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Godzstar1 last won the day on May 17

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  1. Here are my throw at dartboard...looks a fair minefield on iffy Wanganui track! WECANDOOSIT!! knobble those crafty KATS in de bush put on camouflage and distract 'em!! r1=-2x8 r2=-4x6 r3=-1x7 r4=-2x10 r5=-2x7 BB r6=-1x2 r7=-1x8 r8=-2x12 r9=-11x13 10=-6x7 BB Cheers and thanks! a Little luck to your mob SHARNE BUT WEGOTTHIS ONE in da bag!!
  2. PJ Scratching Te Rapa R7=-10 out 3 in please!! thanks!
  3. Here are my selections to bamboozle the low flying MAGPIES outfit and "LETSFACETHEMUSIC" and CANWEDOOSIT!? OF COURSEWECAN! just nutted last week and i am up against a worthy opponent in IAN but i think i can out pick him today!! R1=- 2x4 R2=- 4x7 R3=- 3x10 R4=- 5x7 R5=- 4x9 R6=- 7x9 BB R7=- 3x7 R8=- 5x11 R9=- 2x8 10=- 1x11 BB. many thanks P.J! Let's go team WEGOTTHIS!!
  4. I is in me Valiant12.
  5. R1 - 1x2x8 R2 - 3x4x6 R3 - 1x12x13 R4 - 5x8x19 R5 - 1x12x13 R6 - 10x11x13 R7 - 7x10x11 BB. 1a - 1x4x6 3a - 1x4x8 4a - 3x6x7 many thanks P.J.!
  6. Looks to me maybe PAIROA
  7. R1- 3x6x7 R2- 2x3x4 R3- 1x7x11 R4- 4x7x8 R5-2x7x11 R6-2x6x7 R7-1x2x7 BB R1a-1x4x7 R2a-2x3x5 R3a-6x7x11 R4a-4x6x10 R5a-5x6x8 R6a-8x9x13 R7a-10x11x15 BB many thanks P.J!
  8. Rob for HIGHLANDERS once more thanks P.J!
  9. R1 =-2x3x5 R2 =-1x3x5 R4 =-11x12x13 Cheers PJ
  10. PJ i actually got 1st n 2nd Quinella!!?? did you pay it?? thanks!
  11. Posting early as out of town for day. taking friend to hospital appointment!! R1 - 1x2x9 R2 - 1x2x11 R3 - 2x11x12 R4 - 4x6x7 R5 - 3x4x11 R6 - 3x8x10 R7 - 2x7x17 BB 1a - 4x5x6 2a - 9x10x12 3a - 3x9x10 bb Thanks PJ. Hope i still alive after New Plymouth mudders!
  12. R1 - 2x4x8 R2 - 2x6x7 R3 - 1x4x6 R4 - 2x5x7 R5 - 2x11x19 R6 - 2x13x18 R7 - 2x5x8 bb 1a 1x4x6 2a - 3x4x6 3a - 2x3x8 4a - 5x12x13 bb Thanks P.J. 5a -1x2x14 6a-8x10x12 7a-3x8x13 bb cheers!
  13. R1 -2x4x5 R2 -3x4x5 R3 -2x4x8 R4 -2x3x4 R5 -2x5x8 R6 -3 x8x13 R7 -2x5x6 BB HASTINGS! 1a -4x5x7 2a -2x5x6 3a -3x4x10 BB many thanks!!
  14. R1 1x3x4 R2 1x2x4 R3 1x6x7 R4 3x5x9 R5 5x7x11 R6 3x13x15 R7 5x12x19 BB Ruakaka! 1a 3- 2x4x5 2a 6-4x7x11 3a 7-3x8x10 4a 9-7x9x14 BB Many thanks!!
  15. T6: 2x6x8 T8: 6x7x11 T9: 4x6x8 Ip6: 2x5x12 Ip7: 1x4x14 Ip8: 3x9x12 Ip9: 6x13x14 BB Many thanks!!
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