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The Race Place

brown fox

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brown fox last won the day on September 17

brown fox had the most liked content!

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  1. R1-1X2 R2-2X8BB R3-4X7 R4-2X4 R5-7X8 R6-1X3 R7-6X12BB R8-2X4 R9-1X2 R10-6X8 Thanks P.J. And good luck Squirrel🦊
  2. R1-3X5 R2-8X9BB R3-3X7 R4-4X11 R5-3X6 R6-12X18 R7-4X8BB R8-1X6 R9-6X7 R10-7X13 Thanks P.J.Finally a lovely sunny day here.Hopefully the wife doesn't find too many things that need doing outside Ellerslie 1x2 5x12bb 10x11 5x11 9x12
  3. brown fox

    TAB website

    Anyone know anything about this? I still get 1 to 4 so they know a loser when they see him😏
  4. Still on the other channel.
  5. Good game last night but what will stick in my mind was the little English winger stepping through and around tacklers with no room to spare.😍
  6. R1-3X4BB R2-2X4 R3-3X7 R4-3X5 R5-1X6 R6-6X7 R7-2X13 R8-1X15 R9-1X6 R10-9X11BB Thanks P.J.
  7. Looks like the Kats really bring out the best in their opponents Three in the unfortunate five🙈
  8. Well done Chiefs.Way too good today
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