston will almost certainly be the 'kingmaker' following this year's election.
National, mustering every ounce of incompetence they can, are doing their very best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
The latest well-publicised "slipperiness" / "trickiness" around what Hipkins describes as the tax break "scam" has dealt a further blow to National's fragile credibility.
The way things are heading, National will be the worst-credentialled ever major party into an incoming NZ Government.
And as for Labour, on law and order alone they have justified their significant fall-from-grace.
Police Minister Ginny Andersen today, in the wake of the New Windsor dairy stabbing, says that police will be given more tools to do their job. This is a complete nonsense. Police are not the problem. The New Windsor dairy offender was out on electronic bail !! . . . and the police opposed that bail. But they were overruled. And now look what's happened !
When an offender assaults someone with a knife or bottle or machete or suchlike the minimum penalty upon conviction should be 15 years jail.. no ifs, no buts, no discounts.  Labour . . . far, far too weak, and in a week's time they will pay a price for that.
I'll be voting ACT, because they at least want to lock away violent offenders, take them out of circulation, though the time out of circulation needs to be a whole, whole lot more than it currently is.

Edited by Howard Atkinson
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The dude, who assaulted a guy with a samurai sword over something to do with road rage, causing horrific life changing injuries, got 10 months home detention!!!!!!!!

They are all the same, I would have had a lot of respect for Luxon if he just said no to Peters, and said call another election unless he gets an absolute mandate, but he is just the same as the rest.  Power hungry, thinking they can change the world if they can get the Treasury benches, not realising, the end does not justify the means

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Don’t follow the political stuff, but a mate who is heavily involved tells me the political world on election night will circle around NZ Party 8 seats. Another revisit with Winston in charge.

Have no interest at all, but surprised and my mate gets it very right so should I be worried … don’t know

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16 minutes ago, Turny said:

Don’t follow the political stuff, but a mate who is heavily involved tells me the political world on election night will circle around NZ Party 8 seats. Another revisit with Winston in charge.

Have no interest at all, but surprised and my mate gets it very right so should I be worried … don’t know

Yes you should Tom. The Great Charlatan has the country over a barrel again.


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10 minutes ago, barryb said:

F—- off Hesi, it’s obvious you are still voting communist or green.

it’s ——- like you that have cost me mega $ in tax to fund layabout f——- losers. 
I grew up in a state house in Masterton in a crime ridden area, it’s called the GOYA principle, get off your arse, stop being a f—-ing victim and make something of your life, this is the land of equal rights and opportunity if you choose not to be a victim.

You seem to intelligent to be from the Wairarapa Barry. 

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1 hour ago, barryb said:

F—- off Hesi, it’s obvious you are still voting communist or green.

it’s ——- like you that have cost me mega $ in tax to fund layabout f——- losers. 
I grew up in a state house in Masterton in a crime ridden area, it’s called the GOYA principle, get off your arse, stop being a f—-ing victim and make something of your life, this is the land of equal rights and opportunity if you choose not to be a victim.

Interestingly, my first job out of university was at a place called Goya(also known as Trimol Laboratories).  Many well known products such as Meadowsong(what the world used to smell like before we all went mad), Cossack(Joel Garner, no sweat man), Aeroblast(kills them on the wing), Janola (even met Jan and Nola) and of course Loxene Shampoo(Loxene Golden Disc awards).


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Finally some noise from the Nats about a second election.

A lot of Nat supporters, very aggrieved at the thought of being held to ransom again by Peters, and fair enough.

I believe Luxon made a tactical error in saying he would pick up the phone and talk to Peters if needed, and he is starting to back track on that now.

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Just an aside, have a friend staying over and we decided to put up our predictions for the party vote percentage (friend in brackets), because as you say it is only about party vote percentage

Mine was

National 33% (30)

Labour  29%(32)

Greens 14%(14)

ACT 8%(10)

NZ First 8%(6)

Maori 3%(4)

The reality is Barry, as you say it is still going to be bs with a 3-party coalition.

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3 minutes ago, Hesi said:

Just an aside, have a friend staying over and we decided to put up our predictions for the party vote percentage (friend in brackets), because as you say it is only about party vote percentage

Mine was

National 33% (30)

Labour  29%(32)

Greens 14%(14)

ACT 8%(10)

NZ First 8%(6)

Maori 3%(4)

The reality is Barry, as you say it is still going to be bs with a 3-party coalition.

You might want to be careful posting anything like this today. Stupid law but that's what it is.

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5 minutes ago, barryb said:

Faith is restored, the polls were shit.

the shocker of the night was Chloe Swarbrick & her lunatic speech, Manama no better. They do realise they are in opposition & lost the Govt benches they held?



The Greens are batshit crazy. 

So funny seeing all the 'experts' who called the whole thing wrong.

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