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Sir Gallivant

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Sir Gallivant last won the day on October 20 2023

Sir Gallivant had the most liked content!

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  1. Thanks PJ, great work as usual especially having to sort out the late scr of Skybird. Despite the narrow loss, what a great effort team, brilliant from team captain Sharne, very unlucky Anita missing by just five dollars but driving us over the profit line and with more dollars than our ops, very wellthought out Joker play Sharne, Thanks for a great match Craig, we certainly see-sawed our way through the match 😊
  2. Good Morning PJ, Good Morning Team, tough day ahead. WANGANUI 1) R3 # 5 - 6 2) R4 # 5 - 7 3) R5 # 2 - 7 4) R6 # 1 - 5 BB 5) R7 # 1 - 3 CAULFIELD 6) R5 # 2 - 7 7) R6 # 1 - 9 8} R7 # 8 - 12 9) R8 # 11 - 13 BB 10) R9 # 3 - 7 THANKS PJ Have a good day. Good Luck Craig, not that you will need much especially when you call us Stray Cats 🙃
  3. Te Rapa 1) R4 # 3-4 2) R5 # 3-5 3) R6 # 12-14 BB 4) R7 # 3-9 5) R8 # 10-12 Randwick 6) R6 # 6-13 7) R7 # 8-14 8] R8 # 6-9 9) R9 # 10-11 10) R10 # 7-9 BB Thanks PJ Good Luck Heather GO WELL TEAM.
  4. r 1 2-5 r 2 3-4 BB r 3 5-10 r 4 2-4 r 5 3-4 r 6 5-7 r 7 1-3 BB r 8 5-8 r 9 2-8 r 10 4-9 Thanks PJ Good Luck All
  5. Hi Team Kauri Cats. Morning PJ Riccarton 1) R2. 1-4 2) R3. 2-12 3) R6. 1-3 4) R7. 2-3 BB Randwick. 5) R4. 1-8 Riccarton. 6) R9. 5-6 Randwick. 7) R7 1-12 8] R8 3-10 9) R9 2-7 10) R10 6-12 Thanks PJ, Have a good day. Good Luck Gary. Thanks Sharne, please check and replace any scratchings, Thanks. Have a good day to Sharne. 🌝
  6. I was teasing you buddy, I well know you have always been there for me.🌝
  7. Geese I didn't even rate a mention must be scared of me !!!🌝
  8. Anywhere, Thanks PJ, I finally going home from hospital after 2 months stay.
  9. My sincere condolences Roland on the very sad loss of Jennifer. Like many on here Jen will be missed by us all. I certainly will miss checking out her picks in all PJ's comps. My thoughts are with you and your family. Rex.
  10. So long, Farewell, Goodbyeeeee. GOOD LUCK JAMMO hope u survive.
  11. damn up against that darn cat 🤣
  12. Good Afternoon All. Hope you are fully recovered PJ. My Lucky 7 or could be unlucky!!! ROTORUA R5 #'s 10 X 11 X 13 R6 #'s 9 X 11 X 14 R7 #'s 12 X 13 X 14 MORPHETVILLE R4 #'s 8 X 10 X12 R6 #'s 3 X 6 X 17 BB R7 #'s 2 X 11 X 17 R8 #'s 1 X 6 X 15 Thanks PJ.
  13. Thankyou PJ for your time and fantastic comp.
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